Dateline: Saturday May 21st 6:00PM: World Ends

The Crank

Oh how I do wish it had come true. After much deep contemplation I have come to this realization—a realization aided by many pulled pork samichiz, Twinkies and Cokes. It is hard work, but someone other than Mikko has to do it. He cannot be trusted. I used to think that people whose opinions differed from mine were smart, caring people whose opinions just differed from mine. Then I started reading Mick Zano columns.

Most liberal/progressives are just mean-spirited, egotistical, closed minded, ‘do-what-I-say-not-what-I-do’, ‘we know better than you for we are educated’, nice people. I’m sorry, I tried for years to see the world through rose colored cataracts, but it was for naught. For years I have been told by people whom I looked up to, that “my side” lied all the time, and cared not for anyone. Well, not so much. I have seen more lies coming from the far left than anything the equally idiotic ‘Rush/Beck’ has offered.  We now see YouTube ads put out by the DNC that show granny literally being ‘thrown over a cliff’ by an evil Republican. For people who either have not read Paul Ryan’s plan and assume it must be bad (it was written by a Repub, after all), or cannot read at all (might be the case). If you are an informed middle-of-the-road type, you will see that the end can’t come fast enough. Maybe I had better lose some weight, for if “The Rapture” is coming, I may not float all the way up, and end up seated next to Mikko, who The Lord must see as a nice guy gone horribly wrong, currently housed in the “well, I’ll figure out what to do with this asshole later” section.

Our ‘Divider-In-Chief’ has now produced an atmosphere of poison making that of Venus seem breathable. In a speech he called “a statement on Immigration” he immediately goes off on Repubs, making fun of real border issues, joking about something he knows is not true. I swear, as I watched the thing, I saw illegals dropping from the wall he was stationed in front of. I’m sure he isn’t going to get much ‘by partisan support’ for anything. It was a campaign speech. It’s what he does. He never really ‘led’ our country, he just wasted time ‘til he could campaign again.

You have whole states (Nevada) getting a waiver for Obamacare. Nevada, you know, where Senate Leader Harry (the crypt keeper) Reid is from? The guy who railroaded the bill through the Senate, yeah, HIS STATE. You have Obama issuing waivers to AARP! You know, the ones that lobbied heavily for its passage, yeah them. You have Nancy (Botox) Pelosi handing out waivers in her hometown like free candy to all her favorite hang outs, .20 percent of all waiver handed out in April—in the whole friggin country—were to high end businesses in her district. The district that now wants to make circumcision illegal. Yeah, THAT district.

You have the Federal Labor Board taking Boeing Aircraft to court for starting an assembly plant in a Right To Work state. They now want to tell businesses: it’s OK if you go to China, just don’t even think about non union in the good ‘ol USA.

I have my eyes closed and my palms raised to Heaven, awaiting the Second Coming.  Light as a feather, stiff as a board.  Light as a feather, stiff as a board…

It’s official, you now cannot question any of Obama’s ideas without the race card being pulled from the sleeve of defenseless Democrats. It’s actually racist to do such a thing, but I must be the only person ON EARTH to see it that way. Maybe if I start to jump up and down, I can hasten the ‘Rapture’ thing.

Let me put the Coke…maybe that will help.

You have a family in Missouri that sells pretty little bunnies to its friend and neighbors, facing a 4 MILLION DOLLAR FINE for selling more than $500.00 worth in one year without the necessary permits. Things are so bad, even The Donald had people actually interested in him as a Presidential candidate. You have a President of the United States throwing our only Mideast friend, Israel, under the wheels of ‘Cadillac One’ the Pres’s main ride.

The Democrats in Congress have yet to forward a budget—now two years late! The last official budget the Democrats brought up for ‘mark-up’ was in 2009.  Yeah, lets all vote for them again. Let’s see that fact in some of the DNC’s ads.

Maybe if I am on a plane, flying somewhere, when the Rapture happens it’ll hasten the process.  I will email Stephen Hawking on this…

You have what is being called The Arab Spring. The awakening of the Mideast to Democracy? No, not at all. It’s the Muslim Majority getting to power so they can kill Christians and Jews alike, without being “oppressed” by a “totalitarian regime” that has , up till recently in Egypt’s Mubarak’s case, kept Christians and Jews alive. Every time I read of a Middle Eastern Catholic Church invaded and many Christians killed, I wait for the Main Stream Media to rise up in horror at the story. I’m still waiting…but we can’t upset the Muslims. Even when the radicalized versions want us all dead. Yeah, them.

You have the American Republican favorite choice for President, wanting no part of running. You know it’s near the end when the light at the end of the tunnel, figuratively (and literally to New Yorkers), is in New Jersey!!

You have the Secret Service admitting to monitoring Fox News. You have the President actually pressuring media to be helpful in his re-election, leaving anti-Obama news media out in the cold at pressers. You have a friggin news man at CNN, Fareed Zakaria, admitting to advising Obama on his Foreign policy (scary) and still reading the news without telling watchers that he may have a hand in MAKING said news.

