Finger Puppets the Most Misunderstood of Toys

It’s times like these I really begin to question this project.

“It’ll be fun,” Pierce told me.  “Think of the travel, the women, the high adventure.”

What a load of crap! 

This week, Mr. Winslow said, “Why don’t you do something on finger puppets?”

He really said that—with a straight face.

“Mick,” he said, “our readers are sick of you and the Crank going at it about last week’s news.”  Then, with the same straight face, he goes, “A feature on finger puppets, now that’s the ticket.”

How can I even respond to that?  I hate him.

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

Chief Seattle once said, “When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear. When that happens, The Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them.”  I think we are closing in on that time period. Are you an activist? Are you an environmental warrior?

Running Bear

Dear Running Bear,

They used to call me Running Bare, but now it’s a felony. I am part of a complacent activist Buddhist group known as I am That, but not on weekends. And I do hang out with the Warriors of the Rainbow at the bar known as Peaches & Court. There we attempt to save the planet one drunken show tune at a time.

Hope this helps.

The Ghetto Shaman

Good Healthcare & Phoenix: Mutually Exclusive Terms

Good Healthcare & Phoenix: Mutually Exclusive Terms
The Crank

When I knew I was leaving Lawn Guyland, I visited my long time dentist for the last time. This man had done all my dental work since the early Reagan Administration. My union dental coverage had purchased him numerous fine German and, later, Japanese cars over the years. He used to say that when I came into his office, he could hear the revving of new engines instead of air drills.

The O.C.D. dentist I called him, as he was a true perfectionist. His work with crowns was so good, none of it ever had to be redone, even after nearly 30 years.

At my last appointment, I said to him,”So, Doc, when I move to Aridzona I want to look up your organization, so as to find a dentist as good as you.”

“What organization?” he replied.

“Oh, you know, the A.R.J.D.A.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

With a wink to his assistant, I said “Anal-Retentive Jewish Dentists of America!”

We all laughed, but I had the sinking feeling I was gonna miss him. Boy, was I ever right.

With the Valley of the Sun in my sights, I moved to a little cotton field west of Phoenix. A “city” they called it. Not like any city I’ve ever seen, more like a “town”. After taking four months off to, well, play hooky—after all, I had been working nonstop since I was eight—eventually my wife and I decided to find jobs. Hers would have to have health bennies. Only a blind man would give me any health benefits. Once that was settled, I went about the task of visiting doctors and dentists within our plan’s network.

Within a year, I realized there are 20 ‘truths’ concerning healthcare in ‘The Valley’ as everyone calls it. I will now recite these 20 Commandments:

