Jurassic Ark?

Petersburg, KY—Evangelicals have wrestled with the mounds of overwhelming Bible-conflicting data that dinosaurs roamed the Earth long before Jesus.  To their credit, some of these Christianists have successfully married vast quantities of conflicting dogma. You can learn all about these stunning revelations with a two day pass to the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY.  The price tag is only $29.95, which is recommended, because it’s a lot of bullshit to swallow in just one day.  Creation Museumists posit that two of each dinosaur went with Noah on his fateful journey to Atlantis (OK, I never read the Bible, but I have rented Life of Brian twice).  The museum even features a saddled dinosaur that kids can ride, just like Jesus did (like Jesus would ever pay the cover).

Who could forget when Jesus said, “Blessed are the Meekasaurs.”

What compounds the Creation Museum’s Jurassic Ark Theory (JAT) is the recent discovery of some super-sized dinosaurs in South America, circa 100 million years ago (Christian translation = last Tuesday).  The average brontosaurus is about the size of four elephants, but Argentinosaurus was apparently the biggest land animal ever and was closer to one of those Lord of the Rings’ Olyphants.  To house two of each kind of these newly discovered monsters, Dr. Sterling Hogbein, of the Hogbein Institute and Humidor, estimates Noah’s Ark would have to be “really fucking big.”

Dr. Hogbein, most known for his anthropological binge drinking, also had this to say: “Argentinosaurus, no doubt, posed some engineering challenges for Noah that could only be explained by divine intervention.  Oh…”

What is the Southwest’s Fascination with Jerky and Will They Get Over It?

Mick Zano

Since moving to the great American southwest, I have grown increasingly troubled by some of the local customs, color, and culinary transgressions associated with the high-desert peoples.  Normally, the thought of stopping at a jerky stand would never even enter my consciousness, but here, in the land of dirt, dust, and more dirt, I can not help but notice any and every business I pass in my travels, mainly because I’ve only seen four of them.  Somewhat disturbing was the moment I realized that the scant few ‘establishments’ found outside of civilization’s kindly influence involve a suspiciously high amount of jerky.  Two jerky related incidents struck me with considerable angst in recent weeks.  The first occurred north of Phoenix in a town called North of Phoenix where a fat man with a straw hat sat in the blazing heat selling jerky products to passersby.   It was over one hundred degrees at this particular moment in time and this man had no cold beverages to peddle, as if man can subsist on jerky alone.  I’m not just saying that…that’s what his homemade sign read: Man Can Subsist On Jerky Alone.  Granted, this is a free country, but that guy’s life insurance rates should be higher than mine, just on principle. 

Even more disturbing, he kind of reminded me of that guy from Motel Hell. You know, the movie that brought us the timeless passage: It takes all types of critters, to make Farmer Vincent’s fritters. What kind of critteresque roadkill was jerkied-up for my enjoyment on this hot Phoenix afternoon?  What would compel someone to stop at this remote desert jerky stand in the first place?  Is every fifteenth customer thrown into Farmer Vincent’s vat?  Or was the customer-to-vat-count much higher? 

Do you feel jerky, well…do ya?

What point of desperation and depravity could lead a man to eat some unknown jerkied meat-product from a Motel Hell-looking guy?  But then it hit me.  There is nothing, absolutely nothing, between Phoenix and my destination.  This was the proverbial it, as far as choices were concerned.  He had a veritable jerkyopoly.  To complicate matters, my stomach and my curiosity were peaking like Janet Jackson’s tit at a halftime show.  So, I pulled over and I stared at the straw hat wearing Farmer Vincent looking dude through my clip on sunglasses.  He stared back at me warily and somewhere nearby the theme music to Fistful of Jerky whistled through the dunes.  Thankfully, I remembered the granola bar in my glove compartment.  So I waved at the impressive stranger and turned my Explorer back onto the Carefree Highway.  One would pretty much have to be on a road called the Carefree Highway to chance the dietary unknowns associated with private jerky stand in the middle of Nowhere, AZ (Actually, in retrospect, Nowhere, AZ, was about fifty miles northwest).

My second, and arguably worst, desert jerky encounter (DJE) came complete with much fear and loathing amidst a Vegas trip to see fellow Discordian, the Great Bald One himself.  A typical road trip for me back east involved stopping enroute at every coffee shop and brew pub, where I would often write witty articles blissfully devoid of any and all jerky products.  It once took Pokey McDooris and I three days to make it the hundred miles from State College, PA to Harrisburg, PA.  We were actually shooting for Philadelphia, but never made it further than a brewpub called Bube’s Brewery (best of both worlds).  But here, in the Valley of the Sun, well, just north of the Valley of the Sun, my road trips tended to involve (gulp) driving to my destination. 

Here in northern Arizona piss breaks usually involve cactuses (if I’m alone), or the electric window (if I’m not).  For my first trip to Vegas I wanted to stop somewhere along the two hundred and fifty mile trip and get something iced or brewed or maybe even some non-jerky-related sustenance.  The only thing between Kingman, AZ and Las Vegas, NV, a two hour haul, was a stand on the west side of the highway called Rosie’s Jerky Mart, or some such place for all of your jerky needs.   I’m not just saying that, that’s what the sign said: A Place for All of Your Jerky Needs.  OK, I’m making that part up (won’t be the last time). 

This was the only place on the way to Vegas? This?  It looked downright dangerous, and I have been known to blunder, nah frequent, some rather unsavory establishments in my time.  Besides, if I needed a jerky it was going to involve a Vegas hooker and some Manishevitz.  Right now, I wanted a friggin beer. 

What is the southwestern fascination with this shit?  Is jerky used for some other purpose in this region?  Do all of the pickup trucks out here have a jerky indicator that blinks on if jerky levels are low?   I felt like a stranger in a strange land. 

The words Rosie’s Jerky Mart, or some such, were, if memory serves, spray-painted onto a large crude sign in the same style, though admittedly more grandiose, as the Motel Hell guy’s truck of business.  There was a small sign that said coffee, but I decided, hell, it’s only another sixteen thousand miles to the next jerky stand. 

I don’t know what I was expecting.  My last trip out this way, involving a man known only as Shag, was no different.  People have said to me, Mick, why did you expect lots of stuff in the middle of the desert?  And to these hypothetical intruders I would reply, it’s not the hundreds of miles between things that are concerning me, it’s what people are choosing to open hundreds of miles between things.  You know, without the kindly influence of civilization, business sense, or even rational thought.  If I stay in this region will I become one of the jerky boys?  I already have a healthy fear of jerky, but each lonely drive through this groovy jumping wasteland brings me closer to that jerking fear (little too Lovecraft?).