Finally, you have the First Lady, bad wig and all, telling me I can’t eat what I want. If I do, I may be heavily taxed in the future? Really? Where in the Constit…oh yeah, you don’t really care do ya?


 Right after you turn off the Ventilator.  Oh Lord, I think I see the light. Please take me from this land of heathens and idiots. I call to you to save me. What’s that? Oh, that wasn’t nothing, I was young and stupid. Wait, you can’t mean that one small, what? Ok many small, what? Ok many not so small…I’m not floating, is that a problem? Oh shit. Oh, hey Mik, long time no see……

Grandmother Still Holding Birther Meetup Group this Saturday

Grandmother Still Holding Birther Meetup Group this Saturday

Gettysburg, PA—Iris Kleinmind is undaunted by the release of Obama’s full birth certificate.  Despite the latest proof, she plans to continue her Birther Meetup group at the Lincoln Diner on Saturday nights at 6:00 PM.  Mrs. Kleinmind’s social group started as a Tea Party Meetup, until they realized taxes were the lowest they’ve been in decades.  Glenn Beck then inspired the ladies to start a George Soros is Hitler Meetup group.

“But then we stopped understanding Mr. Beck, with or without our medications,” said Kleinmind, “so we went with a Kenya Boy was Raised in a Madrasah Meetup, which fizzled out quickly, I’m afraid.”

Kleinmind went on to say her Shutdown ACORN! Meetup was her personal favorite.

“When ACORN was finally shutdown we cheered and cheered….well, until NYC prosecutors cleared them of all criminal wrongdoing because the tapes were doctored.” 

When asked about her longest and shortest Meetup groups, she said, “The Death Panel Meetup group had a nice run, until we made the mistake of actually reading the House bill.  We never should have done that.  And the shortest was our Shirley Sherrod Sucks Meetup group, which only lasted until they released the rest of her speech the next day.”

A series of social Meetup blunders has left Kleinmind’s group more determined than ever.  She still believes, “The truther is out there!”  And, whereas she is saddened how Osama bin Laden’s death ended her Obama’s Soft on Terror Meetup, she is happy to announce her next idea: Obama Hates Israel our Closest Ally Meetup group.

“This one is a sure thing!” said Kleinmind.

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

Do you have any nick names or aliases? Just curious.

Greg D.

Straatmore, CO

Dear Greg,

Some call me the Keeper of the Sacred Knowledge. Others call me Dances with Drinks. Still others call me the Man Who Should Stop His Drunken Facebook Posts!

The Ghetto Shaman

P.S.  And don’t even get me started on Toking Twitter Tuesdays!

The Economy: $ome Ea$y $olution$ that Can’t Po$$ibly Work

Mick Zano

I hate economics.  If we weren’t about to go tits up, I would much rather be posting something about Why I Hate Light Beer, which I do by the way, but here we are…  The Republicans’ answers for our economic woes are not going to happen, or won’t work anyway.  I don’t know what they’re smoking, but it’s certainly better than the shit the Ghetto Shaman scores me.

I know, I know, it’s painful when reality intrudes on ideology.  I should issue a warning before my posts.  I love Bill Maher’s line last week, when he warned Fox viewers to turn down the sound until the flashing FACTS sign stops blinking at the bottom of their televisions. On that note, here are some FACTS:

“The Republicans have spent the past 30 years creating deficits and the Democrats have spent the past 30 years closing them. The unimportance of deficits became an article of faith during the second Bush Administration: “Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter,” Dick Cheney famously said. It has been rather hilarious for those of us with even a minimal grasp of recent history to watch these folks pull fierce 180-degree turns on the issue–and it is even more hilarious to watch them accuse Obama of hyper-partisanship after the dump-truck full of garbage they visited upon his head these past few years,”

–Joe Klein

Meanwhile, Jon Stewart—yes, we must resort to comedians for our truth these days—recently showed how expiring the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy had about the same impact on the deficit as Paul Ryan’s plan.  Instead of asking for Bill Gates to fork over an extra percent for Bush’s fiscal fornication, they want to gut critical care and invade Syria.  They are using this crisis, a crisis they predominately caused, to push an agenda even Scrooge would not approve of (the Scrooge from the beginning of the movie, not at the end, wise ass).  And where do they think these people will go? Is the problem solved?  No, they will make a mess, clog our hospitals and jails and cost us more, not less, money. 

Even though my paycheck is primarily funded by Medicaid, I’m OK with responsible cuts across the board.  At the end of the day it’s about priorities and the right doesn’t have any—except preserving their own greedy hides, of course.  By the way, my behavioral health company is down about 26% over the last 3 years.  Defense cuts?  Hmmm. I’m going to guess somewhere around 0% thus far.  On a related note, Ron Paul had an integral moment recently:

“Instead of the left agreeing to cut social spending and the right agreeing to cut military spending, the right agrees to more welfare and the left agrees to more warfare. In spite of all the rhetoric, we will go deeper in debt, the Fed will print more money, and the value of the dollar will continue to plummet.” 

