2011 The Discord’s Person of the Year

The Crank

Representative Anthony Weiner, or ex-rep anyway, embodies all that is wrong with the world in a nutsack—er, nutshell. Do we remember any legislation he was responsible for writing or passing? No. Has he left the world a better place? No. Did he respect the office? Well, maybe the TV show.

We remember Representative Anthony Weiner (RAW) for being RAW. We remember when he tweeted his peter. If he can’t make Time’s Man of the Year award then let’s, for lack of a better word, thrust the title The Discord’s Member of the Year upon him (pardon the pud). And least we never forget that fateful day when someone named Weiner, a Congressman no less, sent someone a picture of his own…now what should we call it? Tubesteak, kielbasa, rod, howitzer, stiffy, trouser-snake, willy, Clinton, bazooka, weapon of mass dickstruction, trouser-ferret, pole, painless pole, pecker, boner, thing, piece, member, tool, package, shaft, chub, wankie, doinker, ding a ling, ding dong, meat popsicle, big kosher…

Winslow’s Comment:

The colloquialisms for penis went on for several pages. After receiving this submission, I immediately sent the police to the The Crank’s residence for a welfare check. But when the police arrived he shouted, “I’m up to P, what’s another name for penis? Wait! I got it, pork-sword. Thanks.” And slammed the door.

I did sift through this monstrously schlong list for some politically relevant ones: member of Congress, Richard M. Nixon, demacrotch, Zogby pole, and calling the erection.

We now bring you the rest of The Crank’s feature already in progress.

…stinky pickle, third leg, tonsil tickler, heat-seeking moisture missile, kosher beef bayonet, skin flute, Mr. Happy Johnson, Captain Winky, One-Eyed Willy, purple headed warrior, flesh trombone?

He did this all to impress some virtual woman, probably using a picture of Jessica Alba as her avatar. Oh, and all the while he’s married to Hillary Clinton’s very pregnant right hand woman and main assistant. It was like “Lets see, what could I possibly do today that would totally fuck up this great thing I have going?”

What a dork. Wait, there’s another one! Fill-a-buster, or does that only work if he’s gay?

He is just like all the rest, getting paid to do the people’s business, all the while thinkin’ of “dooin” the people instead.

There should be a ‘common sense’ test to see if you are worth the money you will be paid. This could be extended for all Government employees, all professional athletes, and all Hollywood celebrities. It would be a multiple choice test, kinda like dis:

Question 1:

If you find yourself with some extra time and extraordinarily large sums of money on your hands, your first choice of action would be:

  1. Choke some pit bull dogs to death (as did Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Michael Vick).
  2. Drop your illegal, loaded handgun on the dance floor of a New York club from the waistband of your sweat suit and shoot yourself in the ass (as did Plaxico Burress, ex-New York Giant).
  3. Leave a nasty drunken voice message on your young daughter’s cell phone cursing her as loudly as you can (as did Alec Baldwin).
  4. Tweet pictures of your penis to young girls (as did Anthony’s Weiner).
  5. Have some McNuggets.

If you’re too fargin’ stoopid to pass this little exam, you forego the money and go back to flipping fucking Whoppers…oh, wait , there’s another one! Just a Willy on Capital Hilly!

Walk-a-proud Tony, walk-a-proud.

The Crank

Obama Falls Behind on White House Mortgage Payments

Obama Falls Behind on White House Mortgage Payments

Washington, DC—President Barak Obama admitted during a press conference today that the recent rumors are true: the Obama Administration has fallen behind on its mortgage payments. However, the President is adamantly denying claims he and his family will be forced to move out of the White House and into the audio visual room at the Library of Congress.

When asked how this happened, Obama did not blame his own economic team, but instead pointed the finger at his predecessor. “You would think this bitch would have been paid off centuries ago, but old W did some kind of reverse mortgage thing that botched everything up,” said Obama.

Rush Limbaugh immediately defended our former President. “Obama can’t blame Bush on this one. He has been in that house for three years. This is his mortgage and he needs to take responsibility for his own financial failings.”

Ironically, Obama does not qualify for any of his own mortgage relief programs. “They suggested I fall behind another couple of payments before even applying,” said Obama. “Who dreamt this shit up?”

When asked if he planned to move his family into the Jefferson Memorial, Obama said, “Too drafty. There are some good rates over at the Watergate Hotel in Foggy Bottom, but I could just see the headlines now.”

Stick to Writing Jokes, Mikko: The Zano Rebuttal Rides Again

The Crank

First, let me be the first to congratulate you on the crying Korean-slash-Bachmann joke. Well done, sir. Second, I know Darth Winslow warned me about political commentary—just like the Politicos, he has to pander to his base (all six of them). Yeah, I know, “they are six really smart people!” I’m sorry, dear Winnie, like the spider who kills the goose he’s riding across the river on and drowns, it’s wut ah do.

Your latest post, Mr. Zano, has many problems, not the least of which is the copious amount of unfunnyness it exudes. It’s like listening to Pink phucking Floyd on the way to work in the morning; it only exacerbates my already powerful feelings of helplessness. I read your political stories and I gaze down at my wrists and cry. Just stop! Who is your sponsor anyway, the makers of Prozac!