Do you feel jerky, well…do ya?

Pelosi Deemed Too Stupid for Any Accountability on Torture

Washington, DC – Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is becoming further embroiled in the Bush/Cheney torture controversy as allegations continue to surface regarding her knowledge of the previous administration’s tactics.  President Obama is defending the Speaker of the House, claiming she could not have possibly known the importance of things told to her.

“After all, she’s an idiot,” explained Obama at a press conference earlier today.  “Her competence is strongly in question.”

According to a memo released by the White House this week, Nancy Pelosi asked only three questions during her CIA briefing on enhanced interrogation techniques.  Two questions involved the previous evening’s episode of American Idol and the third involved her predictions regarding the following week’s episode of American Idol.

President Obama then made the analogy: “You can’t blame Pelosi for torture; it would be like blaming Iraq for 9/11.”

After an awkward silence, Obama went on to explain how Pelosi’s only knowledge of torture is derived from the 1976 movie Marathon Man

“In Pelosi’s small and demented mind,” continued Obama, “no Sir Lawrence Olivier + no dental instruments = no torture.”

Sir Lawrence Olivier, quite dead, was unavailable for comment.

President Obama went on to say, “Look, you can’t expect someone to connect the dots with a broken pencil, no paper, and more air upstairs than one of those open double-decker buses.”

Dissatisfied with the explanation, our own Bald Tony asked two very pointed questions of the President: “If Pelosi is deemed too stupid for any accountability, isn’t this a slipper slope? Couldn’t the same argument then be made to protect Bush from any wrongdoing?”

President Obama dodged the slippery slope analogy by saying this: “Remember what Dick Cheney said to Senator Leahy on the floor back in ‘04?  Pretend I’m Dick Cheney and your Patrick Leahy. M-kay?”

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I read your book Happy Hour Healer: A Shaman’s Ale and I must admit to some confusion.  I normally like stream of consciousness stuff, but what is Midget Reiki, who exactly are the Jersey Chuds, and why do you spend weeks at a time in a bar room toilet trying to contact the Malt Liquor Gods?


Michael Raney

Hagerstown, MD

Dear Michael,

Indeed, I call that style Manic-Binge writing.

First off, Midget Reiki is only for the adept.  A better place to start would be at one of my Yoga Parties. Yo-ga!  Yo-ga!

The Jersey Chuds are minions of the Chaos Pigeons; those feathery adversaries to all that is sacred.   Mick Zano and Dr. Sterling Hogbein have written extensively about them. I would recommend their works, but, as a rule I only plug my own books.

As for your third question: a Shaman’s job is to become in-tune with energies constantly percolating on the energetic plane and then alter those energies prior to their manifestation back here on the earthly plane.  I drink malt liquor products and frequent the men’s room in hopes of one day harnessing the energy of the sacred beer fart (See Fartori Experience). I believe these energies will one day power the unfolding Universe itself.  Pokey McDooris is single-colonly pushing this particular boundary.  What he can do with a burrito and forty ounces of Big Jug Xtra Malt Liquor is legendary.

Hope this helps.

The Ghetto Shaman

How Science Fiction Lost Its Soul and How We Can Beam It Back

Mick Zano

There are many reasons for the decline of science fiction. OK, in all fairness, my version of science fiction. As an avid sci-fi fan who almost never watches the Sci-Fi channel, I’ve started to reflect on where it all went so horribly wrong. There are many culprits. First, the movie Outlander comes to mind.  Outlander, not the Scottish decapitating swordsman dude, but the Sean Connery as an aging space-cop dude, was a sci-fi crossroads of sorts. This movie was simply a cops-and-robbers story set on one of Jupiter’s moons. For the first time, the setting, the actual reason we are watching a science fiction movie in the first place, took a backseat to a space-marshal human drama. Support your local Cylon?

A second crossroads came as Gene Rodenberry passed the torch to Rick Berman, who immediately set to work flying the starship Enterprise into a black hole. He made some god-awful TV shows, on TV show budgets, and called them “movies.”.

Somehow he thought, “Hey these really intelligent, detail-oriented Star Trek freaks won’t notice recycled footage, dumbed-down FX, and poor storylines, right?”

Great thinking there, Rick. This, coming from the same man who brought us Deep Six Space [Deep Space Nine], or, as I like to call it, “Melrose Space,” as it sadly competed for the Melrose Place audience. For those not familiar with Beverly Hills 90210 or Melrose Place, you might know their viewing audience as the cheerleaders who would never date you. This human-drama soap opera always danced around the possibility of a true science fiction storyline, although that rarely happened. Berman decided it’s much easier to have the same actors, the same makeup people, and deal with the same alien races each week.  It’s much too expensive to beam down to a new planet each week, see something novel, blast it out of existence, and then beam home. So, instead, we get the same few Ferengi who are in love with the same few Bajoran. This was beginning of the end for the franchise. Even Enterprise, which tried to go back to the old themes, failed because of its multi-episode, cliffhanging, only-really-interesting-at-the-end-of-the-season, recycled plot gimmicks. AHHHhhhh, AHhhhhhhh! Sorry, I just had a Sam Kinison moment. Was there even one episode of Enterprise where they beamed down to the planet, met the creature creeping around the alien landscape, then had the captain bang something green, rip his shirt, and blast the bad alien into space dust? Even once? My guess is never. So what worked in the first series was never actually tried in the last. 

While I have many concerns with the latest incarnations of the Star Trek, I have to say that The X-Files was the single most destructive force in sci-fi. There were about eight episodes of the TV series that I absolutely loved, which hooked me onto countless, conspiracy-entangled empty hours, none of which can I ever get back. I held out for those wrapped-up-in-one episode gems, where they’d meet the ancient killer bug or hunt the strange alien creatures in the woods. Sadly, nine out of ten episodes were cheaply done cliffhanger rip-offs designed for one purpose: tune in next week to find out another meaningless piece of the meaningless puzzle, kids! And don’t forget to drink Coke. One day, while watching Mulder muddle through yet another dead-end lead, the clouds parted and I remember a voice from the heavens saying, “My god, they don’t know where this is going either!” And I didn’t even care, because I kept waiting for the monster episode, which grew rarer as the series wore on.  

