Discord Seeks Mob Protection from Devo

Discord Seeks Mob Protection from Devo

Lodi, NJ—The Discord’s Bald Tony met with Frankie Vincent, of Sopranos and Goodfellas fame, to discuss their “situation” with a radicalized, extremist pop-band known as Devo. This group is threatening violence in response to intentions to destroy several Duran Duran albums during the Discord’s highly controversial event Burn Duran Day.

Bald Tony reports negotiations at an undisclosed location over pasta went well last night.

Vincent told the Discord staffer, “Consider the problem solved. They’re nerds.”

Bald Tony reports the meeting was cordial but intimidating.

“I just kept thinking, no Mafia jokes, no Mafia jokes, no Mafia jokes…then, the first thing out of my mouth is, ‘so this horse’s head, Joe Pesci, and a Port Authority employee walk into a bar…’”

 It all ended well, apparently, although no one has seen or heard from Tony since Operation Cannoli went into effect yesterday evening.

“We underestimated the response,” said Discord CEO, Pierce Winslow. “We had no idea how many people still liked Duran Duran. We have suspended Burn Duran Day indefinitely, and we are probably just going to go drinking instead.”

When asked if any members of the Daily Discord might forge ahead with the scheduled album burning, Winslow said, “No. They really like drinking.  Besides, they’re not worried about any backlash; they just don’t finish anything they start. Take this post, for example, they were supposed to…

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

Were you raised a Catholic? Did you ever learn, as most of us did, that Moses parted the Red Sea, that God knocked down the walls of Jericho, that Jesus died for our sins and that he rose again on the third day?


Dear Lucinda,

Come out Lucinda, don’t hesitate, Cath-o-lic girls…well, catholic girls won’t let me masturbate.  Damn you, Christine O’Donnell!  What about Benjamin Wanklin and John Handcock?  Have you forgotten our forefather’s vision?  Why do you think they needed to invent glasses?  Sorry, but I just don’t want any Bible-thumping Teabagger telling me I can’t luffa the old spigot now and again.  As Ferguson tells us, “From my cold dead hand!”  As for your question, I don’t think the stories of the Bible should be taken literally.  They should be taken with a pillar of salt.

The Ghetto (‘scuse me while I whip this out) Shaman

CNN:  It Isn’t Just For Blitzer Anymore

Mick Zano

I record Fareed Zakaria GPS every Sunday morning on CNN religiously.  Well, I don’t complete the mechanics involved personally; I have people for that.  OK, my 11 year old does it, but she is gradually teaching me how to use my DVR.  Granted, last week’s lesson went poorly, but she did teach me the proper acronym, DVR (apparently, it’s not a VCR or a DVD, it’s some type of alien hybrid). 

This week Zakaria cemented my opinion of him.  He is an integralist.  He’s smart, savvy, and can see all perspectives with a stunning clarity (aka, he has no business being on cable television).  He is a second tier thinker, which of course will inflame the sensibilities of the senseless (aka, the Sean Hannitys of the world).  I don’t know if Fareed reads Ken Wilber, or even buys into my Spiral Dynamics perspective, regardless, I have a new journalistic BFF.  

Zarkaria enraged everyone recently with an article in Newsweek, wherein he spelled out what was done right and what was done wrong on the War on Terror.  He was able to succinctly list what Bush nailed and where Bush failed (aka, he pissed off everyone,  man after my own blog).

This week he started his show (GPS) by saying, “We are so polarized we cannot even have a rational discussion on anything anymore.”

Bingo! Welcome to my virtual world.  It’s easy to find an argument between fundamentalism (blue), entrepreneurial/scientific (orange), and liberalism (green).  But if you want to see an integralist (turquoise) referee this three ring circus, check out Fareed.

During his show, it becomes easy to identify these various perspectives and see precisely when these various perspectives slip off the cliffs of insanity.  Last week, he orchestrated a debate between four individuals on the War on Terror, but only Zakaria made any sense whatsoever. 