The Taliban are wonderful people, I’m sure. I just love the way they treat the ladies. Oops, I seemed to have run over my daughter. Oh well, I’ll just have another. She was getting too westernized anyway. See Mick, no way to make them funny. They all suck, all of them. Not Muslims mind you, I’m talking Taliban. If your neighborhood is taken over by Honduran Mafia, do you talk to the moderate killer/drug dealer? No, you call in some “Sherriff Joe” style artillery.

And it’s just not funny. If it’s OK now to write non funny, I gots’ a shitload for you. Oh, it’s not? Well, then…..

Second, I love charts. Especially yours. Having ADHD, your charts are like a shiny sparkly thing waved in front of me. It’s like “…and then the President says that…Oh look, a Mikko chart….”

Yours of course is bullshit. Why do you never put down where you get this drivel? Even I am smart enough not to copy and paste from the Heritage Foundation; you really need to stay away from MediaMatters.shit.

  1. Afghan & Iraq wars, half that amount.
  2. Bush tax cuts need to be added to the next 4 years, no one in Washington has the ‘junes to stop them.
  3. 152 billion for the health reform? Yeah, I got some waterfront property in Yuma for you. It’s over 1 trillion.
  4. The Fed has released documents saying that almost 110 billion went out the back door the Europe and its banks, and they ain’t finished yet.
  5. Just today, he added almost 900 billion to welfare and food stamp subsidies.
  6. Its only 3 years to Bush’s 8.
  7. Oh yeah, Bush was wrong also, so uh, remember this quote:

    How can you tell if you’re a partisan hack?

    When you use something morally indefensible to defend your guy. Thus the whole “I bet you didn’t object when blahblahblah did yadayadayada, so you can’t complain now” logical construct. If the ONLY argument that you have in support of something is a rationalization based on a lack of consistency on the part of its opponents, then you are well and truly sunk intellectually.

Now, there is also this: the Russians couldn’t do shit in Afghanistan. It’s a treacherous shithole. They have no oil, therefore, after we kill all the Taliban fighting men/male children over the age of, well, 7, for their part in 9/11, we need to g.t.f.o. Unless, that is, you want to go pick some poppy? Iraq is another story, we should have taken the oil as payment for letting the Muslim Brotherhood take over the whole region. We repeatedly oust Dictators and then they elect people who all want to kill us. For free. Isn’t the definition of insanity when you keep doing the same fucking shit and keep thinking the outcome will be different? I think 5 or 6 million barrels a year should just about do it.

It’s all for naught anyway, it seems that today Obama just wiped his ass with what was left of the Constitution anyway. You are right, it is all over. It’s just not funny.

And when it comes to politics, neither are you. Oh yeah, and it’s all your fault.

Jeez, I do so love doing that.

Oh yeah, I gave your neighbor a twenty and told him to buy something loud.

I ♥ Liquid Dinosaurs

The Crank

Winslow’s Note:

I never said you couldn’t write political posts, Mr. Crank, but the rebuttals of rebuttals of rebuttals were giving my ulcers ulcers. I allowed this rebuttal against my better judgment. Actually, I work for the Discord so I don’t really have a better judgment. I’m going to steer clear from any political commentary here, although I will say, for the record, the chart in Zano’s post is from the Congressional Budget Office, not Moveon.org or MediaMatters. He did forget the citation, which is actually quite rare, so I docked him a week’s pay. The chart is considered by many to be the chart of the year (so naturally you won’t see it on Fox News).

But I did want to make one point. You said of Zano’s post, “Your latest has many problems, not the least of which is the copious amount of unfunnyness it exudes.” You made this point often. In Mr. Zano’s feature I counted 10 or 15 jokes, some of them were very funny, some were mildly amusing, and still others made me wish I’d chosen a career in refrigerator repair. Point being, they exist, they are there, embedded within the story. Meanwhile, your post was completely devoid of even the rudimentary precursors of humor. Well, there is that Prozac joke, but apparently that was added later by an underpaid and often beaten intern. This being primarily a comedy site, the victory goes to Zano.

P.S. Your other shit has been hysterical lately so you should take your own advice.

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

After nearly 30 years, of living a clean and sober life, I’m contemplating getting back into weed. With the failure of the economy, losing my home and my family, it sounds like a good thing to do, as I am allergic to alcohol. However, back in the 70s, Thai Stik is what I used to do. Is that still available, and at what price? If not, what would be a good replacement?



Dear Loosah,

Thai Stik? Thai Stik is only about three bucks and is available anywhere, even convenient stores. It’s very good at removing stains. I believe I’ve used that joke before. Look, Loosah, you should get a second opinion on the alcohol. Allergic? Try rice beer. There’s also gluten free beer, so you can enjoy a taste on par with Schlitz for only ten dollars a pint. Oh, and with hydroponics you will find pot much more potent than the old days, depending on your source, of course. But before you do anything to jeopardize 30 years of sobriety, call your sponsor—as long as your sponsor isn’t Budweiser. 

The Ghetto Shaman

Tide Stik

The Taliban, the Hawks and the Biden “Gaffe”

Mick Zano

The plan in Afghanistan, even under General Stanley McChrystal, was to reach out to the moderate brand of the Taliban and bring them back to the table. This has been the “the plan” since, umm, ever. So, we finally start to implement the thing and everyone goes ape shit? Attacking moderate and radical Muslims alike, as they represent approximately a third of the planet, is madness…or, as I like to call it, modern conservatism. This route will surely find us all committed to a Santorium somewhere. Sorry, Rick. Your turn.