The most recent affront to sci-fi, Battlestar Galactica, borrowed from a lot of these cheats. I’ll grudgingly give the show some credit, as it started with great writing and great special effects, but the space/action soon gave way to human drama, just like all the rest. Human drama, which has nothing to do with space, but is much cheaper to deal with, always creeps in like a Triffid on Amp. It’s the law of diminishing returns: it becomes less about Cylons and more about human-looking Cylons, and then ultimately who is banging the human-looking Cylons.  As a sci-fi traditionalist, I want the women to literally suck the chrome off the bumper, so to speak.  If you’re going to show me robot sex, then let’s get down with something that can suck the chrome off the Millennium Falcon.

Today’s sci-fi shows use trickery to draw you in; then, before you know it, the only worthwhile episodes are the season premiere and the season finale. Luckily, I have a wife who tells me when the first and last episodes air each season. During the commercials, she’ll fill me in on all of the plot gimmicks, sub-themes, and who is inter-galactically banging who. Yes, she has watched every episode of Battlestar Galactica, yet she still calls the bad guys “Zylons”. Women,. I think they are part of the problem. Remember Species? My wife knows every elf in friggin’ Rivendell, including the correct elvish pronunciation, but four years later and the bad guys are still the “Zylons”. She’s lucky she’s cute, and not in any way an android.

While independent movies can be wonderful, these folks need to stay away from sci-fi. I have bad news for you independent film buffs, a.k.a. morons: formula movies work in sci-fi. Endless variations on the same theme trigger wonderful things in our collective psyches. Such formula movies include Night of the Living Dead, Night of the Lepus, Night of the Comet, Night of the Jackal, Day of the Dead, Day of the Triffids, and The Day the Earth Stood Still. Frankly, anything with “day” or “night” in it will work. I will even accept “morning” or “evening,” if you insist on change. The Morning the Robot Badgers Struck; or how about The Evening the Radioactively Enlarged Ice Weasels Ate Yuma. Basically, they come, whoever “they” are, from outer space, but they must land via meteorite, spacecraft, or via solar wind, radiation, or melting ice floes. Atom bombs will work in a pinch. Anyone in the opening scene must die no exceptions.  Bonuses awarded if they are cute scantily clad women.  Some mysterious entity picks off the protagonists, one by one, until the survivors are huddled in some structure or other, be it church, house, bunker, Starbucks, whatever. Oh, and boarding the windows during the end sequence is a must. 

Screw the rest of you trying to pull sci-fi into something other. Refresher course: “other” is typically Melrose Space. Be imaginative, but stick with the theme. Show me something. We are in the outskirts of space. I don’t give a radioactively enlarged rat’s ass who is banging who. If everything must evolve, how about setting that end sequence in a Starbucks? Starbucks even sounds space-appropriate (it worked in Battlestar Galactica). You can have the survivors using cordless screwdrivers to board themselves in, or for super-futuristic, how about laser drills digitally enhanced by Lucas Film?

Bottom line, don’t change what works.  Change what doesn’t work, you know, like Pokey McDooris.

Winslow: Discord to Return to its Glorious Past

Philadelphia PA – Today Pierce Winslow, CEO of the Daily Discord, announced that the ezine would be re-running the best of their past postings in a new forum “Distinguished Discord, the Best Of“.

“We are very excited to release some of our best material in a single location,” said Winslow, “OK, the truth is that our writers ain’t what they used to be. Ever since the recall of their pencil-pens they’ve lost their direction; or rather found a new one: downhill. In order to make up for it we’re going to start pulling material from back when they were half decent; OK, a quarter decent. Apparently our stimulus package was less than stimulating.”

While Winslow denies it, Discord insiders report that a significant portion of that stimulus money was used to back a failed attempt to purchase the senate seat vacated by now U.S. President Barack Obama.

“Now, we’ve been over that,” answered Winslow. “Besides, if my staff needs it I can stimulate them myself.”

Neurillogical: Why Some People Are Wrong For Soooo Long

Mick Zano

The origins of clinical neuropsychology are rooted in efforts to address the effects of head injuries sustained by soldiers during World War II.  Neuroscientists prefer to study brains when they are not functioning properly, Abbey Normal, if you will.  In other words, why wait for the next world war?  There is a wealth of knowledge studying Bush and his minions, right here, right now (Jesus Jones, 1990).  Bush can, and should, be studied in every psych 101 class.  He is the quintessential example of almost every brand of tortured logic.  Robert A. Burton, MD has recently spent a great deal of time studying the neural underpinnings of knowing, and what he discovered, much like Pokey’s fascination with the Shit Goblins, is both intriguing and frightening.  Dr. Burton looked into how we know what we know, and his answer is surprising (he doesn’t know). 

First, here’s what we are certain about certainty.  Cognitive dissonance is that quirky tendency to continue to cling to a belief despite overwhelming conflicting evidence.  My favorite example involves an exit poll during the 2006 election, wherein 70 percent of Republicans polled in Kansas felt Bush was doing a good job (2006, this millennium, the U.S.A., Earth.  Seventy percent approval rating); roll that around in your mouth for a while.

Delusional disorder is fascinating from the standpoint of psychotherapy.  Many people with delusional disorder are seemingly “normal”, until you mention the Mafia or the CIA and suddenly you’re talking to a combination of James Bond and Fox Mulder.  The symptoms of delusional disorder are cross-cultural but the themes are culture-specific.  There is a new American-made theme emerging that I would like to designate “The Illuminati Disorder:.  They are already among us! 

The basic psychological pitfalls we learn about in those Ivory Towers of Academia are the common cognitive distortions.  Briefly, here’s a few put into recent historical context (limited to one example per distortion, which proved challenging):

  • Groupthink: Everyone thought there were WMDs (Reality: it was only one source, British Intelligence).
  • Conservatism Bias (Ignoring any new evidence.): Stay the course.
  • Focusing Effect: After 9/11, the world post 9/11 has had a dramatic 9/11ish impact on post 9/11 strategy and 9/11 thinking.  Oh, and by the way, 9/11.
  • Irrational Escalation: Someone knocked down our buildings.  We cannot find the perpetrator, so let’s do something with these bombs.  Where is Iraq again? 
  • Illusion of Control: I will spread Democracy throughout the Middle East (one naked pyramid at a time). 
  • Omission Bias: The United States does not torture (unless taunted).
  • Outcome Bias: Like Truman I will eventually be appreciated for liberating the Iraqi corpses…er, people.
  • Planning Fallacy (aka, underestimating task-completion): The war will last six days, six weeks, I doubt six months.
  • Base Rate Fallacy, Framing, and Confirmation Bias (cherry picking statistics.): Fill in your favorite Bush statistical distortion here ___________ .
  • Post-Purchase Rationalization: Yes it’s about the oil and, of course, the value of my Halliburton stock.
  • Wishful thinking: See any and all Bush and Cheney related statements made between 2003 and 2008.