–Ron Paul (

This is why I quoted him a lot back in 2003, when “fiscal conservatives” were marginalizing him.

Here’s the main Republican fail (I know, on any given subject, it’s hard to limit it to just one, but here it goes): on the brink of a depression, borrowing money from China to give another gazillion dollar tax break to the next yet-to-be-jailed Bernie Madoffs of the world is not likely to get you a job cleaning out one of their pools anytime soon.  AKA, don’t invest in the pool skimmer just yet, Cleetus.  I’m only saying this because jobs have never been created during a period when taxes remained this low for the super rich, ever. 

But this time’s going to be different! 

Yeah, 1939 different…

We don’t have just a spending issue, we also have a revenue issue and a huge frigging debt that can’t be ignored or made up for by closing ACORN.  Anyone credible knows we need some type of percentage of tax hikes and spending cuts.  AKA, next to no one on the right is credible.

Remember I said to watch England

England diced things up thusly, 80/20 (80% via spending cuts, 20% by tax hikes—all over the long haul). Well, it’s not working out too well, is it?  Their recovery is much slower than expected …following the Tories’ (Republicans) “cut everything to shit plan” hasn’t worked.  And, let’s face it, those Republicans are much smarter than their U.S. counterparts (not much of a trick, really).

England is faltering right on cue so Fox assumes, “80% spending cuts just isn’t enough!” or “They weren’t serious enough about spedning cuts!” or some other nonsense.  Oh, and how many times have you heard these “fiscal conservatives” say everything should be on the table?  I have called for some 60/40 type thing that would raise taxes for the rich and would cut things equitably and responsibly across the board.  AKA, you don’t just say everything’s on the table as you drop the toaster into Medicare’s bathtub.  Saving Ryan’s privates? 

Getting the right’s delusional worldview to match history must be a constant struggle, but what amazes me is their rhetoric doesn’t even match their own policies. I know this much, we have next to no chance of avoiding the next dip, but the Republican plan will always be the darker choice; it will always hasten our demise.  More money for the C. Montgomery Burnses of the world and soup lines for everyone else.  You know, socialism.  And the only reason I’m saying Trickle Down Voodoo Reagonomics (TDVR) doesn’t work is because, thus far it never has.  Soooo, over the years my own predictions have been much more accurate and my own policies (like supporting Ron Paul to some degree) have been much more fiscally conservative, so I ask the Foxeteers again, what is your point?  on anything? 

Maybe you’re thinking you’re waaaaaaaaaaaaay overdue to be right about something.  Great plan….or Great Depression.  What about the hard line approach taken way back in 1940?  The spending cuts and belt tightening in the years following the market crash plunged our country into a prolonged four-year depression.  What about that history stuff?

When you read some of this, do you just keep thinking about baseball?  How does your collective mind shift back to some Fox News talking point?  Is it subliminal messages?  Is it some form of Greta Van Semaphore?  Bill Hemmerer pigeons?  Shep signals?  I’m being told to stop…

The right has done nothing except attack liberal radio, homeless Veteran’s benefits, planned parenthood, and a host of other non-profit community organizations that amount to .0000001 of the problem (hint: that’s a small number, much like your viable nominees). And the punch line is, you still think that makes sense! Actually, I don’t think those organizations are even part of problem. YOU, and your voting records are part of the problem.  Oh, and if you pile all of your Obama “scandals” end to end, they would reach all the way to Danny Devito’s shin.  I remember covering real scandals during the Bush years.  I still remember them, in fact, I’m still living them.  And what the right is actually right about these days is so buried in bullshit, we may never find it, and that’s the real tragedy.  

“Even though we have historically low income tax rates for high-earning individuals, even though revenues have collapsed in the recession, even though we have empirically discovered that big tax cuts have not generated more economic growth, the GOP still insists on reforming taxes not to raise revenue but to reduce it. This is where the whole thing gets surreal. The very Laffer untruth that sank America into debt in the early 1990s is one still being peddled against all the relevant evidence to guide us through the next few decades. In my view, if we maintain that ideological fantasy, the US will become a banana republic in short order.”

Andrew Sullivan

Andrew Sullivan is wrong…we are already there.  When they write the epitaph for America, and someone takes us point for point where we went wrong, it will predominantly be a list of Fox News talking points.  Sadly, that will never be a Fox News talking point.

Twisted Twister hits Adult Shoppe with Deadly-Hysterical Consequences

Twisted Twister hits Adult Shoppe with Deadly-Hysterical Consequences

Findlay, OH—The small Toledo suburb of Findlay, a usually peaceful town, was assailed by a barrage of black and pink missiles after an FU twister (or is it F2?) hit the Johnny Cum Lately Boutique yesterday. A mass of dildos, whips, chains and lingerie blanketed the town during rush hour. Autoerotic asphyxiation was given a new meaning when a car and a gag landed on the chest of Peevis Petersen.