This is where the Republicans need the likes of Christopher Hitchens on their side. Unfortunately, Hitchens always balked at any truce with the Taliban, but, at this point, most strategists are of one voice on this matter (which is two less than Michele Bachmann is hearing at any given time).

Here’s what Vice President Joe Biden said last week about the Taliban:

“The militant Islamist group only represents an inherent threat if it allows Al-Qaeda to strike at the U.S.”

And during an interview with Newsweek, Biden warned against “labeling the Taliban as an enemy.”

Oh, the horror. They’re couldn’t possibly be some good and some bad Taliban, given that it’s a major faction in Afghanistan. After all, we are team binary; good or evil; you’re with us or against us; Fox News talking point or Satan worship.

Even our generals on the ground have been talking about the need for a political solution for many many years. There is no ‘military only’ solution, period. Most have come to the realization moderate Taliban members must be approached…er, especially the ones who score me my shit.

“Western diplomats in Kabul said that even under the Bush administration, the United States had grown more receptive to the idea of talking to the Taliban.”

Carlotta Gall, New York Times

Admittedly, most Middle Easterners are more tribal or fundamentalist than we’d like. Of course, most Conservatives are a little more tribal or fundamentalist than I would like, so deal. The Arab Spring will likely see a resurgence of Sharia Law, as the dictators we propped up fall to Islamic Brotherhood types. This is inevitable. These countries and their people need to grow up and that’s not going to be a pleasant process. But they have to do the growing—forcing their hand is a fool’s errand, or, as I call it, modern conservatism (it’s such a big tent these days, from the misinformed all the way to the sickeningly greedy).

Let’s see, setting up petty dictators failed, removing said dictators failed, occupying them failed, bombing them failed, and nation building failed…umm, let’s take a little pill from Ron Paul’s medicine cabinet, shall we? He’s in New Hampshire, so it’s probably unattended. Oh that’s right, he’s the one who’s nuts. Riiiiiigght. Less is more in these situations. So what does the right want to do? Hire Rick I-want-to-push-the red-button-already Santorum. Onward Christian soldier! Don’t even get me started. I lived in PA while the Rickster voted with George W. Bush 99% of the time…for his entire senatorial tenure! I think the one time he broke from Bush was the one time Bush was right about something. Now what was that again? Hmmm. I’ll have to get back to you.

Whereas I am all for continuing to attack those who pose a clear and present danger to America, I am not going to condone this broader stroke approach so prevalent in Foxsylvania. If we follow the hawk’s lead, it will once again end any chance for moderate thought to take hold (pretty much anywhere we intervene). When General McChrystal said, nearly a decade into the war, we have a presence in about 1 of 100 valleys in Afghanistan, umm, that should have been your first clue this mission was going to be Mission Tom Cruisable. It’s been about as effective as Alan Colmes trying to hook up at the Fox Christmas party—though it was priceless when Megyn Kelly stood up and slapped him in the face. Next time he’ll say Merry Christmas, not happy holidays, the heathen. That’ll learn em’.

Sorry, but a hundred year war will not go over horribly well with the American people or their bank accounts. But what could possibly go wrong trying to nation build in the Graveyard of Empires? What next, the Necropolis of Nations? The GOP, flat-lining our way to Freedom!

Even Bush understood this! Eventually, well…during his lucid moments, after his meds and before nap time. But Bush’s initial strategy in the Land of the Lost had the effect of driving any moderate Taliban factions underground. Where I believe they then formed a sinister alliance with the Morlocks and the CHUDs!

“Afraid of ‘death or Guantanamo,’ some moderates concluded they had no alternative but to return to Mullah Omar. With the war ongoing, he contends, the Taliban as expanded its original commitments to ‘sharia, security and territorial integrity,’ to encompass an international dimension including demands that the U.S. leave Saudi Arabia.”

Guardian.co.uk, Thursday 2 December 2010

The Guardian doesn’t mention the CHUDs or the Morlocks, but they’re implied. Isn’t it amazing how you can deny the existence of something that you’ve chased to the brink of extinction? Speaking of which, beer in my fridge…what beer in my fridge?

“Reconcilees represent a silent majority in the Taliban who simply want to end the war, and had publicly accepted the constitution though they would favor amendments to enhance the constitutional role of Islam; — Negotiations, reconciliation and restoration of security can and should be followed by elections, and some ex-Taliban would like to be candidates. — Only when key moderates are removed from the 1267 List will they have the credibility needed to convince insurgents they can guarantee agreements they broker with Karzai or the international community.”

And, from the same UK summary of the war:

“The U.S. must identify who within the Taliban is moderate or amenable to dialogue, and work with them to seek peace and agree on how Afghanistan is to be governed.”

