Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I am researching out-of-body experiences and came across something called the Akashic Record.  What exactly is the Akashic Record? 

Sierra Swanson

Framingham, MA

Dear Sierra,

I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s available in compact disc by now.

The Ghetto Shaman

Damn, I still Hate Facebook

Mick Zano

Hate is a strong word, maybe loathe is better…yeah, fear and loathing on some God-awful social site.  Let’s be clear about this, I’m only on Facebook to promote the Daily Discord, which sucks!   Our other venues grow like social site Chia Pets, even when ignored, but Facebook?  What’s more disturbing, there’s something inherently wrong with Facebook and the whole virtual narcissistic cesspool (VNC).  As John Bender once said, “It’s demented and sad, but social.”

First off, I am supposed to be incognito.  This may come as a surprise to some of you, but Mick Zano is not my real name.  Oddly, the Crank is his real name (go figure) but I chose an alias.  I did this so Muslim extremists, tax collectors, and Mormons can’t find me.  In fact, I moved out west as part of a Jehovah’s Witness Protection program.  I just want to post my Discord funny of the week and get back to the Lesbian Bondage Forum, but nooooooooo.   Oh, and FB now has big brothery facial recognition programs too, which is going to help a few small town sheriffs connect the dots…dots I don’t necessarily want connected.

Facebook also killed a nice little Yahoo group I had going with all of my college friends.  For years we had witty banter bantering about.  There was always great pithy-quipy style remarks from the peanut gallery on a wide range of topics, from beer all the way to women.   That’s been replaced with:  

Rats, I have the stomach flu today. 

Be the first of your friends to Like…

Then that loser gets 5 Likes and 17 comments, while our own Virgin Contracts VD: Hailed as Immaculate Infection headline gets bupkis.  Yeah, like that’s fair…but, then again, I do like the stomach flu as much as the next guy. 

Here’s my main point for bringing you all to this dark and terrible post.  I ended up on Facebook for real the other day, to do some actual social site activities.  What was I thinking? For only the second time ever I searched for new friends. What do I find?  I’m old…damn old.  Don’t any of you have hair?  Here’s a flashback from my first Facebook experience.

My First Impression of Joining Facebook
My First Impression of Joining Facebook...You all look, er…great!
You all look, er…great!

It’s gone a little downhill since then, I’m afraid.  But undaunted—well, somewhat daunted—I found a way to forge ahead.  I saw some peeps from my old high school and even updated my profile.  Apparently, I speak Klingon now.  This “activity” netted me three comments within about 11 seconds.   Wait, five, the Crank just commented on it…twice! 

Then, during this ridiculous searching-for-new-friends procedure, I finally find an old friend of interest, but his profile pic is of Hermione Granger of Harry Potter fame.  What?!  Dude, you’re in your early 40s and she’s like 14… and guess what?  I’m a mandated reporter! 

Then, when I’m searching for friends, I find two people on the suggested friend list.  Wait a cotton picking Farmville minute…they must have secretly un-friended me!  Snap.  One of them had even asked me to be her friend in the first place!  BWTF woman!  Bad enough you still have my Dylan CD and now this?  Hey, I only befriended you in the first place out of pity, which brings me to the big problem: people posted pictures on my home page.  I have never put any of them up there (I don’t even know how!).  How do they get up there exactly?  Not without some considerable effort on my part, I have ruled out the work of the Virtual Elves. 

I didn’t even know these blasts from the past were there for months, then I click on my profile and find crimes, misdemeanors, debauchery, dogs & cats, living together, mass hysteria…or as I like to call it “college.” Did I mention I’m supposed to be incognito?   Besides, as those of you who know me can attest, ever since college I have become a model citizen.  Really…I have….just ask my probation officer.

I thought, last time, I figured out how to hide the pictures on the top of my page, but this week I find they’re still there!  You can scroll on the sides and still reach all of them (in all of their pre-Photoshop glory). BWTF?  Like most people caught in this web of deceit, my social group consists of a strange hodgepodge of friends, coworkers, and family members—an unsettling combination, for sure. 