The Weekly Standard guy (the neocon) could not see where the psychology of fear is working against U.S. interests, or how in many ways we overreacted after 9/11.  Uh, invading the wrong country, destroying the Bill of Ri…never mind.  It’s not going to sink in anyway. Fear and anxiety stokes Fox and Friends.  They will never get off fear or fossil fuels (the three Fs); it’s their life’s blood. Anyway, the guy mumbled something about how our response to 9/11 was, indeed, proportionate and he couldn’t really think of an example where we might have overdone it.  Wow.  And here I thought Republicans were against rampant marijuana use.  I need to party more at The Weekly Standard.  Hydroponics, baby!

Next up, Fareed’s liberal guest proceeded to say the threat from Al-Qaeda and terrorism is “virtually non-existent.” The guy really said that. In an age when Iran is about to have nukes? In an age when one suitcase in Times Square and it’s goodbye Big Apple, hello charred core?  Non-existent?  Really?  Do you know how hard it is to sound dumber than a neocon?  You just managed. 

Now, if you listened to Zakaria’s account of the pros and cons of the War on Terror, it was dead on.  He accurately listed where we did well and where we erred.  After praising Bush for a few items, he discussed where we clearly overreacted to 9/11 and listed those consequences.

This prompted Sean Hannity over on Fox to respond thusly, “How does someone that dumb get a show?” 

Yes, arguably the least insightful TV host just razzed someone arguably the most insightful.  Isn’t it Alanis, don’t you think?

When I say most of America can be wrong on certain issues, more accurately, they only see part of the issue—the part that resonates with their ideology/level/meme (whatever you want to call it, but Spiral Dynamics color codes it for your enjoyment).  Each of these levels has an inherent blind spot the size of our deficit.  80% live in these extreme lands.  Most seem quite happy there.  It’s a medicated happy, but happy nevertheless.

My own blog-versary, The Crank, believes most people are actually in the center of most issues.  I don’t.  Conversations in my personal life either follow the MSNBC/liberal track, or the Fox/neocon track.  Everyone is, for the most part, following these two playbooks way too closely.  Objective thinkers are becoming increasingly rare.  Even most Discord contributors are following one playbook or another.  Our own constitutional scholar here at the Discord, Rick Pernick, will not mention the six to five ruling last week over at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which deems all of Bush’s crimes “state secrets” not subject to investigation.  

Why isn’t this news for the founding father/Constitutionalists out there?  Pernick seems to have an endless supply of well-researched and well-cited posts (at least on any given Fox-approved-topic).  This decision last week solidified executive power more than any other court decision in modern history.  Hey, let’s start a Tea Party!  The Star Chamber power the executive branch now wields in this country is virtually untouchable.  Today, we live in a very different country.  Let’s call it a banana republic. Meanwhile, Mr. Pernick and the Cranks of the world keep championing only those issues important to the five rich guys in our nation.  The same five guys who plan to become even richer on our own country’s shortsightedness. 

Here’s why I pick on our friends over at the Tea Party rally.  For an equation only a Foxeteer could love (or understand), try this one on for size:

Fox News 2008: Ron Paul is an idiot

The Tea Party 2009: Ron Paul is a God

Fox News and the Tea Party 2010: If only people had listened to us about Ron Paul back in 08’

Only Glenn Beck, a chalkboard, and a pitcher of mojitos can make sense of that one.  You know who said Ron Paul actually had some good points in 08’?  A soon to be Tea Party keynote speaker, perhaps?  Some Crank somewhere?  No….MICK ZANO!  That’s who.  I’m starting my own Tea Party of one, and none of you are invited!  And, yeah Mrs. O’Donnell, you better keep the door shut, I’ll be masturbating.

Still not convinced both sides are off the mark?  On one hand, Republicans want all the services, all the tax cuts, and a reduced deficit.  Yes, they’re our special politicians.  Meanwhile, they are the best at growing governments, deficits, and tyranny.  And they do it to the cheers of their bat shit base, who supposedly stand for the exact opposite (figure that one out).  On the other hand, liberals can’t see where borrowing trillions and creating tiers of senseless government bureaucracies can be counterproductive to our fiscal futures.

But here’s the depressing thing, 80% of you read and comprehended only one of those last two points.  How many people really understand why both parties are wrong for America?  You might say 20%.  If so, you would be wrong.  The last 20% are probably doing something they’re afraid, if elected, Christine O’Donnell will soon make illegal. 