  1. There is a damn good reason your doctor or dentist isn’t in New York or L.A. Look up the term “Goober” in the dictionary. There’s his/her picture.
    Goober in the desert
  2. If you are waiting to see your doctor or dentist for way too long, and his waiting room is empty, he can usually be found in his office on his laptop, on E*Trade checking his retirement portfolio, or on the phone talking to the guy he’s got rehabbing foreclosures.
  3. Dentists in The Valley do not like doing standard dentistry. If it doesn’t involve use of a blue light, and include the terms ‘Brite Smile’, or “porcelain veneers’, it’s beyond his/her scope of practice.
  4. No matter how competent the doctor is, his office personnel will surely give a whole new meaning to the term “asleep at the wheel.”
  5. Messages between the doctor and office personnel will get lost/changed/forgotten during its arduous six-foot journey from counter to computer.
  6. Be prepared to get all of your information paperwork from the office personnel in Spanish, whether or not you even speak Spanish. Qué?
  7. Referrals take years.
  8. Test results always take until the day before your next test (Quantum Faxing?)
  9. If you really like your physician, just wait, he will be moving back to his home state soon enough.
  10. Check to see if their degree came from a degree mill, such as the Arizona School of Medicine and Animal Husbandry. Red flag: look out for the pictures of horses in the waiting room. On a related note, never say “Blücher” out loud. They hate that.
  11. Nothing is permanent. Nothing. Any tooth repair, any surgery, any prescription for a problem, all will only work for six to eight weeks, then fall-out/drop/swell/delaminate/leak/become infected/hurt like a biatch and then you can start with the word “fall-out” again and reread that list. At that point you will be asked if you want the upgraded version at no charge. He will then redo what he’s already done poorly—poorly once again—and gets to bill your insurance company twice.
  12. No matter what the problem is, do not ever interrupt the office girls personal phone calls. You have no idea how long you can be made to wait, or how fucked up your paperwork can get. Oh, and it’s no fun getting an imaginary molar removed from your testicles.
  13. Appointments in Arizona are merely suggestions.
  14. If you make an appointment, call back in an hour and ask if you made an appointment. You will be told “no” …at which time you can remake your appointment. This increases your chances of making the schedule, albeit only slightly.
  15. Get a second opinion, like your life depended on it. It does. And maybe a third just for shits-n-giggles.
  16. If your Doctor says to you, “What you have is inoperable/unfixable/terminal, what he means is it’s above his pay grade and he’s too fucking embarrassed to refer you to a physician that can do it.
  17. Get to know all the Hindu holidays’ time tables, your doctor will be unavailable at these times.
  18. Before your first visit to your physician, always go to his website and fill out all the pre-visit forms online. It won’t save you any time, as they will have lost them when you get there, but you have practiced and can now fill them out more efficiently whilst balancing the clipboard on your knee and talking on the phone simultaneously. This will also not help the wait, because you will finish the forms six to seven months before you will be seen. Luckily, all dentist and doctor offices in AZ are equipped with cafeterias for this reason.
  19. “We do take your insurance plan” can be a deceiving statement. What it means is this: “It’s ok for you to do all the paperwork for us after we fuck it all up. It’s also OK for them to pay us, and for us to say we never got the payment.”
  20. Win the lottery and pull an Elvis. When you’re sick or have a toothache just get on a plane to NY.

Mysterious Phoenix Explosion Explained

Mysterious Phoenix Explosion Explained

Phoenix, AZ—On the evening of March 9th a strange explosion in the Northwest Valley was captured by Fox News 10. The power company immediately denied any transformer blow outs and the large, unexplained flash of light remained a mystery, until now.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio finally made a statement to the press yesterday, explaining the mysterious flash. The Sheriff admitted he and his department used a bazooka to eliminate a flagrant j-walking menace from nearby Mesa. Parts of the j-walker later arrived at Scottsdale Medical Center, while other parts arrived at Arizona Regional in Mesa.

“We only recovered 60% of the ‘alleged’ offender,” said Arpaio, “but I can tell you one thing, that bastard will not be blatantly ignoring crosswalks again in my town.”

Sherriff Arpaio came under considerable scrutiny last year for using a SWAT team and a tank to break up a cock fighting ring that turned out to be a pacifist farmer who just loves his cock.

Rooster spokesperson, Foghorn Leghorn, had this to say, “I say, I say, this man’s a bleeping menace. He’s about as sharp as a sack of wet javelinas.”

Springfield Elects Mayor for 17th Term

Springfield Elects Mayor for 17th Term

Springfield, ??—Joseph “Putin” Quimby won Re-election today in a landslide victory over his opponent, Grounds Keeper Willy. Pundits believe that Super PAC funds from an unnamed nuclear power plant owner, and rampant voter intimidation sealed the deal for the incumbent.

Even Quimby’s harshest critics did not deny how animated he’s been throughout this campaign. Quimby, affectionately known to locals as Joe the Mayor, ran on a record of creating the 6-1/2 day work week, the squelching of all local unions, and the complete gutting of regulations at Springfield’s nuclear power plant.

Quimby told reporters, “Aside from their close proximity, there is no proven connection between the power plant and the three-eyed fish.” The Mayor also claimed the many glowing objects in the surrounding area “actually help people see at night and increases tourism.”