Of course, my kids and my wife are nowhere to be found on this “profile page,” so if they go to my home page, sure as shit, you can find me smooching somebody other than mommy.  Thanks for posting that one!  Well, in all fairness, I’m smooching fellow contributor, Dave Atsals, as well—even more enthusiastically, by the look of it.  I guess I was an equal opportunity smoocher.  So I finally figured out how to get them all off the page, for good.   Now let us never speak of them again.  Well, one of them is below, the only one I’m not kissing anyone or doing something incriminating.  It’s a good picture of a Thunder Alley rally.  Oh, shit, underage drinking.  Well, the statute of limitations should be over by a couple of decades.

Content censored

Finally I’m back in stealth mode, like a Romulan flagship.  I am the wind.  I am the rider on the storm.  I am Claude Rains.  I am the MIB and the MIB 2.  I am the walrus, ko ko kajoob.  So no more tagging me in these pictures, you social site hooligans, or so help me I’ll, I’ll, I’ll unfriend you…and you’re little dog too! 

Hermione Granger.  Really, dude?  Wish I had thought of that.

Pierce Winslow crashes his plane into Farmville

Ronco’s Woes Continue with Recall of Zombie Pinata

Ronco’s Woes Continue with Recall of Zombie Pinata

Phoenix, AZ— Have you or a loved one been injured, scarred, or turned into a zombie after purchasing the Ronco Brain Feeder?  If so, you may be eligible for a large cash settlement.  Waves of complaints are staggering in about the product and Ronco is facing a multitude of grisly lawsuits.   Many argue it’s a bad idea to attract zombies in the first place.  Granted they’re typically sluggish and poorly coordinated, but it only takes one bite to ruin your whole day

Not only is their Zombie Brain Feeder the issue, the Ronco Pinata has also come under fire this week.  “We haven’t had a problem this big since the recall of our Undead Slip and Slaughter,” said CEO of the week, Ben Avery. 

“No matter how you play this game there are no winners,” said Stanley Melman of Scottsdale, AZ. “The instructions make it unclear whether the players are the zombies or the children, or both.  And I can tell you from experience, you don’t want your children waiting in line with a bunch of other zombies to take a swing at a dead person’s head with a severed arm.”

“I don’t know what these Ronco people were thinking,” said Sarah Comparetti.  “I don’t know what my husband was thinking either, but at least he won’t be making that mistake again—seeing as how he’s permanently chained to a tree in the backyard.”

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

Your work is sad, pathetic, lousy, moronic, and juvenile and, wait, let me hit …deplorable, distressing, crappy, and devitalizing.    And The Tao of Skull Fucking is the saddest excuse for literature since your last book Bud-Lightenment: Hemp, Hops and Hotties (but at least that one had some soft porn in it).


Kearny, NJ

Dear Tooksy,

What do you have against the 3 Hs?  OK, OK, you’re right.  I will try to make amends in my next work: The Art of Spiritual Coercion.

The Ghetto Shaman

P.S.  …or not.

Harry Potter: Ten Years I’ll Never Get Back

Mick Zano

The biggest blockbuster of the year is undoubtedly Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows—Part 2. You know it’s a serious movie when I throw in an adverb as big and daunting as ‘undoubtedly’, right from the get go.   The Daily Discord was there to cover this prestigious premiere.  When I say premiere, I mean, a week later during a matinee at the Ghettoplex.  Oh, and Mr. Winslow will probably never reimburse me the admission price.  Bastard! 

I have to say, for the record, this last wizardly installment has made me a believer in magic!  How any movie could pacify the hundreds of screaming-meemies in my audience is truly miraculous. I do believe in Harrys, I do, I do!  For this I offer a Sorting Hat tip to J.K. Rowling and Co.  I’m not kidding, the place was bursting at the seams…and not just with kids…let’s not forget those youngins from ten years ago at Harry’s debut (aka, those annoying twenty somethings in the back).  They all fell silent after the last preview as if by some divine intervention.  Who says paganism is dead? 