There’s also anger with the local newspaper’s decision to go with an alliterative headline, “Flying Fornication Toys of Findlay.”  This publication would never resort to such cheap attempts at humor. This reporter is not going to mention how Findlay is an actual Ohio town that has no business even having an adult shop in the first place.   

“This is not a joking matter,” said Debra Horner. “My home was demolished but with all the exotic debris, at least I was able to amuse myself all night at the shelter.”

Most stories didn’t have such a “happy ending.” Another victim, Clyde Millman, spent his last moments on earth dodging a barrage of pink and black missiles.

“He either died very happy or in sheer terror,” said coroner Dick Plassebo, who performed the autopsy. “I’m sure it’s one of the two.”

“Thank god for the blowup doll shipment the night before,” said the boutique’s manager, Squirrelly Nick, “or this would have been much, much worse.”

Alex Bone Discovered in Belly of Giant Crawdad!

Alex Bone Discovered in Belly of Giant Crawdad!

Collapsing Shack, AZ—In a story of biblical proportions, Alex Bone has put Jonah, Pinocchio, and Natalie Wood to shame.  The Discord contributor and Yig enthusiast, missing since early last month, was discovered living inside the stomach of a colossal Crawdad.

Dr. Sterling Hogbein, of the Hogbein Institute and liquor store, said, “Megadonulus Crawdaddyo was believed to be extinct for millions of beers. Yet this recent specimen discovered in Northern Arizona proves that we’re heading into a new age where dinosaurs will once again rule the Earth!”

When asked how Bone survived within a giant crayfish gullet for over a month, he replied, “The digestive acid was the most severe issue and I only escaped its effects by constructing a suit of armor from the small tails of the smaller crawdads—the monster’s primary diet. I sewed the tail shells together with my own hair, creating a kind of a crawmail©, which is also why I’m now bald… er, everywhere.”

Bone apparently only subsisted by ordering out each night for pizza or Chinese food.  He eventually escaped certain death by eating his own way out of the Crayfish.

“It wasn’t easy without butter,” said Bone, “but sometimes a man’s gotta chew, what a man’s gotta chew.”

He has since sworn to hunt the beast down as soon as he “gets a bigger boat.”

“These damn crawdads declared war on the ecosystem, so I declared war on them,” said Bone. “Then they declared war on me, so now I’m declaring war on them, Big Time!”

Mick Zano had this to say: “I hope someone offers a bounty for this creature, because Bone lost his job while he was in the guts of that retched thing. Now he’s crashing on my sofa and emptying my refrigerator, which is actually not that different from when he was employed. He even sucked the mold off the bottom of the crisper and, man, that guy can drink. And if he doesn’t get his fill, I have to hear about him sewing those inch long shells together again and again. And if I have to hear the part ‘when I was down to my pubic hair’ again…”

Zano has since offered his own bounty for the creature, in the hopes it will get Bone out of his house.

Bone has enlisted the aid of the famous hunter ‘Bearblooded Thompson’ in his quest to stop this rampaging crustacean monstrosity.

“Our only hope is to build a trap big enough to hold that thing. But where can we find something that size? Kirstie Alley has thus far refused to donate her underwire bras for the cause,” said Bone.

Dr. Hogbein believes “we are just beginning to discover how dangerous this crawdad menace is. As for the conspiracy behind the threat, I am inclined to blame Republicans, which is my default position.  Rolling back EPA standards, cutting park rangers, global warming, increased pollution…if we turn a blind eye to nature those Godzilla movies will just be the beginning!  Once the crawdads have their way with Mother Nature, there won’t be anything left to protect.  The world will become a barren wasteland, devoid of life, only fit for artificial golf courses and bombing ranges…aka, a conservative Nirvana.”

Giants Awarded Minority Status as Pants Impaired

Giants Awarded Minority Status as <i>Pants Impaired</i>” /></td>
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Washington, DC-It’s one giant step for pituitary problems as the Supreme Court agreed giant people are now deemed the Pants Impaired minority.   Success hasn’t been easy for this group as Congress recently rejected their Plane Seat Impaired minority status as well as their Doorway Disabled claim.  

“These damned hobbit designers want to carve the world into their own image no matter who they hurt along the way. My head is a phrenologist’s dream!” said one tall, bumpy-headed person.  “And Kevin Smith couldn’t get on a plane until he lost weight…what do you want me to do? Gnaw off my own feet at the shins?”

An advocacy group, Giants Against Stereotyping (GAS), has been fighting for giants’ rights ever since Zeus cast them out of Olympus.

The president of GAS had this to say, “You don’t know the horrors of ordering special pants! We certainly deserve a tax break for the hardship, the extra cost, and the endless basketball jokes.”