During the course of the race Quimby’s team, the committee to Re-elect the mayor, or CREEM, further developed that argument, eventually using the issue as a standing talking-point. They claimed it demonstrated the opponent party’s “well-known callous disregard for human life, [as the] Liberals once again put their love for enviro-fascism ahead of the welfare and safety of Mr. Burns…er, the American people.”

The Mayor’s oft invoked slogan, “You Don’t Eat the Fish’s Eyes Anyway” was met with wild cheers from his supporters.

Quimby refused to comment on his competition’s not-so-gracious consolation speech where several people were injured as Willy drove a tractor over supporters and critics alike, pumping his fists and shouting things decidedly Scottish.

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I think you’re stepping on the dream of the planet, not to mention my dreams, and you have women issues to boot!!!!


Dear multi-exclamation-points,

Many do consider me the Founding Father of Drunken Debauchery. And, yes, women do boot me; that’s the issue! But are they really my issues? The restraining orders certainly suggest so. For your wisdom I have sent you a free coupon for my book, Awakening the One Eyed Cosmic Serpent. I suggest you don’t read it. Maybe re-gift it to that special someone in your life. Then suggest that they don’t read it.

Hope this helps.

The Ghetto Shaman

P.S. Never give up on your dreams, because one day you really might just wake up naked in class. I have…and I’m not even enrolled anywhere.

Republicans Speak from Two Places, Ideology or Their Asses

Republicans Speak from Two Places, Ideology or Their Asses
Mick Zano

In hindsight, comparing John Boehner to Don Quixote isn’t very fair to Mr. Quixote. But what’s the GOP attacking now? Why are they so afraid? Even when they aren’t in power, they’re the story….a sad, sad story, yet an ever-evolving one, or in their case devolving. Look, don’t fear a reasonable amount of competence…it’s INcompetence you want to avoid. See how easy that was? Now you try to think of…just kidding, like that would ever happen.

The GOP’s premise that saying whatever the hell you want and having people cheer is not going to play out horribly well in the general election. If Rick Santorum says he hates Abraham Lincoln because he appeased the Klingons along the Neutral Zone during the Boer War, people are going to fact check that shit. For example, Lincoln appeased the Romulans, not the Klingons (Trekipedia). So put that in your sweater vest and smoke it, or your smoking jacket and sweater it.

Regardless, whoever gets the nod, Fox News will immediately try to create reality around their candidate, like Sarah I’m-Warning-the-British Palin and Michelle Jefferson-Freed-the-Slaves Bachmann. But you can’t create candidates this stupid and expect to get anywhere…or can you?

“Obama’s support among white men has slipped from 41% to 36%, with the drop being attributed to men without a college degree.”

—Lihat Terjemahan

Keep defunding education; it’s your only hope. Then, after 425 more debates, maybe you’ll end up with Rick Man-on-Dog Santorum. Someone recently said Santorum would be an impressive figure in the 1800s. I think that’s offensive to people from that era.

But the growing chorus of people coming around to my way of thinking gives me some small comfort:

“The GOP’s once credible attacks on the president’s record have morphed into an incredible attack on the country’s intelligence. That change is reflected by Obama’s double-digit lead over the GOP field. Sometimes it seems as if Santorum and the others are content with pushing each other closer and closer to the edge of idiocy because that’s easier than pushing ideas to convince voters they’re the best person for the job.”

—LZ Grandersen, CNN

So I get this email from a Republican friend of mine, apparently the word “dhimmitude” is written somewhere into Obama’s new healthcare law. The email said it’s designed to exempt Muslims from paying for Obamacare. Of course, the email said ‘please pass on and scare the shit out of your already paranoid friends and relatives.’ The email seemed scary, for sure, but I wrestled with even looking up the damn thing. I’m so sick of fact-checking some right wing moron, but alas…


Dhimmitude (according to them it is in the bill):

However, “The overwhelming majority of them are explicitly Anabaptist — that is, Mennonite, Amish or Hutterite. Those that don’t specify their denomination are still explicitly Christian. Having gone through the list, we can say with certainty that no Muslim group, and indeed no non-Christian group, has ever qualified for an exemption under the statute used to define exempt religious groups in the health care law.”