I’m not going to give away any of the fun.  You know, the Luke Skywalker is Yoda’s second cousin kind of thing.  I think it’s more important to reflect on this whole pagan Potter phenomenon and its implications for American culture.   This, coincidentally, was also my thesis, which may help explain why I am not a doctor.  But why the hell did we all get sucked into this decade-long nightmare?  Most of my married life has been spent asking: “Are Snape and Dumbledore in cahoots?”  “How do you spell Whorecrux and is there some connection to that Vegas chick I periodically employ?” and, let’s not forget, “If Dumbledore is gay, is he a proponent of don’t ask, don’t spell?”

For good or ill, upon leaving the theater, I did feel like it was the end of an era.  After all, I took the youngins to all of these things, ever since Episode 1: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Franchise.  I even read some of the books to the kids, until they got way to friggin’ long (the book, not the kids).  I think I gave up at Harry Potter and the Goblet of Why the Hell Am I Still Reading This?

Today, I really do just want Potter purged from my brain.  I’ll just shotgun a pounder of ale while someone yells “stupefy” …that should do the trick.  My family feels the same way.  It ended at a good time.  And now it’s like that Samuel L. Jackson moment, “Get these mother f&^*ing Snapes out of our mother f&^%ing brains!”  I really am washing my hands of Hogwarts.  Hell, this took longer than it did to get my own degree, albeit barely.   I’m glad to finally graduate.  It can’t hurt my chances of employment in this climate… but I never did pass Defense against the dark farts.

In some ways, I think Harry Potter was a bit dark for a children’s thingie, and whereas the movies were generally enjoyable, this last installment was one of the best.  It was a fitting finale. So if you haven’t seen it, I encourage you to do so.  Just don’t bother submitting your admission ticket to Mr. Winslow.  He won’t reimburse you.  Have I mentioned he’s a bastard?

Winslow says he wants proper conclusion/summary paragraphs to wrap up these things.  So, in closing, I believe each movie in the Harry Potter series was worth watching, but, honestly, they’re not movies I would ever watch a second time…more like 4 to 5 hundred times!  I’m afraid that’s part of the job description for being a parent in the early twenty-first century.   What’s stranger still about the series is this: I have watched them 4 to 5 hundred times, each, and even read some of the books, yet I still find myself lost at times.  I guess I need to sign up for some remedial Potter classes.  Is there tutoring available for those learning disabled wizards among us?  Never mind, 4 to 5 hundred more showings and I’ll have this bitch down. 

Oh, and Mr. Winslow wants to end all movie reviews with a Discord original closer, like “We’ll save you the aisle seat” or “We’ll see you at the movies.”  

Er, how about, “We’ll leave the light on for you.”  No.   Hmmm.   How about, “We’ll wing some Good & Plentys at the back of your head, bitches.”  I believe the Ghetto Shaman would approve. 

Cthulhu Officially Endorses Palin

Alex Bone

On August 8th, the undulating Cthulhu endorsed Sarah Palin for President of the United States. This Outer God is often described as …an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature and is regarded by H.P. Lovecraft as “a pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque scaly body with rudimentary wings.” And that’s just Palin.

Dr. Coredonis, a spokesman for Cthulhu, had this to say: “It was Palin’s complete disregard for living things, poor people, animals, and poor animals that first got Cthulhu’s attention. Where others might find her ignorance of human affairs and basic lack of intelligence a negative, we at the Cult find these attributes quite compatible with our needs. The human race is like worms begging at the feet of the great master.  They are akin to a swarm of insects barely deserving of a slap. So who better than Palin as a liaison emissary type?” said Dr. Coredonis.  “With Palin at the helm, you arrogant humans will finally realize how pathetic you truly are. Those of you who don’t take your own lives outright will swear allegiance to the greatness that is Cthulhu!  It will be worse than that the Dukakis bid.”