A very tall person indeed had this to say: “We’re not monsters, Yeti, Sasquatch, or anything else you damned puny, midget-dwarf Halfling sons-o-bitches want to call us!  And, yes, we find the New York football team and the San Francisco baseball team offensive. “

“It is hoped the new legislation will shut these freaks up for a while,” said an average sized congressman from the Midwest.

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

Do you have any advice for the newlyweds, William and Kate?


Charles & Camilla

Dear royal peeps,

I’m really beginning to question the authenticity of some of these emails…like the last one, Vern from Vernon?  BWTF?  That’s, of course, a shamanic phrase meaning Bustie White Titty Fuckers, which is Persian for…fine, I’ll bite. 

You should have eloped!  Sure you got some tourism benefits, but jolly old England aint so f-ing jolly anymore.   Save your cash, start pinching some pounds.   Wait, that didn’t work. 

The Ghetto Shaman

P.S. Oh, and tell Kate about my next Rieki Robotripping Retreat. Don’t worry, she’ll get the royal treatment.  

Holy Rollercoaster, Batman!

Holy Rollercoaster, Batman!
Mick Zano

During my family’s last trip to Las Vegas, my daughter insisted on going on The Manhattan Express at the New York, New York casino.  Never do this.  It’s a harrowing rollercoaster ride, but, even more of a deterrent, it’s right by Nine Fine Irishmen. So what’s a good father to do?  I sent ‘Vegas Great’ Bald Tony on with her, of course, and started toward me Guinness.

“It’ll be fine,” I said.  “It’s a ride…what’s the worst that can happen?” Famous last words…

The rollercoaster monkeys made both of them empty their pockets before boarding.  So I stuffed all of their personal belongings into my own pockets and then my wife and I watched as the two made their way up to the coaster platform. 

“Could you stick around until they’re off the ride?” asked my wife. 

Drat. The pint would have to wait. When I asked an attendant where the ride let out, I got some mumbled vague answery point kind of thing, complete with a caveman grunt. There were only two possible exits so my wife and I each picked one for the stake out.  And then we waited, and we waited, and we waited, but still nothing.  Oh, and to make this situation even more frustrating, you can almost see the entrance to Nine Fine Irishmen from where we stood. Then I realized, no one was going into this little gift shop nearby, yet lots of people kept streaming out of it.  I refused to believe it was a TARDIS and, with some investigating, I soon discovered it was where the coaster people were exiting.  Of course, Vegas = commerce.  What’s a $30 wait without a $20 I Survived the Manhattan Express t-shirt?

So we entered the gift shop but still nothing.  I started to see people coming off of the ride who had gone on waaaay after the dynamic duo.  Then I heard the overhead warning list about riding this particular ride:


And those are the only ones I could remember!

Then I started to think, what if we missed them when we were watching the wrong exits?  Or what if there’s another exit entirely into some dark alley?  What if this really was Dr. Who’s TARDIS? Then I looked into my pockets.  I had all of Bald Tony’s meds!  He, of course, has all of the conditions listed on the overhead announcement and several they didn’t even mention!  Then I relaxed, “Well, at least he’s not pregnant.”  In my other pocket, I pulled out all of my daughter’s belongings: cell phone, iPod, camera, sunglasses.  OK, so I have all of her gadgets— gadgets she can’t live without for more than 45 seconds—which meant they have no way to text or call us.  I popped one of Tony’s Xanax.

My next vision was of Tony lying in an alley, clutching his chest, while my daughter frantically digs in her pockets for her cell phone.  Not because she wanted to call 911, mind you, she just wanted to text her friends about the really cool ride she was just on.

So I asked the attendant at the gift shop, “Uhhh, is there any other way they could have come out?”

Just then the missing coaster twins emerged. Tony was as white as a sheet. 

“What happened up there?”

“Your lovely daughter insisted we wait until we could get into the front seat,” stuttered Tony.  “It took a while.”

“Do you need a bag?” I asked.

“I assure you my stomach contents are now quite empty,” he replied.

Then my daughter looked at me and added, “And Tony cursed through the whole ride, Dad.  Some words I’d never even heard before.  Can I have my cell phone?”

As I turned Irish pubward, my daughter asked, “Can I ride it again?”

Tony said, “Don’t look at me, boss.”

“Ugggg.”  I emptied my pockets, popped another Xanax, and climbed up to the platform. 

Bin Laden Spent Final Hours Watching Baywatch Marathon

Bin Laden Spent Final Hours Watching Baywatch Marathon

Abbottabad, PK—In conjunction with Pakistani authorities, the U.S. Government has now released the details of the final hours of Osama Bin Laden’s life.   The Al-Qaeda leader, loving father and husband, spent his last 36 hours on this planet watching a Baywatch marathon on Pakistan’s popular Channel Two. 

Reports from Navy SEAL commandos are conflicting, however, bringing further shame to the Obama Administration.   One commando reports Bin Laden was watching episode 52, Princess of Tides, while a second thought it was the popular season five finale, Wet n’ Wild.