So I came up with my own, much better definition of Dhimmitude:

“A force countering the natural propensity of a society to become more intelligent (otherwise known as the Flynn Effect) through endless inaccuracies perpetuated by the early twenty-first century U.S. Conservative Party. This group, in essence, is hindering the naturally occurring cognitive acceleration of the entire species, making the world just a little dumber one Hannity episode at a time.”

There, that’s better. Now for homework please use the word in a sentence.

Geesh, you people are like the pundits who cried wolf. Henny Penny the pipeline is falling. Someday you’re going to uncover something real, or, worse yet, you already have, and everyone is going to blow it off when they consider the source. I know I will. For many, many years Republicans have been doing a huge disservice to reality. And they don’t even have to live here anymore! They can just visit now and again to check on their house plants and then climb back into their neococoon.

It’s like any other time when the right seems to be making a valid point, I make the terrible, terrible mistake of researching it (never do this). It’s astounding how little of what they say is based on anything but horse shit. Perhaps they represent the missing dark matter in physics? Hmmm. I believe that’s from the Theory of Smellitivity, which also states nothing in the Universe can lie faster than the speed of Right.

Please get some people with a clue on your side, because this is getting ridiculous…or, hey, let’s talk about Obama’s birth certificate again. I’ll clear my schedule…and my brain.

And don’t hate Gingrich, Santorum and Limbaugh, you are the party of Gingrich, Santorum and Limbaugh. You all deserve each other. This has been my clarion call for years. I gave Keith Olbermann a considerable amount of shit when he went uber-liberal, so did a lot of other people, and he’s gone…meanwhile, the Right embraces and promotes the suckage. A Dan Rather on the right would not resign in disgrace, but would inherent Murdoch’s empire. The fruits of your labor can be seen during this wonderful primary season. Oh, wait, you don’t like fruits. Scratch that.

Over the years, you haven’t been remotely interested in policing yourselves, and math? Naaaah. Math leads to socialism. So you made your bed, keep lying in it. In fact, get a room with some animals, midgets, harnesses, maybe some scuba equipment, and all those other things you’re repressing in the name of real American values, and have at it.

The scant few valid points the Foxeteers actually have tend to be issues I agree with Obama on. There are a few distinct differences between R and D; these are why we hold elections. For instance, the Right is making a big deal about the Keystone Pipeline. Obama really did vote this down. This is based on reality…whew, I knew reality would creep into this conversation sooner or later. Okay, I really didn’t, but I was kind of hoping…

But, instead of moving toward real solutions for our energy problems, the GOP fixates on temporary band aids in an effort to jury rig this psychopathic, oil-owned system of ours. Should we have done this pipe-whatsas? From my reading, it looked like a mixed bag—a measly 800,000 gallons a day of the dirtiest of the dirtiest (at best). Meanwhile, the Occupy Movement is really starting to focus on long term sustainable systems for our future. I heard some great things on a recent Coast to Coast show on their last summit and some new ground rules from another source here. Not that it will likely mean anything anytime soon, but I appreciate their sentiment. Meanwhile, the Right takes their marching orders from Exxon Mobile…well, I don’t.

“I do what I want!!!”


Apparently, gas prices are going to have to climb much higher before we start taking alternative energy seriously. It didn’t have to be that way, but you’ve been missing every memo on the subject of sustainable energy for, oh, about four decades now, so tough shit.