Then the Doctor tried to stab me with a hidden dagger, so I hurled him out of a nearby window—which was, unfortunately, only two stories up. Damn.  So I was forced to finish the interview by interviewing myself:

Alex: “So Alex, what do you think of all this?”

Alex 2: “I’m angry enough to spit bees! This is an insult to mankind, more than that, it’s an insult to America and we’re #1, damnit!  Granted, not in any tangible quantitative way, but certainly in quasi-pseudo flag waving moron kind of way.

I also tracked down our Stalwart correspondent, Jack Primus, to see what he had to say.

“Cthulhu thinks we aren’t in on his strategy, but we are,” said Primus. “In my opinion, this is a very simple ploy. If Palin is elected, the Big C thinks we’re finished, but I say ‘Ha’ we’re already finished.  Doesn’t he get anything but Fox News?  You see, the Cult of Cthulhu is waiting for its moment to claim the planet for themselves.”

Why is Palin so crucial to the Outer God’s master plan?  Some think it’s her complete disregard for humanity and all life forms.  Still others feel it is her MILFy sexiness that is winning over he who lies sleeping. But how can we even hope to guess the contemplations of a mind that predates mankind by uncountable eons? We can only hope that humanity will survive long enough for me to be able to buy those new jet skis on eBay.

When I finally got an audience with Cthulhu, I asked, “But why not just endorse Bachmann?” 

Cthulhu replied, “I may be the God of undulating doom, but I’m not crazy!”

Speaking of crazy, after that one question, I yanked off my own ears and was then dragged to the nether realms and devoured…which is not any worse than working for Winslow here at the Discord, really.

Jeff Conaway’s Death Further Proof of a Taxi Curse?

Jeff Conaway’s Death Further Proof of a Taxi Curse?

Taos, NM—Dr. Sterling Hogbein, of the Hogbein Institute and Laundromat, fears that the surviving cast of the former hit television series, Taxi, is in grave danger.  He believes someone on the set must have angered a voodoo priestess, a Wiccan warlock, or some other diabolical dabbler in the occult.  Andy Kaufman, who played Latka thank-you-very-much Gravas died of a rare form of lung cancer in 1984.  Back then Dr. Hogbein was only just beginning to contemplate the possibility of a Taxi curse.  He thought about George Orwell’s book 1984 and Van Halen’s album of the same name. Eventually, he shrugged off his suspicions and continued his research on Midget Teeth Whittling.

“Conaway’s recent death made me sit up and take notice,” said Dr. Hogbein.  “That’s not always easy when one considers my age and my blood alcohol content.”

After palling around with the likes of Gary Busy on recent episodes of Celebrity Rehab, Conaway died of complications involving the palling around with the likes of Gary Busy on recent episodes of Celebrity Rehab

Dr. Hogbein estimates that, at the current rate of two actors per 26 years, the entire cast of Taxi will be dead within 104 years. 

“This is a conservative estimate,” added Dr. Hogbein.  “Sometimes there are synchronicities and serendipitous occurrences that actually defy mere chance—like that night in Vegas when I both won money and got laid.  The Taxi curse is kind of like that for me…er, minus the money and the sex, of course.”

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I consider myself spiritual, but not particularly religious.  As a gay man I am troubled with some recent so-called Christian thought.   Have you heard about gay conversion?  I think it’s bullshit.  People who convert are either repressing shit or were bisexual in the first place.  How would a shaman address issues for the LGBTQ community?


Dear Rick,

Social taboos are of little interest to the shaman, which may help explain my police record.  Following one’s true self, whether L or G or B or T or…sorry, I’m lost.   But, if we follow our true self, we begin to vibrate at a higher frequency than those who repress and judge.  So eventually it won’t matter to you what the bigots of the world think.   On a related note, the sages of old remind us, “We become who we worship.”  Yet despite hormone therapy and near constant prayer, I still look nothing like Jessica Alba. 