Drop the Kleenex.  And get off the babysitter! 

I think if our leaders don’t embrace integral thought soon, it’s all over.  And I’m afraid Obama has proven to be more of a liberal than an integralist, but not for the reasons espoused daily over on Fox News (hint: that’s mostly bullshit).  Here’s the problem.  He has his moments, but Obama is far too pluralistic most days to stand up for what’s right.  The mosque debate is just the latest example. It’s OK to be the only adult in the room.  Really Mr. President, it’s OK.  Pluralism has its place, if used as directed, but if abused…

Where I often say nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong, a liberal pluralist would say everybody’s right and nobody’s wrong.  That’s wonderful.  It’s all about not hurting anyone’s feelings. Sure…you can all give yourselves trophies—trophies made of sticks and mud when this place becomes the next Bangla-fucking-desh.

Depressing, isn’t it. Luckily, we have someone like Fareed on the scene now.  He’s going to move folks in the right direction.  Zakaria’s thoughtfulness and style may resonate with more and more people in the same way that my posts don’t—but, hey, read my stuff anyway.  It keeps me off the streets, which is a good thing.  Mr. Z is going to need our support over on CNN.  Making sense out there these days will create a tremendous backlash from the talking heads, left and right.  Hang in there, pal.  Be the rider on the storm, the Lizard King, and whatever other Doors reference floats your boat.  Watch him America, watch him and learn.  Like any good medicine, it might taste bad going down, but a bunch of it and you can catch a good buzz!   Now if you’ll excuse me, just one more time before it’s illegal.

Zakaria and Zano 2012.  Just to egg on those Mayan Gods.

Goodstock: Three Months of Jobs, Growth, and Prosperity has Died

Rick Right Pernick

The recovery summer, the love child of Barack Obama and Joseph Biden, has gone to the big government program in the sky.  Little Stimuleena was only three months old.  There will be no open casket for this one, folks.  You could lose your lunch.  Oh wait, you can’t afford lunch anymore.  Nevermind.

A proud parent, Joseph Biden, announced Stimuleena’s birth on June 10th.   He expected her to have a full and rewarding life.  In spite of six weeks of milking the teets of taxpayers, the pork-fat that was consumed by the parents before, during, and after conception was apparently too much for the fetus to handle.

While most experts were skeptical Stimuleena could survive after birth, her parents were certain Obamacare would sustain her. Since the cost of medical care would no longer be an issue, the good taxpayers of America could pay dearly to sustain her.  After all, they had no choice.

Stimuleena is survived by her parents, Barack and Joseph; several god-parents, Rahm Emanuel, Christina Romer, Timothy Giethner, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid; numerous step brothers and sisters that reside in the democrat party; but no siblings…yet.

With the advice of co-god-parent Christina Romer, Barack may be planning the birth of another recovery child fund fest, Lollapelosi?  This time they were advised to increase the fat, and milk the teets less, to improve the longevity of their next love-child beyond November 2012 (when Barack will be seeking his second term as president).  We do not yet know if Hillary Clinton will be solicited to be the surrogate mother, although nine out of ten mental health professionals are discouraging this move.

Services will be held in private, with Barack Obama not yet willing to publically accept the loss.  Stimuleena’s body will however be maintained in a cryogenic state alongside Walt Disney’s head, in the minute hope Obamacare will find a cure sometime in the Futurama.

Devo Calling for Beheading of Discord Staff

Devo Calling for Beheading of Discord Staff

Philadelphia, PA—A radicalized pop band calling themselves The People’s Republic of Devo are sticking up for the popular 80s band, Duran Duran.  They are calling for the heads of all Discord staffers in response to the ezine’s controversial decision to burn 16 copies of Rio this Saturday at the Liberty Bell Pavilion.

“They should die,” said front man, Mark Mothersbaugh.  “horribly if possible.  This is an affront to Bowie the Goblin King and all things 80s.  Think about it, what would 80s night be like without Rio?  It would be as bad as a fucking 90s night, if you can imagine that.”

CEO of the Discord, Pierce Winslow, is firing back—out of the side window of his Buick GNX.  “Yeah, I’m packing and I am defending my 2nd and my 18th Amendment rights.”