One SEAL was only able to report, “He was watching a TV show, somethin’ about lifeguards or somethin’.”

That commando has since been relieved of his duties. 

Local Pakistanis report strange activities at the compound, which usually heightened to a fevered pitch around 8:00 PM Abbottabad time, precisely when Baywatch airs.

“He loved Baywatch and he loved David Hasselhoff most of all,” said wife number four.  “But not in a gay kind of way.”

Trapped in a compound with only six channels was not always easy for the Bin Ladens.  Osama felt Baywatch episodes were a little respite from all the death in his life.  After planning some sinister jihadist suicide bombing, or a terror plot against the unholy infidels, Bin Laden liked to kickback with some Cheetos—intelligence suggests he preferred the crunchy variety to the puffy kind—and then he hit those golden TV-Land beaches.  Reports suggest Bin Laden kept close tabs on Hasselhoff as to avoid “blowing him into tiny infidel pieces.”  Interviews with locals suggest that just as U.S. forces raided the compound, Bin Laden was completely engrossed in the all day marathon, thus sealing his fate (pardon the pun).

Conflicting reports by commandos regarding the type of Cheetos has also shamed the Obama Administration. 

Another One Bites the Dust

Another One Bites the Dust
Bald Tony

After reluctantly accepting some forms of technology, it looks like another of my old school habits will soon be gone. To put this tale into context, I still own one of those tripod cameras with the dark cloak you throw over your head.  OK, maybe not.  But I bought some 35mm film recently, which was pretty easy and inexpensive, but getting it developed…not so much.

The photos for this Discord classic will most likely be the last 35mm photos I take.  When I went back to the drugstore where I bought the film, I was informed they no longer develop film. “But I bought the film here yesterday” I logically pointed out. As if saying this out loud would somehow bring film developing immediately back to the store. The clerk again politely informed me the store no longer developed film. I looked at her as if to say, “but, but, but I bought the film here yesterday.” She looked at me as if to say “you bought your toilet paper here too, but we didn’t follow you home and wipe your ass.”

Realizing I would not get the film developed in the store I bought the film from, I did what any person my age should do, I went on a killing spree.  Actually, on the way home I looked for a Fotomat booth.  Remember them?  Well, there aren’t any.  I went home, put on my reading glasses, opened the phone book, took the receiver off the hook, listened for the dial tone, and rotarily called several places until I found one that still developed film. As it turns out, getting one roll of film developed was more expensive than buying a four pack of film from the first place! So that’s that.  I can no longer fight the film fight. I have several other expenses/bills first, but soon, as much as it pains me to say it, I will be purchasing my first dig-i-tal camera.

I certainly understand the selling points of such a technological monstrosity: Photos can be seen instantly, even quicker than a Polaroid.  You never run out of film or have to change rolls at an inopportune time, and with email, Flickr, Facebook, etc… photos can be shared with many people all over the globe within minutes of taking them—which really came in handy when Zano passed out during his last Vegas trip.  And while those are all good things, I suppose (except the Zano part), it takes away one of my favorite feelings (and a good Carly Simon song) Anticipation. Some of you may be too young to remember what it was like drop off a roll of film, and call the store or Fotomat a few days later to see if your memories were back yet. Pictures may fade a bit but they last forever (assuming you do not lose them), and I do not think waiting a few days for eternal memories is a big deal.

I also had pen pals way back when: Sonja in OR, Barbara in TX, Charlie and Karen in different parts of PA, and some others whose memories have faded like an old photograph. I remember that feeling in my gut as the school day drew to a close, wondering if I would have mail, actual envelopes with stamps and postmarks on them, with handwritten ink notes on paper inside, delivered by a human being. If I had letters, great! If not, something to look forward to for the next day.

When the Zanos visited me Easter weekend I needed someone more mature than Mick to have a conversation with, so I talked with his 11-year old. I am not sure how the topic came up, but I was explaining to her how phones were not always portable, households used to share one phone number (and often one phone), and going further back, several houses on one block used to share a phone and number. She certainly has mastered her father’s blank clueless stare. Then I told her about busy signals and not being able to leave a voice message. She looked at me as if I was reading a fairy tale.

“You are making that up!” she insisted.

When the Zanos and I got separated for a few minutes on the Strip she texted me. When we found each other and I told her I do not have texting, she looked at me in a confused gross amazement. I would describe it as the way a vegan would look during a backstage tour of a butcher shop. Oh, and we did that later in the day.

Oh, and if your phone is so smart, why does it not tell you the text did not go through?

When I set my VCR to tape a show as the Zanos and I went out, she laughed. Excuse me, she LOL’d, or more grammatically correctly, L’dOL (Remember grammar? Whatever happened to grammar?). She has a fleeting memory of VCRs. At least mine is VHS. If you do not know what BETA is, Goggle it (yes, back in my day it was called Goggle).  And try explaining what it was like not being able to tape/record a show to someone born in this millennium.