The Ghetto Shaman

Man Filling Void left by Glenn Beck with Cannibalism

Man Filling Void left by Glenn Beck with Cannibalism

Oklahoma City, OK—One man is refusing to let fear and paranoia slip out of his life.

When Glenn Beck announced his last show on Fox News, James Stiles said, “I’m going to eat people.”

As a result of his new hobby, Mr. Stiles now spends his days in constant fear of that dreaded “cop” knock at the door.  He spends his evenings madly scribbling his conspiracy theories on an old chalkboard in his basement.   During the interview the board read:  

9/11 = 20 = 20/20 (liberal propaganda)
= ½ of Beck’s 40 Days/40 Nights Challenge
= Obama & Arianna Huffington’s lovechild is the anti-Christ!!

“I’m not just going to let all of that angst slip away,” said Stiles.  “Glenn created an elevated level of adrenaline in the systems of real Americans for some purpose, so maintaining that baseline level of misguided hyper-vigilance is crucial to our cause.” 

When it was pointed out how adrenaline negatively impacts higher functioning in the brain, Stiles randomly recited Drudge headlines, while sharpening a butcher knife.  Mr. Stiles believes cannibalism is keeping him scared shitless, and it also cuts down on his grocery bills.  He reports eating only liberals and progressives and babies, but one day he hopes to devour George Soros’ liver with some farva beans and a dry Chianti.

“I’m doing this for real America and I’m doing this for Glenn.  I know he, of all people, would understand,” said Stiles.

Ill-Informed Citizens Unite, form of Tea Bag

Mick Zano

Yeah, I’m done placating the rabble.  Debating a Foxeteer is an oxymoron (hint: I’m the oxy).  Normally I can relate to any given society’s rabble, but today the Homer Simpsons of the world are in complete lockstep with the C. Montgomery Burnses of the world.  Our country doesn’t even have a proper rabble anymore!  The Tea Partiers, those angry Homers, are actually morphing into Smitherses, with one important exception…Smithers knew he was Mr. Burns’ bitch.

I’m the new rabble, damn it, and I’m about to release my own flying Transcosmetic monkeys! So how does one get all the Homers of the world to agree with all the Mr. Burnses of the world on every issue, every time?  Apparently Rupert Murdoch started by gradually shifting all of his media outlets toward a single message.  Soylent Green, it’s people!  OK, not that message, but the premise involves keeping the rich richer and keeping the wealth funneling to approximately seven people—all the while rallying against the dangers of socialism. But they can’t pull that off, it’s ridiculous.  Oh, but they have.  This has been my clarion call; it’s the story within the story of our time.  We do need a revolution, it’s just they started the wrong one.  Your average Foxeteer is now trained to ignore the intruder entering the living room and will, instead, immediately start barking at a nearby lamp. They always misidentify the worst culprits and attack the ACORNS of the world.  Here’s the breakdown:

  • Government is the worst! So let’s blindly support Wall Street.
  • Obama is the worst!  So let’s elect the next Bush.
  • Socialism is the worst! So let’s ignore neo-fascism and the dismantling of the rule of law.
  • MSNBC is the worst! So let’s watch something fair and balanced.
  • George Soros is the worst!  So let’s support the Koch Brothers.
  • Some Global Warming data is doctored!  So gut regs and embrace pollution.
  • Educated people are cunning and shifty!  So let’s elect a dumb person.
  • Unions got greedy!  So our corporate overlords are demanding our return to the sweat shop.
  • Obama’s deficits are the worst!  So let’s not raise the debt ceiling and default as a country.