The best example of Bush mental lapses is called the Dunning-Kruger Effect.  This is a double-your-trouble thought distortion, wherein you screw something up so badly at the onset that you compound the problem by never realizing you goofed.  Example: do I have to say it? These can be overcome through the application of cognitive/behavioral therapy and/or daiquiris.  President Bush, completely abstinent and having no access to a therapist, well, you get the picture. 

Another perhaps less known phenomenon is something called temporal illusions.  Essentially our brain makes believe it knows things it can’t possibly know.  Such distortions of reality occur not only on a cognitive level, but also on a perceptual one. Our brain, in essence, fills in the gaps.  This happens as we perceive things and then again, even more so, when we recall those fond memories, like those days in the sewers of Gotham battling back the Shit Goblin hordes.  Can you hear the CHUDS, Fernando?  Essentially those who believe we create our own reality may be onto something, even from a neurological perspective (Pokey is convinced the Shit Goblins have already infested our culture, but how does he know this?). In another slightly less delusional example, I felt Bush was wrong at every turn and on every policy since early 2002, and, as it turns out, I was wrong once. 

Our unreliable memories and interpretations of events are rather stunning. There are at least eight major memory pitfalls to which we are all susceptible. Psychology has come at it from a variety of angles with only one result: we’re facockda.  Studies have created false memories in otherwise psychologically healthy individuals (quite easily).  Even knowing the experimental design, participants still refused to believe the memories were false.  Back in Faber College, circa 1987, L. Wolfe, Dave, Pokey, Bald Tony, Oscar, Pierce and I rarely agreed on the events of the night before.  In my version, I always got the girl, won the pool game, outsmarted the TKEs, and ended the night singing a riveting rendition of “Freebird” to thunderous applause (bad example, I really do sing a mean “Freebird”.)  The point is, the police account on the back of my crumpled citation always painted a very different picture.

A new piece of this neurological puzzle leads us back to Dr. Burton’s research on the neural underpinnings of knowing.  The good doctor concludes that we do not decide things on a conscious level. Didn’t you ever wonder why all of those ‘aha moments’ seem to happen when we finally stop thinking about the problem?  Burton asserts that all of our decisions are fundamentally unconscious.  Well, it does explain my dating choices in college.

This is why a nuanced perspective is a considerably higher perspective than fundamentalism.  “Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”  This is why there is not nearly as much space between Pat Robertson and Osama Bin Laden as there should be. 

Artists and mystics have always attributed knowing to something beyond themselves.  The choices behind inspiration then become: (1) individual hidden unconscious thought, (2) the collective unconscious, or (3) God.  We know our brains continue to work on problems after we stop thinking about them, and even during sleep.  For example, my unresolved problems with Jessica Alba often involve a late night trip to the hamper. 

Burton also discovered the area of the brain linked to certainty is not the cerebral cortex, but rather a much more primitive section, the limbic system (the same part of the brain associated with addiction).  Not only are our final decisions unconscious in nature, but Burton asserts that once these connections are established, they are difficult to override (similar to the addiction pathways).  This creates a “pattern of expectations” that has a life of its own.  In addicts, once these superhighways between the amygdala (emotion) and the hippocampus (memory) are forged, we are forever more susceptible to Pavlovian-like triggers, such as passing that bar or hearing that Floyd song on the radio (Robinson, Berridge and some other guy).  This isalso the case when we start getting down on ourselves; negative thought patterns become a broken record of sorts. 

Unless we can really make truly independent thoughts, we shouldn’t trust them.  But how can we trust anything these days?  Personally, I wanted to go Afghanistan and kick some Al-Qaeda ass in 2001, but now, a few short years later, I trust nothing but my own conclusions (even those are shaky).  Case in point: sorry about ordering that last round of car bombs, Vicky, I’m not usually like that.

Don’t forget to add a collapsing Constitution and a failing global market, which is priming us for some major fictitious neural nitpicking (MFNN). Bush and Roveian tactics have amalgamated the paranoia in our society to a fevered pitch, which will further interfere with our ability to make rational decisions.  You see, stress further impairs thinking., as if our own brains weren’t screwed up enough.  Neocons remain convinced that to protect ourselves we must embrace a slew of antisocial policies that do not have a prayer of bringing about the desired results.  Even faced with the last eight years of catastrophic leadership, they are more afraid of democratic bleeding hearts than of their own sociopathic policies. Not to be out done, liberals will bring ideology to absurd levels.  Nancy Pelosi will not allow the harnessing of wind and solar energy in the Mojave Desert, because she can not see that alternative fuel alternatives are more important than the view along route 40 (Let’s not forget how solar energy could disrupt the indigenous desert sand gorgons).

I believe, along with others, that each ideology can be matched to a specific level of consciousness.  This thought is revolting to liberals, who again suffer from flat perspective thinking.  Sand has as much right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as our children.  Both left and right agendas are somewhat delusional if you ask my clinical self (don’t ask my non-clinical self; he likes to kill young women for sport). 

In the Journal of Neuroscience, Dr Tali Sharot recently discovered that we tend to choose things that ‘light up’ a particular area of the brain.  Activity in this brain region, namely the caudate nucleus, actually predicts choice.  Depressing isn’t it? 

So where does this leave us?  We decide things with an unreliable, easily impressionable, rigid, blinky brain that makes its decisions unconsciously, wonderful.  Add an inherent stubbornness to change established viewpoints, and we, as a species, start to suck at this whole rational-thought thing.  Free will, becomes Free Willy, becomes Will Farrell.  I don’t know what that means; I guess Will Farrell just lights up my caudate nucleus.

It sounds like our species has some work to do if it ever hopes to move toward anything resembling informed independent choice.  The government, the media, the Democrats and the Republicans are not to be trusted.  Only your own judgments, free of bias, can reach anything resembling the truth.   Maybe this is why my predictions have come to pass over the course of the last decade, or, then again, maybe I just suffer from Hindsight Bias.  I think I will sleep on that, drink some daiquiris, and dream of Will Farrell.

Trump U.N. Hotel & Casino

Located on an 18 acre east Manhattan site, the new Trump Hotel & Casino is set to open soon, or, as “The Donald” said “As soon as we can get the beds in the old offices, and the slot machines & crap tables in the auditorium”.

Using a new “United World” theme, the Casino will feature marble steps, gold colored waterfalls, and the same carpet, which is a gigantic map of the world, now has large 3’ tall gold “pushpins” wherever Trump owns property. The flags of nations lining the main entrance were replaced with the Trump coat-of-arms. The entrance to its new eatery, the World Peace Restaurant, now sports a sixty foot L.E.D TV screen with rotating pictures of hungry shoeless children and Trump Hotels to the backdrop of the dulcet tones of Louis Armstrong singing “What a Wonderful World”.

