Paranormal Features
Posted: April 15, 2013
Against my better judgment I decided it was time to visit Zano again. Might have had something to do with the constant “Hey, Bald Tony, I’ve visited you 635 times since you last visited me!” Well, I do enjoy Flagstaff. It is not as fully loaded as Vegas, but it more than holds its own as a great little tourist town…despite Zano’s residency there.
Posted: October 29, 2009
This yarn is embellished approximately one-to-five percent due to age-related cognitive-decline, also known in certain Discord circles as Dave Atsals’ Syndrome (DAS). This tale is going to sound fictitious, like many of my stories, but I can assure you that those who knew me in the eighties and nineties would understand. You see, I settled down in the twenty-first century, when Dean Moriarty somehow morphed quietly into Ward Cleaver. Anyway, back in the Bruce Springsteenesque glory days, the night was dark and stormy. OK, the moon was very full, which may or may not have inspired me to dress like Lon Cheney’s version of the Wolfman. You know, old school. This was before American Werewolf in London, before Underworld, or even before Old School, for that matter. Back in those days we only had Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, and Warren Zevon to frighten us. If that didn’t work, my GPA usually did the trick.
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