This is the ideology on the right.  I’m not making this up.  This is what all Foxeteers hold as gospel.  I know the dangers on both sides of the equation and can rate them objectively. But if you look up ‘objective’ in the new Conservative Dictionary, it says: See any Fox News Talking Point.   I’m not saying the left side is wonderful, never have, but the right side of the equation is simply sicker on almost every issue.  And to stay sicker than the Dems must be no easy trick.  I still wonder what happens when a Foxeteer tries to decipher that other column.  I’m thinking it immediately transforms into a variation of Pig Latin, upportsay oxfay ewsnay

If you can’t identify which column has been more damaging to all of us…umm, you’ve missed a few memos.  And when our stocks dive next week you’ll have missed yet another one.   Can’t we all agree over the last decade, Wall Street greed has been at least as damaging to our lives as our Government?  that someone who broke us, Bush, is more culpable than someone who failed to fix us, Obama? That Adolph Hitler’s ideology is a tad nastier than Karl Marx’s? That retaining our AAA bond status is better than downgrading to Portugal?

No, we can’t even agree on these basic facts any more, because the programming runs deep.  Bush’s torture, secret prisons, and expanded executive power are overlooked so all hostility can be directed at the “monster” trying to insure more people.  An estimated 7% of our fiscal problem was the Stimulus, so let’s ignore that other 93%.   Well, that’s not fair…they’ll also look at that Fannie and Freddie number.  They add up the Dem parts real good.  Actually I think Bachmann multiplies them.  So the right will take a Hitler over a Marx any day.  And Marx is someone I could at least kickback and have a beer with.  Aren’t we supposed to elect people we want to have a beer with?  Enjoy your Seig-Ale, dipshits.

Debating a Foxeteer anymore is pointless, which is why I have officially stopped.  They are a veritable army of thought distortions.  We are two countries.  To summarize, I have spent three years trying to understand the Crank’s positions, while he has spent three years misrepresenting mine.

One side can’t agree on anything and the other side is invariably wrong on everything.  Thus I give you, dumb and dumber—one unorganized and the other delusional, or as Alan Grayson aptly called them, “the weenies and meanies.” 

Today the weenies are not nearly as dangerous as the meanies, because ‘weenie’ implies a certain flaccidity.  So let’s keep an eye on those meanies, shall we?  They have proven themselves to be the most dangerous barriers to progress.  Take the debt ceiling debacle, I have made my predictions and they will likely prove accurate regardless of which door we choose.  My predictions seem to work in the real world, while the right’s predictions…not so much.  They think as soon as we default as a country, we’ll be fine!   Hell, I shouldn’t even be addressing the rabble anymore.  Oh, I’m being told I can’t. Mr. Burns has required them to disrobe and report to the harness area. 

People had their chance to protest and they decided to be even more moronic than our Government.  Are even poorer choices really going to save us?  If you can’t look into Michele Bachmann’s eyes and think anti-psychotic medication then…OK, maybe that’s just me. 

Look, I realize we’re mired in this awful system (a system we can’t seem to break out of) but, sorry, we can’t just gut everything by next Tuesday without some serious shit hitting the fan. 

And why hasn’t anyone focused on the fact 40% of our country is…hmm, well, you can’t call them uninformed (that wouldn’t be news), but they’re deliberately misinformed.  That’s it.  They’re all misinformed by unscrupulous Mr. Burns types.  This is huge! As I have said, Hitler used a similar tactic quite effectively in the early 40s.  No.  I am not calling you Nazis…Nazis were smart. 

Hey, I have an idea.  Instead of taking a vote on every political decision facing this country (hint: you’re the least likely faction who should be considering such a strategy), let’s take surveys from those professionals who are actually experts on the subject.  What a concept!  Why is no one, on either side, doing that?  Conspiracy theory anyone?  Each group will only talk to those “experts” who already support their position.  

As for those surveys, why not take a survey like this: 86 out of 100 economists think defaulting next week is a bad idea.  Is that so f-ing difficult?  That’s probably about right too, but why do I have to guess?  Do I really care what a hundred Crank’s think?  Even for my own global warming posts, if we really wanted to know the truth, shouldn’t we be asking what X-amount of climatologists think?  Some data is doctored, some suspicious, who do we ask to sort through this…Glenn Beck?  Frankly, I don’t care what a Foxetologist thinks, because thinking is not their forte. 