When it was pointed out the 18th Amendment involved the repeal of prohibition, Winslow said, “Yeah…drinking, shooting, and driving.  What did you think I was talking about?”

The FBI and local law enforcement personnel are encouraging the main contributors of The Daily Discord to take this threat seriously and are suggesting they all lay low for a while.

“Just look at those orange hats,” said Springfield Police Chief Clancy Wiggum.  “According to the MTV archives, they’re packing whips too.  Not to mention, they’re probably all doped up on goofballs.”  

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I thought your essay on Love, Spirituality, and Spooge was revolting.  Can’t you find something better to do with your free time than demean women?  You give New Age a bad name!

Gale P.

Houston, TX

Dear Gale,

Free time?  I’ll have you know I’m inappropriate to women in the workplace too.  Well, if I were gainfully employed, that is.  But, ahhh, maybe you should give my latest book a miss, Inner Paths to Pussy.  Just saying.

The Ghetto Shaman

The Terrorists Win the War on Terror: Film at 11

The Terrorists Win: Film at 11
Pierce Winslow

Reflecting on 9/11, nine years, later was damn depressing—almost as bad as reading our submissions this week.  Did you really think a bunch of radical yahoos could defeat America (and I don’t mean the Discord staff)?  Of course not, they were betting on our own stupidity, and that bet paid off far beyond their wildest expectations.

Al Qaeda can officially declare victory in the War on Terror.  In a six to five ruling last week, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals sealed our fate.  This ruling will forever protect George Bush, or any future president for that matter, from even being subject to a judicial review.  Another Watergate may never happen, well, the president is less likely to be brought to justice at any rate.  The ruling said that claims of torture will not even be investigated, as they are deemed “state secrets” not subject to court room adjudication.

George Bush's all seeing eye

Since 9/11, Americans have systematically dismantled their own freedom by granting unprecedented powers to the executive branch, the FBI, and the CIA, powers that have been used to surveil the citizenry without probable cause or due process, torture prisoners in illegally run overseas secret prisons, and also to wage unfettered, unjustified war on a global scale.  Cheney said that Obama would one day thank him for the expansion of power.   As a citizen of our once great nation, I would like to take the time to say, “Fuck you, Mr. Cheney.”

Freedom of religion and equal treatment under law have been revoked, as Americans are too scared to allow the construction of a mosque in lower Manhattan, and have declared the Muslim religion evil due to the actions of a radical minority who hate us for political reasons, not religious ones. I mean really, as if Al Quaeda would be stupid enough to put their terrorist headquarters in downtown Manhattan. Um, Hello? They operate out of Pakistan (assuming Osama hasn’t moved on). You remember? Our ally in the war on terror? The ones sucking down billions in aid which is being funneled into the Afghani insurgency? But I digress…

The mainstream media, well, OK, Fox News is very successfully fostering hatred, prejudice and fear, and building Nazi-esque nationalism by, ironically, repeatedly comparing our democratically elected government to Nazi Germany.  Joseph Goebbels would be proud. Meanwhile, the Koch brothers, Texas gazillionaires, are secretly funding the Tea Party, because they’re such big Glenn beck fans.  (Hah!  Fools.) How ironic that the second largest stockholder in Fox News’ parent company, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, has pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into the very Manhattan mosque project they so fear. Am I the only one that sees the hypocrisy here? This guy is providing both the fire and the gasoline (literally) causing us to fear them and them to hate us. Why don’t we solve the whole problem by rounding up all of the Muslims and putting them into concentration camps, um, I mean resort colonies; a “final solution” if you will. Where have you heard that before?

The American economy is flying apart. Joblessness is near an 80 year high, and bankruptcies, crime rates and homelessness are following suit.  For a more hard hitting example, I am about to lay off Zano for a third time.  He is single handedly increasing both our unemployment numbers as well our nation’s under employment numbers.

Americans no longer travel because they are too scared, too poor, or do not want to deal with the hassles of air travel security restrictions or exploding underpants.

Osama bin Laden is still on the loose, somewhere (Pakistan?!?!?), orchestrating terrorist activity all over the world. He moves around, at will, sowing the seeds of anti-American sentiment, and we are watering those seeds by protesting at Mosques, burning copies of the Koran, and garroting cab drivers.