Guardian.co.uk, Thursday 2 December 2010

Obama is going to reach out to moderate Muslims, because it’s the only strategy that has a prayer-rug of working, not to mention it’s the right thing to do. Santorum calls this line of reasoning treasonous, because it’s logical, cheaper, and more prone to generate results (aka, 0 for 3 for the GOP). Not many Republicans are likely to understand this approach, but this President has proven that doing the smart thing is much more effective than whatever the hell the right wants to do. He’s using Bush’s expansion of executive power effectively. I wish last week he’d rolled back provisions of the Patriot Act, but I knew he wouldn’t…no one likely ever will. This was predictable, er….which is why I predicted it back in 2008. And the Foxeteers all supported, because you’re such “patriots.”

The Discord, as usual, sums it up nicely:

2012: The Choice between Smart Unconstitutional Power, or Incompetent Unconstitutional Power
2012: The Choice between Smart Unconstitutional Power, or Incompetent Unconstitutional Power

I have been generally silent on the war in Afghanistan, because I don’t know what the hell we’re going to accomplish over there and, frankly, never have. I am also very concerned about the distribution of opium for “personal reasons.” I have suggested a move to predator drones and an intelligence angle on the “War on Error” from the beginning. I always frowned upon nation building anywhere…but I do see why you thought occupying the Crypt of Countries was a swell idea. Those who wanted both land wars are the same people suggesting we continue with Bush’s failed economic policies. It’s the same people bitching the loudest about how broken our economy is. It’s the same people heading to New Hampshire right now on the short bus to Freedom!

It’s time, once again, for what many hail as the chart of the year:

It’s the Policies, Stupid
It’s the Policies, Stupid

Funny how I have always blamed Democrats for about a third of the problem and, lo and behold, check out the graph again. It’s the two thirds—the choice part—that should bother us all. $5.07 trillion attributed to Bush’s policies and $1.44 attributed to Obama’s. Our current President’s only choice was “depression now” or “depression later.” This chart sums it up nicely, so you can distort the truth all you want by repeating the words Obama’s deficit and Obama’s spending, until the pundits come home, but that’s not the whole story—it’s a third of the story; the only third you’re permitted to comment on.

Could Obama have immediately stopped both wars? the Bush tax cuts? the unfunded Medicare drug supplemental program? It would have been nice, but then there’s that Republican “patriotic” opposition again.

As for the war, the hawks and neocons had over a decade to win Afghanistan, yet we’re so far from mission accomplished even Bush would hesitate to raise a banner. The double dip recession will get our troops home soon enough, but what a way to do it. This is one point where the late great Christopher Hitchens was wrong. This battle for a higher consciousness—his battle against totalitarian thought—blinded him to how best to bring about such a victory. The health of our economy is inexplicably linked to our security. We seem to be content on having neither.

As I have said all along, the war will be won or lost by the Muslim people themselves. If we’re not careful our actions will only exacerbate the situation. All the military interventions in the world are not going to help the situation (see Iraq), especially if one adds the words incompetently, or Republican President to the mix. There are so many other countries falling under the dark shadow of radical Islam that other non-military solutions must be doggedly pursued. We can help the people of each country grow, or we can foment hatred; the choice has never been clearer.

Nah, just kidding, let’s occupy, bomb, nation-build, and set up a petty dictator! Hooray for the hawks!

Santorum/Bachmann 2012

Blessed are the Nukes

Edison’s Original Recordings Digitally Enhanced and Rereleased

Edison’s Original Recordings Digitally Enhanced and Rereleased

Los Angeles, CA—Warner Music Group has announced its success in gaining the rights to Thomas Edison’s masterpieces and then digitally enhancing them for the world’s enjoyment. The CD two set, due to be released next month, is destined to be a collector’s item, for those who really, really like collecting things.

“We did something very special,” said WMG spokesperson, Guy Wiley. “We wanted to capture all of Edison’s greatest hits without losing the historical significance of his work, and quickly, because I needed to let the dogs out by four.”

The CDs contain Thomas Alva Edison’s monumental reciting of Mary Had a Little Lamb, in all its historic glory. The CDs also contain a remix, rap version of the same nursery rhyme, like you’ve never heard it before! And who could forget Edison’s version of Little Jack Horner? Besides us. We had to Google the shit. The second CD also has a rare, never released version of Edison’s Shock the Monkey. Who knew?

Warner Music Group boasts the music quality reaches “almost 8-track level,” which Mr. Wiley claims is a marked improvement over Edison’s original tin foil-coated cylinder-format.

“Frankly, we blow the Ediphone away,” said Wiley. “It’s exciting to be a part of this, or so I’m told to say.”

Gripe of Frankenstein: Declining Popularity Forces Monster into Therapy

Alex Bone

Collapsing, AZ—After thirty-three failed suicide attempts, the creature known as the Frankenstein Monster was admitted to a local acute psychiatric unit over the weekend. When asked why he had tried to light his whole body on fire, encase himself in ice, and watch the entire Jersey Shore series on Netflix while eating buckets of habanero chicken wings, the monster had this to say…

“It isn’t fair. I’ve been around longer than Dracula for Christ’s sake, but I get no publicity anymore. I thought things might be turning around when Deniro played me in that movie, but apparently that was just a dead flesh in the pan. And since then, nothing.

Hell, I could hang with the Vampires and Werewolves back in the day, but it’s really this zombie popularity that pisses me off the most. What do you think I am? I’m a walking corpse, that’s what. Should I have eaten that little girl’s brain before I tossed her into the well? What’s a dead guy gotta do? My agent kept telling me, ‘Don’t worry, Franky. Don’t worry, Franky.’ Now I don’t even have an agent as I threw him into a well.”