Let me explain the depth of their delusion.  I say, “I don’t really know what the fuck is happening with the climate.”  This is translated as “you’re wrong, global warming is a hoax.”  Get the point?  About 40% of our population won’t get that last point.  They’ve made up their minds.  After being spoon-fed nonstop propaganda, they think they know everything.   Ill-informed unite, form of Tea Bag. 

This is what we’re currently getting from the media:

Poll 1: 90% of everyone who watches Sean Hannity thinks Sean is right.

Poll 2: 90% of everyone who watches Rachel Maddow thinks Rachel is right. 

Wow, that’s really helpful.  As for the Foxaganda watch, Sully is finally there.  It took him a while:

The difference is that even biased media outlets of any type tend to draw the line at disseminating untruths and never correcting them (as Jon Stewart has amply demonstrated). That’s why I don’t put Fox in the category of biased media. It is, rather, propaganda, which is always indifferent to the truth, because its ultimate allegiance is to power.

Andrew Sullivan

I had originally broken down the responsibility for our collective demise to 65% R and 35% D. That’s about as kind as I could be to Bushies.  History will likely be a tad harsher, but my numbers will shift to about 80% R if we default on Tuesday.  Eighty percent…and they’re angry?   Sorry, it’s been tough to focus on those liberal shortcomings because, just when you do, the right tries to default the country.  I guess they need attention.   They need something.  Bush was President on November of 2008, when we all lost our shirts, now the same loonies are forcing the double dip?  Hang on, a double dip will validate another one of my predictions.  Whoo hoo!  Bring it.  Oh, that’s right, being correct about shit doesn’t mean anything anymore.  So much for the consolation prize.  Isn’t the Right supposed to be filled with the greedy, money hungry types?  Yeah, lower the country’s bond rating, that’ll help.

A final note to the Foxeteers:

I have decided to give up pseudo-journalism to pursue a life of transcendental meditation.  Your points five years ago, or five years from now, are about as equally noxious and inaccurate.  Only you refuse to look back and learn anything from your mistakes, so this Zen-journalism or living in the wrong is interesting…er, if you’re the Ghetto Shaman.    As I continue to warn our country about potential pitfalls and as you all continue to encourage us to jump in feet first, uh, well…did I mention I’m resuming a life of meditation?  Ohmmmmmmm.

So just follow the Foxeteers into the pit.  It’ll be fine.  Ohmmmmm.  All tension is a reflection of internal struggles projected onto the outside world.  Ohmmmmmmm.  Oh, shit!  Never mind that shit…Mr. Burns is releasing the flying Medveds.   

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I read your book Here’s Your Daily Affirmations, Fuck Face, and it really had in impact on me.  Not a good one.  It’s just, I thought you had to grow compassion and selflessness to reach nirvana.

Jed “Free the Seed” O’Neil

Dear Jed,

Are there not many ways up the mountain, young grass smoker?  I am simply trying to help people find Zen through the art of indifference, which may just be the title of my next book.  Hmmm.  Let’s try it: please buy my latest work The Art of Indifference.   Yeah, I like that…now available through PayPal. 

The Ghetto Shaman

P.S. Oh, but I would stay away from Nirvana if I were you.  Smells like Great Spirit.

Holiday Inn?  How about Holiday Out

Dave Atsals

Holidays are excessive and outlandish, like liberal budgets.  But if you don’t get off work for them, what the hell’s the point? I did a web search on popular U.S. Holidays (I can do these now…with help). I found a list of fifty-one of them.  So let me get this straight, there are more holidays than states in the union?  Which makes me wonder, what would we do on South Dakota Day?  Anyway, I have broken down our holiday cheer into a few arbitrary and quite meaningless categories.