Also, after an exhaustive study conducted on approximately 1,400 professors across the nation, it found that college professors are slightly more conservative than the general population…NOT more liberal. Just add that to the long list of the GOP’s false assumptions, which now, if listed end-to-end, would reach from one end of Newt Gingrich’s ego to the other (okay, that’s an exaggeration). At this point, it’s really safe to say their entire world view is delusional—next to nothing pans out under the microscope, or even under the basement light bulb on a string.

I would have actually guessed more professors would be liberal as that’s part of the consciousness spiral, but, either way, is that the focus of each and every class? Is there really some diabolical coordinated plot? Did we all just pay our tuition fees each semester for some Loraxian-style brainwashing? “I am Dr. Lorax, I speak for the Ds.” I think I do remember him, actually…short guy, big moustache. And, I have to admit, I enjoyed taking Hollywood Celebrity Causes 101 and Advanced Sorosology as much as the next guy.

Face it, Matt Drudge combs the country for examples of this phenomenon and he comes up with about one a month. Frankly, there’s probably more teachers boinking their students than liberalizing them. Drudge, meanwhile, Cherry picks a whole host of headlines designed to anger and misinform the already angry and misinformed. Good work if you can get it. In fact, let’s look at The Drudge today: gun sales are up because people are frightened of Obama’s re-election.

Hmmmm. Soooo you’re all scared during this steady, albeit slow, recovery phase, but you weren’t scared during the whole….horrible decisions that led to …… catastrophic……… global…….. What the fuck is wrong with you people?!

I know, you’re worried about spending. So let’s end all of the Right’s unfunded policies, today. No? Congress got your tongue? Oh, I get it, you’re worried Obama is going to take away your gun rights, because clearly—no, I’m being told there’s no evidence for that either. Wow. Let’s go back to the bullshit about all higher education is liberal brain washing. I feel we’re on stronger ground there…and by stronger ground, I’m envisioning the lightening sand from the Fire Swamp.

For homework, please review the three dangers of the Fire Swamp and pay particular attention to the R.O.U.Ss, the Republicans Of Unusual Size. It might explain Newt’s head and solar system sized ego.

To bring this tangential point home, I have six years of higher education under my belt and never remember one liberal rant at a lecture. But those who have never set foot in a classroom are all convinced otherwise. And sorry Sean Hannity, but dumb should not be the new smart. That’s just fucking dumb.

I also believe the Right’s version of religion, namely fundamentalism, is not based on a deep metaphysical understanding of the cosmos, but of a collective arrested development (CAD). Check out my related article here. Yes, in almost every category I find these folks increasingly laughable. Yet they remain dead serious in their struggle to unthink their way to freedom and economic stability via a culture war of their own creation. Good luck with that.

The culture war can be summed up thusly: the people crying the loudest are actually more prone to impose their beliefs on others, than vice versa. For example, my decision to not own a dog will never affect you, but your decision may get me bitten, or keep me up all night, or force me to clean shit from my lawn. I don’t know where this analogy is going, but I feel similarly about Republicans. And I better not catch you shitting on my lawn again Limbaugh! I set up cameras!

What we do know is Fox News has an ongoing and very effective propaganda campaign that has convinced almost half the country of a whole laundry list of mistruths. That’s a fact…unlike the things you tend to cite in your articles, namely falsehoods. Our comedians, the real journalists today, have uncovered the internal memo machine over at Fox News here. The problem remains: half of the population already knows this and the other half supports it anyway.

I will continue to try to find any valid points or arguments from the Right. They must exist! They must! At this time, I would like to give a free pass to those few Ron-ulans out there (not to be confused with the Klingons). I think Ron Paul’s followers represent a distinctive third party mentality that should be nurtured and supported. They have figured out the Republican version of empire is certainly a large part of how we got here. Unfortunately, some of Ron Paul’s ilk remain enmeshed with the Tea Party, a faction of our society almost completely devoid of merit. Some are also prone to bouts of Foxeteerinism, a treatable condition, which can be countered by simply introducing a steady diet of facts into your normal daily news regiment. Let’s find real reasons to hate Obama, not make them up. I’m looking for them too and if you would just zip it long enough, I just might find some.