As for parking concerns around the new hotel & casino, NYCs Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said, “Now, we can actually ticket people who park in no parking zones!”

Kelly is referring to the long standing problem of “Diplomatic Immunity” and parking scofflaws in NYC.

“If you lost 16 floors of Trump U.N.,” said John Bolton, “now that would suck!”

For reservations, call 1-800-The-Donald.

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I just read your book entitled Open Your Body, Mind, and Wallet and let me say this, sir: spirit guides are not pubcrawl organizers, there is no such thing as a double-vision quest, and soul extractions have nothing to do with removing one’s shoe from another person’s ass.  You are a drunk and a charlatan, sir!

Jay Compiretti

Haymarket, VA

Dear Jay,

Go back and read the chapter on ‘open your mind’ again.  I think somebody skipped that part. What we attack in others are really characteristics we do not like about our selves.  Remember the old saying…I am rubber, you’re a dick.

The Ghetto Shaman

Peter Sellers had it Right:  Swine Flu 101

L. Wolfe

With all this talk of swine flu, pandemics, surgical masks, and violent testicular eruptions (VTE), I just wanted to point out a flu things you should know:

  1. Swine flu does not cause violent testicular eruptions, except in lab mice.
  2. Surgical masks are a freaking JOKE.  If you really think a paper surgical mask with leaking gaps all around the interface between it and your face are going to prevent you from being exposed to a sub-micron sized virus, I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you in Alaska. Surgical masks are designed to keep particulate-sized droplets of spit from spraying out of a surgeon’s mouth and into your gaping chest when doctors are performing that bypass surgery you needed after your ill conceived Big Mac eating contest. They cannot and do not stop you from inhaling airborne bacteria or viruses (or inhaling Big Macs for that matter). If you wear a surgical mask it does a far better job at protecting me from you than it does protecting you from me. And I own an Uzi, which further complicates things.  On the other hand, surgical masks may make women think you’re a doctor, which should moderately improve your chances of getting laid tonight.
  3. Don’t eat pork.  Pigs are cloven-hoofed animals anyway, and everyone knows eating the meat will give you swine flu.  Really?  Have we all porked our educations that badly?
  4. Don’t eat horse meat. You’ll catch Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE).  Really.
  5. The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic killed somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty million people.  There are over six billion people on the planet now.  Therefore, even if the Swine flu kills as many people as the 1918 flu, that is only 0.3% of the world’s population. Just trimming the fat from a historical perspective. That equates to approximately 1 person per 300.  McDooris can kill more than that with one malt-liquor-enhanced beer-fart and, no, the mask won’t help (I tried it my sophomore year). And don’t talk to me about percentages of the 1918 population and percentages of the current population, you’re either on my side or you’re on the side of the virus.  Stay the horse.
  6. This is not The Stand.
  7. Every year in the U.S., over 20,000 people die from the flu. This number can be as high as 50,000 deaths each year, depending upon how you link flu-related deaths and you’re ability to effectively use an abacus.  That’s the “normal” flu we are all used to.  It’s irresponsible for mainstream media sources to be blowing this swine flu thing so far out of proportion.  Yes, WHO is tracking a potentially serious flu outbreak; yes, some precautions are necessary; yes, some people will die, but, no, it is not necessary to scare the crap out of everyone.  That will happen naturally, after you contract the flu. On the Brightside, think of the money you will save on colon cleansing products.  Besides, hyping nonsensical news items is our job. You mainstream media people keep to biased reporting and quit encroaching on our turf!  After all, we have, in true alpha male fashion, pissed in every virtual corner of this website.   This is another reason Winslow should stop paying the Ghetto Shaman in malt liquor products.
  8. The best thing anyone can do is wash their hands.  Wash them often.  People are freaking disgusting in my opinion. I have sat in the public crapper many times, in my traditional Senator Craig-like wide stance, and heard some gross bastard drop a juicy loosie, wipe insufficiently, and walk right out without so much as turning on the faucet. (He’s probably the same guy making your Big Macs, by the way).  Wash your goddam’ hands you gross, degenerate! And not just after the bathroom; wash them often.  Remember, that gross bastard has to open doors with the same door handles you do. (Another disgusting side note: your olfactory sense functions by detecting small particles that create a sensation of smell. So, if you smell that disgusting bastard in the crapper, well, I’m sure your surgical mask blocks that little particle. It’s certainly bigger than a virus, and therefore you can’t smell it; or can you?).  
  9. Lastly, don’t freak out.  Don’t go all Pierce Winslow on us.  Do be sensible: wash your hands; keep your kids informed but not hysterical; and by all means keep spending money to stimulate the economy.  This isn’t the Black Death. Flogging yourself won’t beat out the demons, and the death carts won’t be rolling through your streets anytime soon.  Unless, of course, my itchy Uzi trigger finger says otherwise.  Look at it this way: when it’s all said and done the human race will be a little stronger for it and we may lose some of those gross, never-washing-their-hands degenerates.  Peter Sellers had it right when he said, “this is a swine flu, but this too shall pass.”

Was Cheney the Sith Lord or Merely the Sith Apprentice?

Washington, DC — Will the real Sith Lord please standup? Mounting evidence suggests the Sith Master is not former Vice President Dick Cheney, but rather Obama’s right hand man, Rahm Emanuel. 

Are these two only masquerading as political rivals?  Is Cheney only going on the attack early as a diversion?  Did Cheney finish off the Constitution for his master’s ultimate purpose? 

When interrogators were failing to get confessions proving any link between Iraq and Al-Qaeda back in 2003, Dick Cheney sent a memo to General Geoffrey Miller at Abu Ghraib that read, “Perhaps we can find new ways to motivate them.” 

According to an unnamed high ranking official, Emanuel and Cheney waited to seize power only after human cloning was possible to create their clone army.  Homeland Security is now working on something called a ‘Death Star’ and Janet Napolatano, the perfect dupe, is heading the project under the guise of ‘keeping America safe.’ 

The same unnamed official believes the diabolic duo made only one glaring mistake. Shortly after the election, Cheney’s man-sized safe was moved to Rahm Emmanuel’s office and the words Darth Dick were changed to Darth Rahm. The man-sized safe is believed to house hundreds of pictures from CIA secret prisons in both regular and glossy.