The other day, Andrew Sullivan was actually channeling Zano, instead of the other way around:

There are legitimate trade-offs between national security and liberty. But the protection of war criminals where no secrets are at stake except the scandal of torture itself is not one of them. Alas, there are few such citizens around. And, most tragic of all, those who say they care about liberty above all – the tea-partiers who invoke the founders – seem only too willing to surrender every liberty for the prize of a security against a threat we cannot even measure, and to bow down before a new king (and probably warrior-queen) rather than elect a new president.

—Andrew Sullivan, The Daily Dish, September 9, 2010

We need to change Know Hope to No Hope, but not for the reasons the wing nuts out there think. I would like to end this post on a high note…this is all going to end December 21, 2012, and I will be laying off Zano again this week.

Discord Threatens to Burn the Duran!

Discord Threatens to Burn the Duran!

Philadelphia, PA—In what is being hailed as “the copycat publicity stunt from hell”, the Daily Discord plans to burn old Duran Duran albums en mass next Saturday.  According to inside sources, Discord staffers have accumulated 16 of the band’s albums, mostly Rio, as well as one of the bassist’s rarer solo albums (Dave Atsals is a huge fan).  Unless their demands are met, the Discord is planning this pop-pyre at the Liberty Bell Pavilion in Philadelphia, PA, on the anniversary of the cancellation of Celebrity Family Feud

When asked about these demands, the Daily Discord’s CEO, Pierce Winslow, channeled a certain teen beauty queen. “I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don’t have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as in South Africa and the Iraq, uh—”

“We will burn all of these albums onto our hard drives,” cut in the Discord’s Ghetto Shaman. “Muslims hate illegal downloads.  It makes them crazy…er, crazier.”

He then recited a strange variation of Churchill’s speech, with lyrics such as: “We shall fight them on the bitches!” to the backdrop of his fellow Discordians belting out one of the worst renditions of Hungry Like the Wolf ever karaoked.  The unauthorized press conference ended when the Philadelphia Police Department tear gassed the lot.

Parenting: Why I Stopped

Mick Zano

I came across a blog the other day in which these four, all important parenting tips, are stressed for the academic success of your child. It was the act of reading these four items, in succession, that made me realize just how much my parenting style leaves to be desired.

  1. A regular bed time:

    My daughter does have a regular bed time—when the X-Box overheats, usually around 4AM. That’s only valid throughout the summer months, of course.  Now that school has started, the rules are stricter. Bed time is now when the X-Box starts flashing like it’s going to overheat, usually around 3AM.

  2. Regular meals:

    My daughter eats, I’m sure of this. I receive the grocery bills.  Does she eat regularly, though…hmmm.  We don’t have a dining room or a kitchen table to speak of.  There is a coffee table in front of the flat screen where the family gathers each evening to argue over television programs.  Actually, come to think of it, I know exactly what she eats, because it’s usually stuck to the bottom of my slippers while I’m watching American Idol. Basically, we are not so much a family as a lose association; we’re almost tribal, really.

  3. Parental involvement and expectation:

    My daughter has clear expectations.  You can only burn your own room down and daddy must approve any drug-mule job-opportunities. What kind of father would I be if didn’t ask her dealer the tough questions?

  4. Set time to do homework every night:

    Homework is the indoctrination of “the man” and all that “the man” stands for.   Besides, this is America, so math no longer applies here.  For proof of this watch any statistics used by the media. My daughter is encouraged to do what I did: do your homework on the bus on the way home from school, or pay someone to do it for you.  Did I mention this is America?  Now, back in college I had a ‘helper’ in each class.  This was typically someone who could drink for free at the Havoc House, all semester, provided I was passing the class in question.

Some of these life skills helped me make the leap from fundamental thought to entrepreneurialism. Anyway, then I thought more about this list from this blogger person, and I don’t think they’re all that meaningful.  Are they important, yes; am I failing as a parent, certainly, but here’s the thing: there’s other important aspects to parenting than meets the eye.  Case in point, I brought up the subject of drug mules; this blog person never mentioned them.