I still have a cassette player in my car, complete with The Big Chill soundtrack forever embedded in it. Zano points this out every time he visits, usually accompanied by some snide ass remark. Zano’s daughter held the dingy white cassette tape like a museum curator might hold a shard of some 3rd Dynasty Egyptian pottery. I was going to explain how cassette players are more advanced than eight track players, but you have to choose your battles. Anyone else remember waiting thru five lousy songs to get to the one you really wanted to hear? Back then, it was not a hardship. Anticipation…

I actually have a computer, probably not as advanced as yours, but at least I have one. And one of my favorite sites on the interwebs is The You of Tubes. I have no idea how to put anything on there, nor do I want to. I use it for listening to old songs like Peter Frampton’s Show Me the Way, which I believe is about programming one’s DVR. There were plenty of beautiful women in the 2000s, but I still hold a special place in my heart for Peggy Lipton, Barbara Eden, Farrah Fawcett, Catherine Bach, et al, and their images are all over YouTube. In fact, I dream of Barbra Eden.  If you laughed at that one, you’re officially an old fart.  Two fairly modern songs I recommend people listen to on YouTube, or Ithingies, or PMS players, or whatever gizmos you have—which will be obsolete this time next month—are Tim McGraw’s Back When and Mark Wills’ 19 Somethin’. I also watch a lot of pre 1984 pro-wrestling there, as I much prefer it to the post 1984 product. Why and how the product changed is not Discord material, but trust me, it is like the difference between the PGA and mini golf.

Everything these days is instant this and automatic that. The whole world is all orgasm and no foreplay. While I am certainly pro orgasm, a big part of me still thinks that sucks, but not in a good way.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to return to my Viewmaster Land of the Lost, reel 3.

ACLU Condemns Ocean’s Treatment of Bin Laden’s Body

ACLU Condemns Ocean’s Treatment of Bin Laden’s Body

The Ocean— Somewhere deep in the North Arabian Sea, a couple of sharks have left their mark and hundreds of smaller fish are relentlessly nibbling at the Arab warrior’s flesh.  Bin Laden’s big nose is host to several lampreys; there are amphipods working on his brain; and we don’t even want to tell you what some damnable hermit crabs are doing.  The ACLU is demanding that the marine life identified in an undersea video yesterday—which included two sharks, the 312 grouper, 79 blue-hake, and those damnable hermit crabs—must all be brought to justice.

“They are clearly violating his rights,” said Susan Herman, president of the ACLU.  “What is the deal with the ocean anyway?  It’s like a zoo, like an aquatic F–ing zoo!  These sea scavengers have no right to eat humans, even ones of questionable character.”

When asked about other decomposing forces, Herman said, “I’m glad you brought that up to the surface.  We shouldn’t let zoo or phytoplankton off the hook so easily.  There’s no reason for their voracious appetites, their senseless microscopic munching, and their newly acquired taste for human flesh.  But, first things first, we need to bring these larger fish to justice!  Doing that will send ripples throughout the marine ecosystem!”

Several squid had their beaks full and were unavailable for comment.

Crankin’ from Long Island to Arizona

The Crank

I now call Arizona my home, and have for six years.  But, recently, I started to consider to just what I miss and don’t miss about Lawn Guylin’.  To start with, FOOD plays a big part of what I miss. Hell, food plays a big part of what I AM. And I have news for the people of Arizona: just because an establishment has the name ‘New York’ some-fucking-where in the title, does not mean the pizza will taste as such—unless you have the wrong kinda shrooms on that bad boy.

Not until you have ventured into some local “Marios Pizza” will you understand. I also miss what we called pork stores, places where you could go to purchase home-cooked-almost-as-well-as-Momma’s Italian style meat and pastas. A place you could get sausage, or as we called it phonetically, sawzeetch, ravioli, Bracioli (brazshoal). I can smell ‘em now, sawzeetch & peppers, an Italian man’s Viagra. Oh, and real imported Auricchio, a provolone cheese that smells like dirty socks (very hard to come by in AZ—the cheese, not the dirty socks). Farm stands all selling their own home-grown veggies. Making sauce out of those tomatoes deemed too ripe when the season ends (lovingly called ‘Mahoo’). Not to be confused with Mahoo Ahmadinejad, who most days I would like to hurl tomatoes at.

I also miss going to a hot dog vendor and getting real “dirty water dogs”. They would be Sabrett brand hot dogs cooked in the same water all day—with the water eventually getting its aforementioned look. The taste cannot be beat. As with most really good food, you don’t look, you just eat. I miss real pretzels too: hot, soft, big, fresh, and salty as hell. Not the out of a box & into a ‘wave variety. We’re talking bowtie-the-dough and bake it fresh. Real deli, I miss real deli. A different lunch every day, all home style, all great, not having the same meal twice in a month, Deli.  Yep, I miss that shit.

Road construction: Overnight and weekends only! with finish dates religiously adhered to or construction companies faced massive fines for each late day. That seems to be the opposite approach in Arizona.  Are they offered more pay because they’re holding up traffic?