This credible source refuses to come forward, because “They can choke me from a distance.”  It is also feared that any traditional witness protection program, beefed up or otherwise, would prove ineffective against a Sith Lord or his apprentice.  This reporter will not divulge any sources due to the extraordinary circumstances surrounding this case.  Please don’t make me do it, Fitzgerald. They’ll get me for sure!

Top Ten Inspirational Rock Songs

  1. Queen’s Flash (he saved every one of us!)
  2. Zappa’s Don’t You Eat that Yellow Snow (it works on so many levels)
  3. Wang Chung’s Everybody Have Fun Tonight, Everybody Wang Chung Tonight (not rock, but never truer words were spoken)
  4. Kid Rock’s Bawitdaba “Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogy.”  (I can see why he’s so popular)
  5. Falco’s Rock Me Amadeus (You mean to tell me, no one in the eighteenth century thought of this?  You’re shitting me!)
  6. Rock and Roll Never Forgets (unknown artist) Think about it, folks
  7. Cranberries’ Linger (also known as The Fart Song Did you have to leave a stinker, did you have to pull my finger, did you have to, did you have to let it linger?)
  8. Motley Crue’s Don’t Go Away Mad (Just Go Away) Check Please!
  9. Thomas Dolby’s She Blinded Me with Science (that can sooo happen!)
  10. The Cars’ You’re all I’ve Got Tonight (I have sooo been there and had to do that)

The Dimming Dilemma

L. Wolfe

Al Gore and the environmental stewards of the world have been pushing us to stop burning fossil fuels before we all shrivel under Venus-like greenhouse effects into tiny crispy-critter char-balls (CCCBs).  OK, Alfonso, we all agree something needs to be done.  We all want to reduce our carbon footprint, although maybe in the U.S. “carbon ass-print” is more like it. One option, which I have written about previously here at the Discord, is wind energy.  Certainly breaking wind makes us all feel better.  But, solar energy is another option recently championed by the green meanies.

“Solar energy, the ultimate sustainable energy source!” they say.  “Free energy!” they say.  “A hybrid in every pot!” they say.   “Free sustainable hydroponic pot energy!” they say.   Sorry.

But whoa, cowboy, there are problems with solar, too.  Al Gore and his one million in Nobel Prize money won’t say it, though.  First, there is a significant carbon ass-print associated with the manufacturing of solar panels.  Second, there are all those batteries that are needed to store the energy for all those times when and where the sun don’t shine.  Batteries have a HUGE carbon ass-print, and beyond that, they have all those nasty heavy (and very toxic) metals in them, like Algorite.  But there is another more troubling problem with solar power in this age of fossil fuelism, a phenomenon known as Global Dimming. 

You’ve never heard of Global Dimming?  No.  Sorry.  We are not talking about that child left behind.

Didn’t you watch An Inconvenient Truth?  Oh, that’s right, good ‘ol Al ‘forgot’ to mention it.  Perhaps it ended up on the cutting room floor in favor of the segment on the long history of the Gore family farm, or the segment on the sister who died of lung cancer.  Or, more likely, it wasn’t discussed because Global Dimming is sort of an inconvenient truth for An Inconvenient Truth.  It would damper some of the green crowd’s enthusiasm if people actually understood this phenomenon.

So what is Global Dimming, you ask?  Well, surprisingly, it is one of the primary factors that have proven that global warming (oops, sorry, that’s not PC) global climate change is occurring and is directly related to human activity.  Here is the 30-second overview (or the 30-minute, if you’re that child left behind):

  • In the 1950s, an Israeli scientist conducted detailed measurements of the Sun’s energy in order to improve evaporation calculations and design better irrigation systems in Israel.  The study was very thorough and included dozens of locations throughout Israel.
  • In the 1980s, that same scientist conducted the same studies again at the same locations in Israel.  He found that the Sun’s energy reaching the earth’s surface had been REDUCED by over 4% from the levels measured in the 1950s. “Holy Milk and Honey, Batman!”  So, he went back and checked everything about the 1950 and 1980s experiments and found that he had done everything right.  Indeed, the Sun’s energy reaching the Earth was definitely 4% less than in the 1950s.
  • Why is this reverse trend happening?  Increased volcanic activity?  Cyclical changes in the suns output?  Zamboni Gypsies?  Shit goblins? No…but those are all good answers.  How about particulate pollution from the burning of fossil fuels?  Huh?  This is the correct answer. All we are saying is give smog a chance.
  • After publishing his findings, this scientist was ridiculed by many and berated as a crackpot.  A decade later, however, substantial lines of evidence from all over the world were vindicating his study and providing additional lines of evidence.
  • In the 1990s, an intensive multinational effort was conducted that proved, beyond a shadow of a shit goblin, that particulate pollution from the burning of fossil fuels has indeed led to the 4% reduction in the sun’s energy reaching the earth’s surface over much of the globe.

So what are the consequences of this global dimming?

One truly frightening revelation is this: without global dimming, the effects of global warming (er, climate change) would be significantly more obvious to us than it is today.  In fact, global dimming, and its associated cooling effect on the Earth, has actually tempered the heating effect of greenhouse gases.  One obvious problem becomes this: the moment we actually start reducing fossil fuel pollution, there is likely going to be a significant spike in the heating effect of the current levels of greenhouse gas as the amount of our sun’s energy reaching the Earth’s surface increases dramatically. 

How is that for irony?  And that’s real irony, not the Alanis Morissette kind of irony, which really isn’t irony at all; isn’t that ironic?  Don’t ya think?

Second, global dimming actually significantly decreases the effectiveness of solar energy sources.  Be it photovoltaic cells or reflective heating technologies, global dimming decreases the effectiveness of these alternative energy solutions and makes them much less cost effective, which, in turn, means you need more batteries, more plastics, more this, more that, and next thing you know we are all sitting in Cabana chairs sipping boat drinks by some shriveled up Lake in Saskatchewan looking at a stuffed Polar Bear and thinking to ourselves, wow, they must have lived with those Mastodon thingies back in the day.

Pass me another boat drink, will ya’?  Whew, it’s hot.  Oh, we’re out of water and ice…all right, straight-up then.

From My Cold Dead Opposable Thumbs

Gorillas, Bigfoots, Yetis, and other large primates across our great nation are not taking the Obama Administration’s current gun control policies lightly. Outrage is spreading across the heavily wooded regions of our country like wildfirearms.

CEO Pierce Winslow would like to personally apologies for that last joke: “We are working diligently here at the Discord to limit puns. My position on this matter has remained clear: like abortions, puns should be safe, legal, and rare.  If you spot a pun that you find personally offensive, tell us about it, because pun spelled backwards is nup. And, frankly, a nup is a nup.”