Our current society is fraught with narcissism.  These recent generations are mired in an attitude centering around, “What about me?!”  Being somewhat narcissistic myself, I realize it’s becoming increasingly harder to move kids from selfishness to selflessness.  So what is a parent to do?  In the immortal words of Ned Flander’s father, “We’ve tried nothing and we’re out of options.”  Well, I figured it out eventually.  Just follow these four simple—new and improved—parenting rules:

  1. Rent the Harry Potter movies:

    I think the Harry Potter movies are important.  They provide a framework for a religion of sorts, albeit a more pagan one, but it is filling that void created by none of us going anywhere near church except for weddings and funerals.  Besides, I’ll take a talking snake over a burning bush any day.

  2. Rent all the Shrek movies:

    For was it not Shrek who taught us that beauty is in the eye of the green-ogre.

  3. Watch Dr. Who on the SyFy Channel:

    Now she is into Dr. Who, which is teaching her that the English are strange.  Again, very important.  By the end of the school year I hope to have a more advanced course in English weirdness involving memorizing the Monty Python movies and old television episodes.  I will not teach her the corresponding drinking game versions, of course, until middle high school.

  4. A regular bed time:

    If you want to get your child to bed earlier, plug the intake air vents on their gaming system.  Bed time will start earlier for sure.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, my daughter’s texting her dealer again.  I monitor all of these communications, because you can’t be too careful these days. 

The Obama’s Version of Mary Poppins Opens on Broadway

The Obama’s Version of Mary Poppins Opens on Broadway

New York, NY—In what is being hailed as a desperate move to win hearts and minds, Barak and Michelle Obama are starring in an adaptation of the classic film, Mary Poppins.  The play is set to open this week on Broadway, while many are left asking the acronym-laden question, BWTF?  During the three hour performance, the Obama’s sing and dance their way through a number of Poppins’ classics such as: a spoonful of stimulus makes the medicine—you can no longer afford—go down, and SuperStimulisticHealthcarexpialadocious!  Even though the price of it is something quite atrocious. 

Three Obama lawyer associates, from the law firm of Rodger, Rodgers, and Hammerstein, successfully bring the musical score back to an age when the musical theater genre should have been left in a nearby dumpster.

Reviews are harsh and Michelle Obama’s performance is described as “decidedly sucky” by the New York Times.  The most controversial number occurs near the play’s finale when our sitting President sings the lyrics: Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim Fuck Bush.

“I thought that the whole thing lacked a certain class,” said our own Bald Tony, who, to show his disapproval, made fart noises throughout the second half of the play—until he was pistol whipped by the Secret Service.

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

How do you balance your enlightened journey with your alcohol consumption?  The two would seem to work against one another. As I have heard it said, what we love will eventually kill us. 


Milford, CT

Dear Chuck,

This is precisely why I keep my X-girlfriends chained in the basement.  Well, one of the reasons.  As for balancing alcohol with a spiritual discipline, you have hit upon the very crux of the matter!  Read my book Living Gaia, Killing Liver and all will be distilled…I mean revealed.  Really, I meant revealed.

The Ghetto Shaman

The Event Verizon: How the Military Industrial Complex Tried to Kill The Daily Discord

The Verizon Event: How the Military Industrial Complex Tried to Kill The Daily Discord
Pierce Winslow

I awoke earlier than any human should, scraped my scurvy ass out of bed, cleaned the pool, showered, and bulldozed through 45 minutes of Philly’s best combat traffic (in my universe Route 476+276+202=666). Then, right after resituating myself in my vexatious chair, my personal annoyance device (PAD) vibrates right next to my nads at 7:30 AM.

It’s probably the Ghetto Shaman trying to make bail again. I answer the call. Mrs. Winslow informs me that Verizon has just shut down our internet connection with a Martin Lutheresque bitch-note posted where my home page would normally appear. The account is suspended. Now there are only links provided where you can go to rectify this situation. Several links later, they all say I have to call and speak with someone (foreshadowing?).

Set the Way Back machine to about two-years ago. When I signed up, the agreement required that I enroll in automatic payment. Some time later I tried to have them switch to conventional billing—you know, where you actually get a bill instead of the leaches attaching themselves directly to your bank account like a lamprey, but they would not have it. Who could blame them? Anyway, the leach-attached account has plenty of cash. There are no new cards, or expirations, or other such obstructions. What the fuck could go wrong?