“Ah, look we’ll double the money if you finish this road someday.”

And it beats me why anyone would rather work during the day in 120° heat instead of cool nights. I guess you have to be born here to understand that one. There are a whole host of things like that. When I ask a given question, I get this look—you know, like a dog gives you when it just isn’t gittin’ what you’re a sayin’. Yeah, that look.

I miss the fact that as an Italian-American, I was part of the majority. Here, I am the smallest of minorities. Vee-necked tee shirted guidos, all getting out of matching 90’s Iroc-Z’s, talking with their hands but not necessarily with a need for sign language. Big haired guidettes, sitting in the car, talking to their friends on the cell in a language not heard anywhere else on ‘oit’. The term ‘hayadooin’ being THE mandatory greeting, but definitely not a question, ever.

Driving on L.I. is something everyone from Arizona should be mandated to do prior to receiving a license. This will weed out the people not serious. On NY roads you will find women texting, grooming, drinking coffee, and driving 70 mph better than most Nascar drivers could. They take the term ‘multi tasking’ to a whole ‘nudda level. A line of cars some 40 miles long, on the very misnomered Long Island Expressway, all going to the same place, at the same high rate of speed, all a bumper’s length away from the car in front of them. No one makes a stupid move, no one. They would not last long there. Not one “single vehicle roll-over” to be seen. No one just “loses control” of their car, Evah!

The Hamptons: This is a term most of G’ilanders use derogatorily. Dissing Hamptonites was a favored pastime. The Hamptons are the east’s equivalent to Scottsdale, or Snottsdalians, only WITH brains. I never thought I would ever meet a more plastic, false, self-absorbed group of people in my life.  Sorry, but the Hamptons were dethroned by Scottsdale. As far as snobs go, Hamptonites are the Dalai Lamas to the Scottsdale’s Paris Hiltons.

That about takes care of what I miss. Let me now tell you what I DON’T miss about life on the east coast:

Winter: Snow. Ice. Grey skies for months. Cold rain. Rain so humid and cold your joints seize up at the sight of a dark cloud. It’s the only place on Earth where one can freeze and sweat simultaneously.

Fall: Falling leaves, raking leaves, carting leaves away, anything leaf related, frankly. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I even had to blow leafs.  I feel so dirty.

Lawns: Cutting, feeding, watering, edging, and raking…to summarize, fuck lawns. I like the southwest’s yards full of brightly colored gravel.  When you actually do see a weed, you’re like somehow proud of it…anything that grows green in the desert deserves our praise. 

Having to travel through New York City: Sadly, no matter where on Earth you wanted to go, it was through New York City. Millions of cars, idling, waiting for their turn to “Escape from New York” through one of three ways out. Two tunnels two lanes each under two bodies of water, complete with eight miles of the lovely and talented Manhattan Island between them.  For all of your trouble, you ended up in Joisey. Or, one bridge to Staten Island, the longest single span bridge in the U.S (Verrazano) then on to south Joisey. Or, and my favorite hateful drive, the Cross Bronx Expressway (Satan’s Driveway), 3 lanes and 8 mph all the way to the George Washington Bridge, 3 lanes, 2 miles, 1 hour, $8.00 toll, and finally onto Joisey and freedom.  The only good news about this road is the mufflers and other car parts tended to collect in the pot holes making them slightly less deep and harrowing. Just think of how bad it really is when true freedom means New Jersey.

Paying Property taxes: They are ten times what they are in Arizona. Cops? Yeah, we got lots of them, thousands. As you see one diminish in your rear-view mirror, you see one getting larger as you approach him. You pay dearly for them. Truly the Beverly Hills Cops.

Pinheaded progressive liberals: A lot of whom seem to reside in the northeast. In AZ, I am a pinheaded progressive liberal comparatively. I do not tote a gun, nor do I like the smell of horse shit.  Nor do I have a tea party flag on my property, nor am I a “Premium Member” at

In my previous life, I spent almost 30 years working for a Long Island supermarket chain. I have driven the L.I.E. enough to do it blindfolded (and did once on a bet). I have worked in every little town in both Nassau and Suffolk counties. I have worked at the Grand Opening of stores I had to oversee the closure of years later. I have had tug-of-wars with rats over a loaf of bread, and opened stores for which I felt much pride. My mind often goes back to those days and the colorful people I met there. That all being said, I could easily go the rest of my natural born days without ever again seeing the towns of Moriches, Mastic, Ronkonkoma, Bay Shore or Patchogue. And, yes, I even know how to pronounce those names (despite never running into a native American there). The town of Shirley, however, will have a spot in my heart for eternity. That marked the last store I ever worked in (after I got a buyout option of my union contract).  Anyway, as I was leaving the building on that last day, the store manager got on the P.A system and said the following as I walked out the door:

“Attention customers, Elvis has left the building.”

A very misty Crank