And now back to our regularly scheduled faux article:

Bernie Stillman, a Bigfoot sympathizer and cryptzoo activist, feels that making it difficult for humans to possess guns is a “slippery slope” that could ultimately work its way right down the evolutionary ladder.

“I don’t even want to think about what would happen if our ocean communities lost their second amendment rights,” continued Stillman.  “Huge schools of smaller fish would be at even greater risk of predation.  It would be a free-for-all.” 

Stillman has fought for the rights of a variety of species to protect themselves from the chaos of otherwise unfair and unfriendly ecosystems across our globe.

“If Obama is going to try to take away a Yeti’s AK-47,” warned Stillman, “he’d better beef up his personal security, or else he’ll end up like that inappropriate New York Post cartoon.”

Stillman backpedaled when questioned as to whether or not he was comparing President Obama to a monkey and threatening his life.

Stillman attempted to make light of the subject by adding, “Fuck Islam.”

Hey, Joe, Where You Going With My Gun in Your Hand?

Mick Zano

Team Obama claims to be 2nd Amendment rights advocates, but their voting record suggests otherwise. Time and time again, Obama has voted in favor gun control bills.   He even voted for a bill that would close several gun manufacturers such as Les Baer, Springfield Armory, and Armalite (among others).  Is Armalite designed for the gun-toter’s wives?  You know, with only half the calories as the leading handgun?  Our Vice President is perhaps even less friendly to the gun-toting NRA types and may well have had one of his minions pry Heston’s rifle from his cold, dead hands.  Perhaps more disturbing, the National Rifle Association has recently scored Joe the Veeper an F on his gun rights record.

Have you seen Heston’s vault by the way?  It looks like that guy’s basement from Tremors. Speaking of which, could you imagine a gun ban right before any fifties sci-fi movie?  I’d like to see Obama wrangle with a Triffid or some giant radioactively-enlarged insect with only his teleprompter.  Klingons, and Cylons, and Chuds, oh my.  OK, perhaps this is not the most compelling case for gun rights, but Sith Happens.

Here is the recap: Biden voted ‘no’ on current gun laws for those weapons sold without trigger locks.  He also voted ‘no’ on loosening background checks at gun shows, as well as ‘no’ on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers.  There clearly needs to be some regulations for those of us packing in this country, but these laws needn’t interfere with the ability of normal law abiding citizens to blow the shit out of nature (especially if nature comes alive in the form of the, aforementioned, Triffid).  Some of Biden’s decisions are good ones; however, the Obama Administration is pushing Congress to pass hr45, which requires every gun to be registered and re-registered annually.  This may not seem unreasonable to some (unless you’re Charlton Heston or that guy from Tremors), but, keep in mind, your ‘papers not being in order’ may result in a five-year jail sentence.  This tactic smells more like a playbook from the Bush fears.  Could you imagine going to jail for five years because your car inspection sticker expired?  I would never see the light of day.  Well, I shouldn’t…another bad example.

Since Bush’s Operation Freedom from Democracy, anyone can move their own agenda to absurd levels.  I’ve always asserted that if Obama becomes a monster about the first amendment (Fairness Doctrine and hate-speech police) as well as the second amendment (your papers please) then it is still the Bush supporters fault for allowing the systems of checks and balances to be overrun in the first place. This may come as a shock to some of you, but there are consequences when a democracy fails.  An almost infantile belief system bandied about during the Bush years:  ‘Sure, he’s expanding his powers, but he’s pushing my agenda so it’s OK,’ and ‘Sure, he’ll use these powers but only to get those bad guys,’ and ‘Sure, this is a lot like drowning, but why can’t I call my lawyer?’

Now some of you may get a taste of the other side of despotism.  If the Obama Administration goes insanely socialist then you will know how I felt as our country shifted toward fascism.  Not a good feeling.  I appreciate the day Russ Feingold stood up and censured Bush.  I don’t know what the hell censure means—neither does Feingold—but he said he didn’t want to tell his grandchildren he stood by and did nothing as it all went to hell. 

Democracy will end with thunderous applause and country music.

– Author Unknown

In many key ways Obama has yet to give back the One Ring of power.  In fact, he is using signing statements on existing laws and pushing through his agenda, much like the Rovian fear-mongers did.  I realize signing statements became an issue under Clinton, but abuses over the last eight-years have exposed this as a dangerous expansion of power that needs to be stopped.

If you supported Bush’s fascism throughout his tenor, you get what you deserve, Tex.  Oh, and if you do decide to secede, Texas, we get Amarillo.  Just to remind us how little we’ll miss you.  I am still holding out hope that Obama is a shrewd customer—that he gets it—that he won’t push a leftist agenda to absurd levels.  If he doesn’t restore the executive branch of our government and patch back together the Constitution, it’s still an accident waiting to Hillary.

Sometime in the future, we’ll live in a world where guns are much, much scarcer.  But no one should take your gun away.  Eventually you’ll put the gun down yourself—when the time is right.  Then you’ll pick up a club and find a good mate.  I have never owned a gun, but I strongly support ‘most’ gun rights on principle. In my view, forcing the issue—such as mandating gun control or, worse yet, suspending second amendments rights completely—would be a huge mistake.  If humans don’t self destruct first, someday there will be little need for firearms, outside of non-hunting sportsmanship and, of course, Triffid uprisings. 

As we evolve as a species crime will naturally decrease, as will our desire to hunt for animals and irritating neighbors.  This is not a judgment value, just a fact. Today, we should not trust our government enough to handover our weapons.  You can say what you want about Afghanistan, but those rugged buggers pushed back the Soviet Union and continue to be a thorn in our side as well.  Why?  They’re all packing some serious heat.  If we hand over all of our arms, right now, we could be easily occupied. Trust me, China will become increasingly incensed with our inability to make the minimum payment on our World Visa card (something I’ve been saying for years) and I really don’t want them coming over here to repossess my country. 

This will be an even touchier issue in the near future, as our military becomes increasingly under-funded and as other countries attempt to assert their dominance as we struggle to maintain our superpower status.  We might also need our guns if our Constitution is dissected any further, or if government shifts once again toward a more fascist regime.  We got a good taste of that recently.  But, for now, crime is booming and the hunting is fine, besides, our founding fathers thought it was very important that we have the right to say what we want (1st amendment) and the right to shoot what we want (2nd amendment).   Well, something like that…

Revolution is in the Err: Bachman Boehner Overdrive

Mick Zano

Things Apparently Not Worth A Revolution (Bush)
  1. Deconstructing the Constitution
  2. Deconstructing the Bill of Rights
  3. Lying us into war
  4. Profiting off of said war
  5. Accruing a deficit greater than all previous presidents combined.
  6. Tanking our economy
Things Apparently Worth A Revolution (Obama)
  1. Throwing heaps of imaginary $ at a failing economy in the hopes of staving off a depression.