So I get on the bank’s web site: Verizon hasn’t hit the account in about three months. OK, so I’m behind, way behind. One would wonder why I never got an email, or a phone call (they are a phone company, right?), or a snail mail bitch-note, or maybe one of those Martin Lutheresque notes threatening my life from my web browser.

Verizon Beautiful People

Time to call Verizon…

Take 1:

I call the FIOS Internet service number, as listed on that Lutheresque bitch-note. I’m greeted by a friendly, sexy sounding computer who assures me that she can help with my account, but she needs the phone number about which I am calling. Uh, this is the internet service number, right? So I hit #2. Then she wants my account #. Being at work, I don’t have it. Not that I would have had it at home either, because they have never sent me a bill, so I punch #2 again. OK, now she’ll accept my phone # as verification (even though it’s not through Verizon). I am transferred to Billing…

A real human being picks up the line. She speaks English! The agent cannot tell me why they stopped billing me. In fact, she says that I have never been on automatic billing, but if I want to sign up for their oh-so-effective automatic billing I can do so once this is all resolved. I wanted to debate the overall effectiveness of said automatic payment, but in a very effective, deflective manner, she got me off of their fuckup and onto how I can pony up three dollars on top of the amount due to use their over-the-phone payment thingie to get this problem resolved. She gives me the 14-fucking-digit account number and transfers me off to some third-party, not so sexy, phone, computer, payment thing (after giving me the “correct” FIOS Internet service number in case I need to call again (more foreshadowing?). I enter the 14-fucking-digit account number. The not so sexy system reads back the 14-fucking-digit account number. It’s correct, so I hit #1. The bitch tells me that she has no idea who I am and to go away. Lovely.

Call Verizon, Take 2:

I call the new and improved FIOS Internet service number. The same sexy computer, ironically, tells me once again, how she can help me with my account. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice…uh, we won’t get fooled again!

Hitting the same magic numbers at the same prompts, I get to another human being who, after my recanting the whole tale, judgmentally tells me that she will conference me into the not so sexy, phone, computer, payment thingie, and she will enter the information on my behalf (because a 42-year-old, 164 IQ software engineer making about four times what she does can’t handle that). A few glip, schschsch, beep, beep, beeps later, the service agent says I’m in and I’m on my own and gets off the line. Did I mention that she gave me yet another “correct” number for FIOS Internet support?

Anyway, what’s the first question the not so sexy system asks me? “How much do you want to pay?”

After all of the hoopla, I don’t know.

I am really good with numbers. I can memorize someone’s credit card number in about 30 seconds to a minute (awesome bar trick, especially when it’s time to settle up). I also have 623 flying monkeys that I am preparing to unleash on Verizon headquarters, as we speak. Anyway, I believe that human being #1 had said that the overdue amount is ~$119, so I enter $125. The system says everything is OK so I get on with my work day. After that stress, I bulldoze back home through 45 minutes of Philly’s best combat traffic to the comfort of home.

While on the line with them, both the first and second human beings promised me that four hours after the payment went through (11:30, yeah it took that long), the service would automatically be restored. I expected that the service would be restored by the time I got back home, six hours later (fool!).

Verizon Beautiful People

My oldest daughter greets me with a hug and a kiss, and proceeds to complain to me about the mean woman on the computer who won’t let her play any Wubzy games. The woman in question is an image, on that Lutheresque bitch note, of some anorexic blonde, standing, working on a laptop with one hand while holding it in the other (like that’s realistic).

Lovely, Verizon’s fuckup is costing my Baby Face quality Wubzy time. I release the flying monkeys…

Call Verizon, Take 3:

I call the new, new and improved FIOS Internet Service Number. The same sexy computer greets me, telling me how she can help with my account, and asks me for the phone number I’m calling about (this is the internet service number, right?). I did the keypad hokey-pokey (not the McDooris variety), and got back to billing where I proceeded to tell Winston the story of Alice’s Restaurant Massacree, in four part harmony, with full orchestration…anyway, so he gives me yet another correct FIOS support number, and I’m being transferred to…wait, I’ve been disconnected.