Ron Paul is a genuine and consistent candidate (as I have said for about a decade) and IF he’s being booted from the election illegally, which may well be true, then we no longer live in a Democracy. The Right should cover this story. It could be HUGE! I’ll just hold my breath on that one….

How about a wager? I think the Ron Paul being excluded from the Democratic race has more merit than nine out of ten of your “scandals”. There’s no info on it and no one is covering it. This is just a hunch, but my hunches have thus far proven much more accurate than your “facts”.

You see, Ron Paul getting the Democratic shaft may actually pan out, so it’s of no interest to a Foxeteer. To them real scandals are passé in their fairyland of unicorns and pixie dust. Oh wait, they hate fairies. Scratch that.

The Republican Party isn’t tearing itself apart; there’s nothing to tear apart. They’re a joke, hewn into the rock-solid-likeness of Sean JustSplicing-in-Some-Footage Hannity, through the tried and true Chisel of Misinformation.

Oh, and by the way, I wrote a scroller joke on this site the day the contraceptive scandal broke, basically saying: well, I haven’t really looked into this yet, but if Fox News is up in arms about it, it’s probably bullshit. Well, the evangelical overreach is backfiring right on cue and Obama actually got the resulting bump from female voters. Any other bullshit scandals, folks? Then maybe we can just skip the election entirely and just pull a Putin.

The GOP is only united in their hatred for Obama. I may or may not vote for Obama next round. I have wanted a truly third party to emerge for a long time. But I’ll tell you who I won’t vote for…a group who prefers a depression over a recession, an incompetent foreign policy over a competent one, and stupidity over brains. The GOP is a group feverishly defending the very policies that got us here. If that’s not enough, they want to embroil us in another war with Iran, regardless if there are other viable options remaining. Can you imagine what the world would look like or what our economy would look like after this next Clusterfuck to Freedom? Well, it will go smoother if Obama handles it. He tends to do these things cheaper and more effectively, you know, as translated by Fox News 0 for 2.

The Republicans don’t like chess, they want to play checkers. None of that thinking three moves ahead crap, that’s for those elite European socialist types. We have bombs, drop em’! Oh, and King Me, bitch! What?….they can only move diagonally? Shit.

Now shhhh. Let Obama think. Unlike your candidates, he still has that in his arsenal. Besides, your handy work in Iraq is still lingering in the air, like the flatulent turd ball that is the GOP.

For homework, please work flatulent turd ball into a complete sentence.

Who Ordered the Drone Attack that Killed Breitbart?

Who Ordered the Drone Attack that Killed Breitbart?

Philadelphia, PA—The Daily Discord condemns the drone attack that killed commentator, Andrew Breitbart, in the strongest possible terms. No one argues that a U.S. President has the authority to assassinate its citizens. After all, a very patriotic law made that possible. And, sure, Breitbart had some questionable journalistic practices, but who’s next? Limbaugh? Hannity? Malkin?

Well, we could let those slide, I suppose, but this power could easily be abused. What if we accidently took out Shep Smith, a relatively nice guy over on Fox News? What if he just happened to be standing next to Sean Hannity when the drone strikes? What if children are around, like the very child-like Newt Gingrich? And shouldn’t Michele Bachmann be treated for her condition, not eliminated? Is this how we care for our mentally ill? What if one of Santorum’s sweater vests gets damaged, irreparably? This practice needs to end here and now.

Discord field reporter, Cokie McGrath, added, “Theoretically, President Obama could use predator drone strikes to eliminate his competition…if he had any.”

Many feel Breitbart’s followers are aggressive and ill informed and that such an attack “would only stir the hornet’s nest.”

“Who knows how they will retaliate,” said the Discord’s Mick Zano. “We need to reach out to moderate Republicans and use the military option against them only as a last resort. First, we should impose comprehensive sanctions designed to separate them from their trucks and their guns.”