These days everybody loves serial killers. How about I just kill a few hundred screen writers and maybe then I’ll get some attention? I could already be half zombie, half serial killer. No, really, I’m made of parts from like seventeen people.”

Then the fierce creature grew quiet.

“Hey, are you going to finish that donut? Do you have anything with cream in them? These are kind of dry.

“No,” I said.

“And don’t even get me started on these new Vampires,” he continued. “I remember fighting those blood suckers while making that movie with Abbott and Costello. Now those guys were funny, not like you jerks at the Discord. In the old days, Vampires were evil nasty things. They’d tear out your throat and make you scream in terror. Well, not in that order. The screaming generally happened before the throat tearing out part. Today vampires are heart throbs? Hello? They don’t have hearts, people! I feel like I’m in the Twilight all right, the Twilight Zone! How did vampires morph into these sexy sensitive types that shimmer in the daylight and want to date virgins? I blame Anne Rice for that shit. I want to see Less-stat. If you ask me, you should have stuck with porn, girlfriend. Oh, and if I get my hands on that Stephanie Meyer, bitch, I’ll eat her brain and throw her down a well.”

When I asked Franky what his future plans were, he replied. “Well, for one, I intend to start eating people. Not because I like the taste, but it just seems to be all the craze these days. I’m also going to try to be more sensitive. Do you think they’d let me go to high school? I never did get my degree. Oh yeah, I’m also going to say brains a lot, use Rogaine all over my body to grow some furry hair, maybe get those Goth dental implants that look like vampire fangs. And let’s not forget my mass murder angle. I figure, if I cover all the bases, they’ll have to like me again, right?”

When I mentioned he had forgotten about Aliens, killer cyborgs, and giant radioactively enlarged bugs, Frankenstein wore a very long face. He’s always like that, really.

So I said, “Hey, let’s not forget about Frankenhooker.” I was just trying to cheer him up, but, in retrospect, this was a big mistake. He immediately grabbed my arm and threw me into a well. Thankfully, he forgot to eat my brain. Now I’m forced to write this entire article on my cell phone. Hey, but his agent’s down here and says they need him for I, Frankenstein, coming out later this year. Would someone please tell him? It’s a comedy. But just don’t mention the word Frankenhooker.

America Bans Defective French Breast Implants in Favor of Liberty Melons

America Bans Defective French Breast Implants in Favor of Liberty Melons

Kansas City, KS—The Heartland of America is appalled by the recent recall of French breast implants. An investigation is currently attempting to determine the source of the defective silicone scare currently plaguing our pookas.

“The French are endangering our freedom, our females, and our foreplay! The three Fs.” said Congressman, Steven Farley. “These people obviously hate us for our honkers.”

Farley hopes the French economy will suffer “heaving losses” under the new breast ban.

One breast implant manufacturer is responding with the release of Liberty Melons in B, C, D, and OMFG! sizes. “We’ve been really titty fucked on this one, boys,” said the spokesperson for Tits “R” Bust. “We want to fondle American made tatas only!”

Tits “R” Bust is also toying with the idea of releasing three other lines, Nation Knockers, ConsTITutionals, and Freedom Hooters, in an effort to capture the entire silicone breast implant market.

Opposition is already organizing. An “Occupy Bazzombas” group is now camped out in the valley to protest the company’s rampant nationalism. “Why would the word Bust be in the name of a company that makes breast implants anyway?” said one female protestor. “This is all part of the one pair-cents plot to keep me an A-cup forever.”

Recent violence at the Occupy encampment has spurred a local Sherriff to warn, “Such upheavals could cause dangerous rack ruptures amongst the female protestors. Buy American next time, you damn hippies.”

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I’m a lesbian and my partner is insisting I where protection. Please instruct?


Dear Monica,

Just visit GladiatorLesbians.com. I believe they have a virtual mall.


Can I have your number?

I Must Retract an Old Retraction As We Retract From Iraq

Mick Zano

Occasionally I have been wrong here on The Daily Discord. I know, I know, say it isn’t so Zano. But a few of my predictions have clearly gone astray.

I still believe, Sanjya!

Surely my biggest miscalculation involves the time frame for the double dip recession. But here’s one I’m taking back. My relatively small list of boo boos just got smaller. I did not support “The Surge” in Iraq. I felt, at the time, it only acted as a Bushian human shield, so he could quietly sneak away to go clear brush or conduct some other task more suitable to his relative skill set.

In an article for the Discord in 2008, I said, “the catastrophic decisions by Bush and company are swept away by the success of the surge, which equates to a billion dollar a week pause button in the endless clusterfuck that is the Iraq War.”

Back then, this “Surge” marked my only retraction and, likewise, the only bragging point on the Right. Soooo, if that becomes meaningless as Iraq deteriorates then what, exactly, have you been right about? Never mind, I don’t want to hear your version of history; it makes my ears bleed. As we leave Iraq, it seems the country is doing what many predicted, tanking right on cue. So what did this surge accomplish, exactly? …besides weaken our economy, of course. So, my fairly short wrong list just got shorter and the already staggeringly long Republican wrong list, well, I think it’s approaching Santa list length (SLL). Who’s been a naughty neocon?