Category 1 (the must keeps):

These entail the big ones, which most people agree are the major leaguers (aka, we get off work, eat and drink to excess).  Namely, Christmas, Easter, Labor Day, Independence Day, Memorial Day and Thanksgiving.  Although Christmas and Easter are holidays of religious significance, I don’t hold that against them.  You see, I don’t do churches, cults, synagogues, or any place of worship, but they still meet my main criteria.  For each of these I typically get off work and then I either eat or drink to excess, sometimes both. 

The only sucky thing about them is putting together that one gift on that box that reads “Easy to Assemble”, especially after eating and drinking to excess on Christmas Eve.  And you can’t even start until after the kids are asleep.  Labor Day and Memorial Day also meet the key Holiday criteria (KHC), extra crispy, although they do involve a cook out with the family, so hopefully you like them.  This section isn’t broke, so we’re not going to fix it.

Category 2 (Questionable):

These entail only two major offenders, Halloween and Valentine’s Day.  You don’t get off work for either of these, so they by no means meet the Must Keep criteria.  However, they both have a few advantages.  Halloween is a costume and candy day.  There is nothing better than tricking treating for shots and beers as your children are raking in the candy.  (Note of interest to adults, Jack Daniels does not mix well with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.  Thanks for teaching us that important lesson at the Discord’s last X-mas, Mr. Winslow).  Halloween also get some kudos because there’s always that one hot single mom running around in the French Maid outfit.  Of course, most of the points for this holiday can go down the shitter when Zano shows up at your house in the aforementioned French Maid outfit.

Now Valentine’s Day is OK, except for having to do all that I Love you crap leading up to the sex. This is that dreaded day, fellas, when foreplay is required.  But, it is nice to know you are almost guaranteed a piece at least one day a year.  So there’s actually a payoff for taking all those damn little blue pills. 

(Note of interest: When you are sexually ignored on Valentine’s Day your marriage may be heading into serious Alex Trebek country). 

Category 3 (why bother?):

The rest of the Holidays all fit into this Why Bother category, particular ones of note are Ground Hog Day, Columbus Day, and Presidents Day.  Ground Hog Day is just a joke.  I think we should have one last Ground Dog day this coming year, where we watch that Bill Murray movie a few times and then get all jihad on that furry bastard’s ass.  Wouldn’t it be great seeing Punxsutawney Phil sustaining a blast that would launch him into space?  It’s a good lesson on the effectiveness on terrorism, not to mention it could inspire NASAs next shuttle program.

Columbus Day is a little old as well.  Everyone currently knows the Earth is round and America exists.  We also know Columbus wasn’t the first one to find the damn place anyway.  Heck, his first clue should have been when he had to tap Leif Ericson on the shoulder so he could have a word with Sacajawea.  Besides, if we got rid of Columbus Day would he really care?  I don’t think so… he’s dead, and has been so since around 1500.   The guy thought he was in India, for Pete’s sake.  And his culturally insensitive name has upset countless Native Americans, so why not celebrate his birthday in India instead?

Finally, I propose three more paid Holidays a year, each one dedicated to a different deserving American.  How about Dick Clark Day?  We might have to work on the name so it doesn’t offend anyone or cause a breach of the peace.  The second one should be for Clint Eastwood, a true American hero, at least in the movies.  And, most importantly, the last one should be for me, Dave Atsals. I can see it now…a day off work in my honor.  We can all wear Cowboy boots with sweat pants and drink cheap beer as we conga-line down the Main Streets of America.  Now that’s a Holiday!

A note from our CEO, Mr. Pierce Winslow:

In Mr. Atsals’ original post, holiday was spelled with two Ls throughout the entire document. And I can’t even begin to explain how or why he attempted to spell Sacajawea with a Q.   Mr. Atsals is truly one of our special staffers and it is our sincere hope here at the Discord that Dave masters his spell and grammar check features…but we’re not holding our breath. 

Until then, say hi to Qsukugeweeka for us, Dave!

Pierce Winslow, CEO