Verizon Beautiful People

Call Verizon, Take 4: (they must really value my call, because they keep me calling back)…

After all of the same bullshit, again, I find out this is no longer a billing issue since the payment went through, and it is now a support issue. She’ll transfer me.

At this point I had switched to my cell phone (AT&T thank you very much). It’s much more mobile while doing dinner, bath, pre-bed, posting bail for the Ghetto Shaman, etc. I’m hearing static on the line. I don’t get static on my cell phone at home. There is a cell tower about 200 yards away. I could throw my phone at it and hit the damn thing, which I was about to do. The tower is cleverly disguised as a tree, by the way. Granted, I have never seen a Douglas Fir with branches only at the top and pumping out 80,000 μW/cm2 of RF Radiation. I’m waiting for my neighbor, Cleetus, to try cutting it down for Christmas. Anyway, I’m being transferred overseas (the Kobyashi Maru has set sail for the promised land)…

Verizon Beautiful People

I end up talking to Dipti (yeah, US-based support has shut down for the day). He asks me for the phone number…GOD, um VISHNU DAMMIT! I go through the whole thing again and the phone gets silent….for a minute or two (no exaggeration)…he asks me again about the phone number… *sigh*… He can see my account, but he can’t do anything about it (another fine product). He’s going to transfer me to FIOS Internet support (isn’t this the “correct” number?).

After being on hold for, I don’t know, forever and a week, I was greeted by the friendly, sexy sounding computer, who assures me she can help with my account. I ‘bout threw my phone through the window.

Verizon Call, Take Xanax…er, I mean 5:

Yet another new and improved support number. This time it is one intended for Verizon engineers. There is no voice or anything available here, except who I should call when I cut into a customer’s electric service (mental note…).

Verizon Call, Take 6:

Some guy asks me what state I live in.

Take 7:

Take 8:

Take 9:


Come on, Cleetus. Grab an axe! Christmas is coming early this year…

I bailed. I had a beer, a shot, played a certain relevant George Thorogood song and got the kids bathed and to bed.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than any human should. I scraped my scurvy ass out of bed and checked the laptop. There was a DNS error: that’s actually a good sign. I bring down the entire network, bring it back up, and I’m greeted with The Daily Discord when I open the browser. Reading it made me want to go back to bed. Have you actually read some of that shit? *shudder*

Verizon Beautiful People

So what is the lesson here? The best I can come up with is the Military Industrial Complex is trying to shut down the Daily Discord, or maybe Wubzy. I’m sure it’s one of the two. I mean, really. How stupid can these people be? They built the largest fiber-optic network on the planet as well as one of the largest wireless networks—not to mention they have one of the largest bank balances on the planet. They have more cash and power than God, Allah, Buddha, Vishnu, and the Ghetto Shaman combined. I spoke with people named Marianne, Dipti, Winston (who the hell has a name like Winston?!?!?), Caneeshwa (I’m sure I spelled that wrong), and Ming Lu (wasn’t that a dynasty?).

It’s a world-wide conspiracy! But that 15 megabit fiber is soooooo sweet. Now that it’s working, I’m almost sorry I encouraged Cleetus to try chaining that fake Douglas Fir to his pick-up truck tonight.

I think they’re fucking with my post right now. We don’t have people this beautiful.

Cocaine Found in Paris

Cocaine Found in Paris

Paris, FR—Paris Hilton was arrested last night after French police conducted a strip search of the debutante in the French capital last night.  The Hilton family heiress was, according to French police, hiding a large quantity of cocaine in her person.

When asked what a baggie of cocaine was doing lodged in her privates, Hilton responded, “That’s not mine.  The vagina is in mine, sure, but I haven’t been up there myself in some time.”   She then added, “I have people for that.”

French police were also highly offended by where Paris Hilton chose to insert a sizeable replica of the Eiffel Tower.

“Oh, that,” said Hilton, “I think I picked that up at the Parisian Palace last week in Vegas.”

Hilton is now reportedly suing Las Vegas for false advertising.

“Isn’t their motto supposed to be ‘what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?’  I don’t think that means it’s supposed to be forcibly removed by strange men in uniform in another country!”

Reportedly, Hilton later told friends and family how the items were placed there in an eerily similar manner.