After eight years of sitting back, quietly, while our economy and our Constitution were systematically gutted, now, now, there is a new group freaking out?  Now, the right-wing attack dogs are stirring up a revolution?  “We’re losing our country, oh, the horror!”  This is not a battle between entrepreneurialism and progressives, but between fundamentalism and rationalism.  Sadly, the Republican base has embraced the only aspects of conservatism that should be purged from our collective psyche.  Fiscal conservatism, small government, and libertarianism are great stuff; let’s have that debate.  But this is more about ideology-based religious drivel.  Jesus is not pro-Bush, people; although, if memory serves, he did say, “Blessed are the speds,” didn’t he? So Bush should be covered.

Bill Maher, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hitchens have championed rationalism in recent years.  Although they wear their own bias on their sleeves (scientism), their attack on fundamentalist thinking is dead-on. It is very, very dangerous to have so many people actually slipping back down the Beck/Cowan spiral (including me).  If you don’t know what I am talking about, read God Is Not Great by Hitchens, or rent Maher’s Religulous. But don’t do it on the Sabbath.  Even God has His limits.

As long as a God-fearing, righteous dude is in charge, we don’t need checks and balances, but God forbid the other side reaches for the crown and scepter.  Now Republicans, or more accurately, social conservatives, are saying “shit, what was that thing called, where we wrote down those law rule thingies?  The Declaration of Magna Carta?”

These (R) Van Winkles were just peachy even during the darkest days of the Bush administration, because Bush was torturing for God.  Now, when desperate measures have been implemented amidst these desperate times, now, now, it’s Tea Party time?  (I’m not talking about the Paulites. I would join their Tea Party any time.)  I’m talking about the rest of you Malkin-blogging, Coulter-worshipping Cranks out there (sorry, Goomis).

The bad news is this: Obama is acting less integral and more liberal than hoped.  Throwing wads of imaginary money at our problems is not going to help.  Socialism is not going to help, giving more welfare to the drug dealer down the street is not going to help, and universally bad healthcare for a country on the brink of bankruptcy is not going to help.  But the reaction to our new leader has been appalling since day one.

With Obama in office about a month and a half, Congresswoman Michele Bachman (R) called for a revolution based on Obama’s economic policies, noting: “There’s something that’s happening this week in Congress that could be the eventual unraveling for our freedom.”

Holy shit!  What rock did you crawl out from under, lady?  Boehner and Bachman and the rest of the intellectually challenged were all for Bush’s bailout and buying-out failing banks when it was their guy signing the bill.  The Republicans were prepared, from day one it seems, to attack Obama regardless of his policies, because they were always more focused on playing “pin the fail on the donkey” than saving America.  This from “real” Americans.

The talking points from day one became, hey, let’s blame that guy.

Roger Ailes: “Are people going to buy this?  Shouldn’t we wait until Obama is in office a few weeks?”

Rupert Murdoch: “Naaaah, have you talked to our base lately?”

The right-wing is not reeling in kooks like Beck and Bachman because it’s part of their apocalyptical agenda.  They’re “taking care of business,” so to speak.

Glenn Beck is the perfect example.  Say what you want about Glenn Beck, but he has consistently said, “We’re all screwed,” loud and clear, for quite some time.  We can at least agree on that.  But Ailes and Murdoch watched Beck rant and rave on CNN until the moment Obama stepped into office, then shifted him over to FOX and then ratcheted up the Rovian fear machine.  Now Glenn Beck fits their agenda.   Three months ago, he was bonkers. 

Try putting the blame where it is deserved, people:  1.) Bush for being asleep at the economic switch, destroying our credibility, and botching a couple of wars;  2.) Certain Dems for their part in the sub-prime mortgage fiasco; and 3.) Wall-Street greed, which has reached levels not seen since, well, they’ve always sucked; it’s what they do.  But they went unchecked every single day Bush was in office. (However, let’s not forget a lot of the regs were initially waived under Clinton).

Astute folks all over our country had to sit by for years watching us destroy ourselves, and any dissent was viewed as anti-American.  Obama’s honeymoon period, as predicted, was canceled by the neo-cons immediately.  It’s true, Obama’s strategy isn’t going to work; but he didn’t break the damn stock market.  Sure, he no longer has to follow the Constitution, but guess what?  That’s not his fault either. 

I gave Obama a 15% chance of fixing the economy.  (I was feeling generous that day).  My two hopes, since circa 2004, were that Bush and Cheney would leave the White House in handcuffs, or at least that the depression would be named “W.”  (0 for 2).  Bush will author books, with lots of colored pictures, and it will be called The Obama Depression. Bastards!

What could be more anti-American than backing a developmentally disabled semi-fascist for eight years and then betting against the economic recovery?  Enter Rush Limbaugh.  Pokey McDooris gave this guy a B + on the integral scale, for being wrong on just about everything for a decade.  And now that Obama is in, he’s rooting for our country’s economic collapse? 

Nailed it, Poke. 

Are the Ron Paul people, the radical far-left, and the fundamental base of the Republican Party going to galvanize into one negative force that will pull us apart?  Talk about strange bedfellows. Well, it would be fun to watch from a distance

How can I even attend a respectable protest anymore?  What corner of the mob should I head for?  Or in other words, why go to a tea party with a bunch of Bushies?  Fox is inciting these riots with rhetoric like, “Should we be protesting?  Should we be outraged?”  Yes, we should be, for everything you assholes have supported for the last eight years.    

Me, I’m going to wait to see what happens before I spark up the torch and brandish my pitchfork.  I’m thinking my theme will be “Keggers for Freedom,” with blues bands playing until midnight. All proceeds will go to local farmers and legalizing marijuana (I have glaucoma in my left eye).  Who’s with me?

People are vehemently attacking the Dems, but the fact is Obama has earned the right to finish this country off.  Your guy was about the worst ever, and after 2004 there was never any coming back.  It is going to be a very different country from here on out, but you can stop being wrong anytime now, peeps.  The S.S. Economy hit the iceberg during the Bush fears, and I am personally much more comfortable with an intelligent, rational, articulate president shuffling us all toward the lifeboats.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, the band is striking up “Nearer, My God, to Thee” over by the Grand Staircase.