I’m still waiting for a Foxeteer to cite something that, years later, has proven to be anything but dead wrong. It would be an interesting experiment in futility, or, in their case, a better life through revisionist history. Oh wait, they were against the bailouts and so was I. Uh oh, I sense another retraction in my future.

Christopher Hitchens was about the only person on the planet who could clearly explain the justification for the War on Terror and the necessity of the Iraq War—at least in any meaningful way (aka, he was never allowed on Fox News). These days anyone who can articulate their position is suspect. The day Hitchens’ passed, a collective gasp rifled through my friends and colleagues, many of whom did not even share his political views. The Hitch-22 is this, an irreplaceable rational voice was lost to us last week and our fight against totalitarian thought just became a much more arduous task without him.

Hitchens made a compelling argument for taking up arms in the war on Islamofascism. Although I am more dove than hawk, any given Hitchens’ article found me ready and willing to nuke the friggin’ Amish. There are scant few logical opposing views these days, and that’s a shame. The right, of course, will not grieve his loss. They look on any intellect with disdain and suspicion—after all, dumb is the new smart, which is working out so well for them. Besides, Hitchens was an atheist so why bother? He used to get thrown off  of  the Sean Hannity show regularly for making something that has no place in Hannity’s Americasense!

John McCain had the most stunning comment on the final withdrawal of troops from Iraq:

“Over 4,000 brave young Americans gave their lives in this conflict. I pray that their sacrifice is not in vain. I hope that their families will not mourn the day that their sons and daughters went out to fight for freedom for the Iraqi people. Unfortunately, it is clear that this decision of a complete pullout of United States troops from Iraq was dictated by politics, and not our national security interests. I believe that history will judge this president’s leadership with the scorn and disdain it deserves,”

John McCain

And to think, we almost made this moron president. Sir, with all due respect, Obama was elected in part to get us the hell out of Iraq, which marks a rare moment of lucidity amongst the electorate. If we left now, or a hundred years from now, the Iraqis themselves have some things to sort out—messy things that involve mortars and martyrs (which, by the way, is also my favorite Iraqi game show; it’s almost as good as Wheel of Fatwa).

Here are two points for Senator McCognitive problems to ponder (the right can, of course, ignore both of them and jump right to my comment on socialism):

  1. Obama followed Bush’s time line. Bush wanted oil and revenge, but realized at some point he needed to keep himself out of prison, so he shifted away from the policies of his sociopathic Vice President and set a time table for withdrawal. Yeah of history!…happy clap!
  2. Obama tried to keep bases and a presence in Iraq, but we were asked politely to leave. The only way we could stay was if our troops agreed to obey Islamic Law. After forgetting to pay, I love having my hand chopped off leaving the local Iraqi Chucky Cheeses. That would have gone over so well with the military families, eh? Look, Iraq is a sovereign nation. Wasn’t that the point? What are you suggesting, sir? Here’s what I—as a behavioral health professional—am suggesting is your problem, Senator…it rhymes with cement-sha.

Shortly after he died, I caught Hitchens’ last interview with Richard Dawkins. These are two very bright people who share an enthusiasm for atheism, but otherwise come from very different disciplines. Hitch the journalist and Dawkins the scientist made for a fitting last interview. And what did they talk about? The very point I’ve been trying to make since long before the Discord’s inception:

DAWKINS: I’ve always been very suspicious of the left-right dimension in politics.

HITCHENS: Yes; it’s broken down with me.

DAWKINS: It’s astonishing how much traction the left-right continuum [has] . . . If you know what someone thinks about the death penalty or abortion, then you generally know what they think about everything else. But you clearly break that rule.

HITCHENS: I have one consistency, which is [being] against the totalitarian – on the left and on the right. The totalitarian, to me, is the enemy – the one that’s absolute, the one that wants control over the inside of your head, not just your actions and your taxes. And the origins of that are theocratic, obviously. The beginning of that is the idea that there is a supreme leader, or infallible pope, or a chief rabbi, or whatever, who can ventriloquise the divine and tell us what to do.

I’ll give you a hint which side of American politics has been more totalitarian in recent years. It rhymes with preservative. Speaking of which, do all preservatives suffer from cement-sha?

Hitchens represents one of our last gasps of independent thought. Only a few recognize the dangers of totalitarianism, this absolute all-or-none thinking so rampant in today’s politics. As Dawkins asserts, we shouldn’t know all of someone’s political views if, say, they happen to be in favor of gun control. But we do and therefore can predict, with a stunning accuracy, where they fall on every other issue from that point on. Why is this, you think? Well, you don’t think…that’s the point. Cable television does the thinking for you.

Where I would expand on the Dawkins Hitchens premise is this: religious zealots are not the only issue. Although the evangelical branch of the right is clearly problematic, fundamental thought is not only driven by the preachers but also by the pundits. Fox News, in particular, has had a staggering impact on the “real American” psyche. Are you wondering why you can’t find a candidate? The one’s you have must all drink from the Foxian Cup of Stupid. It’s why Ron Paul remains an outsider. Independent news died and what’s astounding is how quietly it scampered off. The blogosphere promised new views and new opportunities to hear endless voices on endless topics. Yet, here we are, listening to dumb and dumber, those talking heads on cable television—who you all magically agree with. It’s all variations of the same two voices, let’s call it KochSoros Syndrome.

As for our foreign policy blunders of the recent past, Ron Paul exposes all the Republican Party’s failings in this area, which is precisely why they despise him. As usual, The Dish master gets it:

A (Ron) Paul win in Iowa would completely discombobulate Fox News. That’s good enough reason in and of itself to vote for him. Any restoration of decent, intelligent conservatism must start with a weakening of (Roger) Ailes.

Andrew Sullivan

True story…er, my story. Meanwhile, Republicans want Obama to go away, as if that will magically solve our problems. I’m afraid the global economy is in its death throes. Look, if Obama loses in 2012 that may or may not be a good thing for our country, but if tomorrow marked the last broadcast of Fox News? Now that would truly be a great day for America. If there were only more independent-minded conservatives like Andrew Sullivan, or even the late hawk Christopher Hitchens, we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place. Sullivan actually supported the Iraq War but at some point was struck with the realization that Bush was grossly incompetent. What a rare individual…and on the Right no less!

As the last people in the know leave this dimensional plane of existence, I can’t see this battle for a higher level of consciousness ending well. It reminds of a recent Onion article, Last American Who Knew What the Fuck He Was Doing Dies. As for hawkishness, Christopher Hitchens was clearly that man. He marked the only person who could explain your position on foreign policy in complete sentences. Well, I guess you still have The British are Irish Palin.

What strikes me as sad is this: the only people who did not even take notice of Hitchens’ passing are the very people who needed his voice the most.

Santa Claus’ GPS Coordinates Hijacked by Iran! Sleigh Brought Down Near Tehran

Santa Claus' GPS Coordinates Hijacked by Iran! Sleigh Brought Down Near Tehran

Tehran, IR—Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced his diabolical actions on the evening of December 25th. Iranian scientists claim to have successfully reverse-engineered Santa’s GPS coordinates and guided the jolly old saint and his sleigh into a field northeast of Tehran.

“We wanted to capture the fat bastard with all the goods, but his flight plan made it easier to nab him during his return to the North Pole,” said Ahmadinejad. “We now plan to harness Santa’s secrets to bring down the great Satan known as America.”

The sleigh is reportedly in mint condition, because of all of Santa’s mints, but the North Pole is denying claims that, during the initial encounter, Santa used some of his Christmas elves as human shields.

“They’re not human,” said Mrs. Claus, “take my word on this one.”

The Obama Administration is considering this an act of war.

“This is an outrage,” said President Obama. “We want Santa back without a hair harmed on his chinny chin chin.”

Obama then made several other cutsie Yule-time-anologies (YTAs), before hurling his teleprompter at the nearest wall.

“Who’s going to bring me a new one next year!” blubbered the President as he stormed off stage.

Sadly, Santa and his reindeer were interrogated by Iranian officials on December 26th and then stoned to death for practicing sorcery. Stocks tumbled today with the news Christmas, as we know it, has ended.

Kidding! Santa kicked their heathen asses all over the desert and made it home for dinner.

Author Michael Griffiths’ ‘Zombie Christmas Story’ Rejected for Lack of Gore.

Alex Bone

Collapsing Shack, AZ—The story you are about to read is true, sadly…except the crawdad part and most of the dialogue. OK, the premise is true, the rest is bullshit. After nearly half an hour of grueling work, the infamous zombie author Michael D. Griffiths believed his zombie Christmas story was ready for publication. He could not have been more wrong…

I eventually caught up with the local legend and when I say local, I mean the local bar. And when I say legend, I mean he holds the record for the most women turning him down in a single night. And here we all thought Zano’s record would hold. Happy hour is the best time to catch him and thankfully Flagstaff only has about thirty likely establishments. When I found him, in the back of the Green Room, he was sobbing over an empty pitcher of IPA. After I agreed to buy Mr. Griffiths another pitcher, he had this to say:

“I was told there was going to be a zombie Christmas Anthology and started to write a story for it. I mean come on, my zombie novel Eternal Aftermath has sold nearly twelve copies. But anyway, I wrote this tight little story about a group of guys who have to fight their way through a zombie infested town so they can get medications for some sick kids on Christmas Eve. It passed the Flagstaff writing group with flying colors. They loved it! Hell, Zano was even considering modifying it for the Daily Discord. I mean it’s got zombies, an X-Mess message, and all that Yule time sentimental crap tied up in a nice red bloody bow. But what does my publisher say?

“No, no, no, no, no, I want, like, zombies in a Santa suit eating children.”

He really said that. Dude?! What the hell?! Even I can’t write stuff that sick. Perhaps I should stick with my cannibal mutant anthologies and Santa Claus can bite me.”

When I asked the melancholy author if he had any plans to rectify the situation, he said, “Look, I tried my best and I blew it. Now I won’t be able to afford to get Christmas presents for my family this year, unless you count these crawdads I’ve been saving since last summer in a bucket in my bathroom. But I forgot to refill the bucket last month and they’re not very active. Well, they’ll be easier to wrap now. Kind of smells like an Asian fish market in there, though. Cheaper than replacing the Poo-Pourri, I suppose. Heck, they might not be eatable anymore, but I’ll let my family make their own call…after I ship them back east.”

When I asked if he meant shipping the family or the crawdads back east, he took a large swig from the pitcher and blew a wave of foam barward. 

A hardy “PthHwaaaw!” was all he managed.

He drinks right out of the pitcher, by the way. For those scant few of you who don’t know him personally, Mr. Griffiths is a 7-foot tall Nordic-Viking type dude (NVTD).

Once the pitcher was done, he got up to leave, but as he started downing abandoned drinks off a nearby table, he yelled this across the bar at me, “Christmas Zombies, Bah Humbrains! Christmas is for sissies anyway. I’ll show them a whole new meaning of terror when I release my Zombie Ground Hog Day series.”

Then Mr. Griffiths stumbled back over to me and slurred, “I don’t want to drop any spoilers, but let’s just say loads of children will be eaten by giant undead rodents and every time he sees his shadow, he’ll vomit acid. I might tie it in with that Bill Murray movie and have them relive that glorious day over and over again. Did I give too much away?”

I asked him when the deadline was for his publisher for this original zombie x-mas story, and he said, “Now! It’s due now! If he wants Gore, how about Al Gore trapped at Santa’s flipping workshop, with ice melting all around, surrounded by armies of undead cannibalistic climatologists! I’ll give him Gore…I’ll give Gore!”

He then chugged his last confiscated pint and stormed out of the bar, shouting incoherently about cannibal anthologies and the mutant hordes. Oh, and he left me with the bill for both pitchers, the usual.

How (and What) Does Santa Know?

Pierce Winslow

I just whipped out the parents’ ultimate Christmastime argument for good behavior.

“Santa is watching. If you don’t want a lump of coal in your stocking, you’d better go to sleep.”

Being an off-the-hook intelligent six-year-old (who miraculously still believes), she asked “how does he know?”

I used the tried and tested “magic” answer.

Her response was “no, really, how does he know?”

I gave her an off the cuff answer that was truly plausible, although probably not appropriate, but true to the Discord credo (of not being at all well):

“Well, honey, about ten years ago President Bush approved the Patriot Act which allows him to tie into the phone and cell phone networks, internet, and CIA satellite surveillance systems to spy on private citizens. So Santa knows everything.”

She got a look of shock on her face and rolled over and went to sleep. So I got to thinking, as owls often do, why don’t I have a look of shock on my face while I roll over and go to sleep?

It’s amazing the girl still believes in Santa amidst such a cynical time (she reads Zano, after all). My brother clued me in to the whole Santa thing when I was three. With that revelation, I put the whole Tooth Fairy thing to the test by putting my newly fallen tooth under my pillow without telling anyone. I awoke the next morning, with a bit of a knot in my stomach, and checked for my reward, knowing it wouldn’t be there, but with a bit of hope. The truth was revealed. That did it for the Tooth Fairy, the Easter bunny, and Jesus Christ.

So what does all of this say about our society? Not so much my “discovery”, but the possibility of what the government may discover about us? On the way to work the other day I heard a story on the radio about some woman who was busted for going into a Wal*Mart store, gathering the ingredients for crystal meth, and actually brewing it right there in the store. At that moment I wondered, how is that done? How could you even try that? I wanted to Google that shit to find out, but I didn’t, because I knew that big-brother was watching. I am by nature a very intelligent and curious guy (Zano’s characterization of me as a Bond villain is not far off). I have also wanted to look up bomb making, router spoofing, naked female midget wrestling, and any number of other big-brother-noteworthy info nuggets, but haven’t because of their very big-brother-noteworthiness. Isn’t this supposed to be the land of the free? Or the free basing? Why do I feel like I can’t use the greatest informational tool in history to access the sum of all mankind’s knowledge openly? I’m not planning to open a Wal*Mart crack department; I just want to know how this woman could possibly have pulled this off.

Obama, who in my opinion is an adequate president (the stimulus wasn’t a bad idea in principle, but a lot of the shit he stimulated was ludicrous), promised to dismiss the Patriot Act. Instead of ending the Patriot Act, he started using it…competently.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

– John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton (Jesus, could you lose some of that name?)

While such powers have resulted in a number of high profile captures and assassinations (Yeah, Bin Laden was assassinated; I don’t have a problem with that, but who are we kidding? Lettuce not smooth-over the reality of what we did illegally), what has this environment done to our society? The shit spewed daily here at The Daily Discord could easily be construed as subversive. In my ‘hood, where nothing ever happens—except for that one dumbass a month that slams into that phone pole, no exaggeration—there always seems to be strange vehicles parked across the street from my house. One of them even looked like this:

There always seems to be strange vehicles parked across the street from my house. One of them even looked like this.

Am I under close surveillance? In the immortal words of Douglas Adams, I am “mostly harmless”. And yet, I feel insecure in an environment intended to make me feel secure. This is a load of shit. And how much of my cell phone, internet, and spy satellite bill are paying for surveillance of me?

I could get more verbose, I’m good at that, but I have pretty much said all I have to say on this topic. There is no need to provoke big brother any more than I already have. I just have one more thing to say:

The red fox is down.

Dogs barking, can’t fly without umbrella.

The chair is against the wall.

Johnny has a long mustache.

Merry Christmas. And for those non-Christian readers who are offended by that, to quote one of my heroes, “Happy Birthday Jesus”, wherever you are.