When it was pointed out how moderate conservatives are all but extinct, Zano eventually condoned more drone strikes. “For the record, it took several pints of ale before I gave this practice my blessing, and only when they sweetened the deal by adding Coulter and Palin to The List,” said Zano.

GOP: You’re Squandering an Opportunity More Golden than Trump Friggin’ Towers!

GOP: You’re Squandering an Opportunity More Golden than Trump Friggin’ Towers!

Yeah, that’s right, The Crank is finally calling out the right wing. Why don’t you just put the f*&^ing election into a pretty foil box with a bow and hand it to Obama and say, “Sorry we bothered.” Or put on the cake, Enjoy Four More Years, oh Anointed One.

You people are making Obama look smart and that’s no easy task considering he has lived his entire pre-Presidential life in a box in Chicago on ex-Mayor Daley’s porch (only reading the Huffington Post, while viewing 24-hr live feeds from his most liberal university professors’ classes—with only the occasional “Al Capone Story” reruns to break it up).

I’m talking about Rick Sanitarium…er, Santorum. Evan Trump said it’s a gift to Democrats to make him run against The Evil Dr. Obamatron. Of course, it’s not ALL your fault. In states where independents can vote in primaries, many are being cajoled into voting for Sanitarium to “help the cause” as it were. It’s easy, actually. These are people who cannot, for the life of themselves, decide which side they’re on in any given decision. Independents spend their lives over-thinking a decision to its flaming finale. Making the decisions for them actually removes some of their stress.

Sanitarium makes one speech on “The Evil Satan” or talks about how much he admires Gays & any Non-Christians, and he’s history. Newt I’m-mad-as-hell-and-I’m-not-going-to-take-it-anymore Gingrich is faltering because we all see him for what he is—a hateful and resentful man who looks like a grown-up Cabbage Patch doll.

Mitt Headroom is our only hope. He is middle of the road enough to have a real chance to beat Obummer. Let’s all face the facts: no fat-assed Joisey Governor is going to ride in on a gleaming, but rather bow-backed, white stallion to save us. It’s just not gonna happen. And let’s all thank our deities that Palin isn’t running. As a local DJ said on his Facebook page: “Do I want her as President? NO. Would I like to bang her? Like a screen door in a cat-5 hurricane.” I know that’s sexist, but I’m told it will be edited out. And I believe in the crew at the Discord, they’re like a finely tuned…okay, they’re idiots. Sue me.

The Ron-ulans will have their 5 %—they always do—but never more. Paul wears two hats: one of them a cowboy hat and the other one hand-crafted from tin foil. Many great, great ideas about auditing the Fed and re-arranging our finances to suit our income, but he loses me with the “foreign policy” he has lodged in his eye.

If in fact gasoline is $4.50- $5.00 per gallon this summer, and the pipeline and the drilling are nowhere in sight, Mikko could beat Ohmamma. I am looking a C-note + to fill the Ram at $5.00, and America has more trucks than bicycles. As it heats up this season, Obama’s popularity will start to sink like a certain “I forgot to wear my glasses after I fell into the life boat” cruise ship captain.

The recovery that is happening in spite of Washington will give up by then, and I will be waving a tattered 3x white T-shirt in complete surrender. But that’s a crapshoot, and I’m not a betting man.

William F. Buckley, famed Conservative pundit, once said “I will vote for the most conservative person that I think can be elected.” He saw that a bird in the hand, may shit on it…wait, that’s not how it goes. He saw that two Bushes in the palm were…never mind. But he understands how having a semi-conservative in charge is better than the least conservative. Evidently, the Republicans last shred of intelligence died with old Bill.

Don’t fuck this up guys, the alternative is horrific.

Like a-planet-ruled-by-Mikko horrific.

Crank me a story

Is Obama too Soft on this Wadiyian Tyrant?

Is Obama too Soft on this Wadiyian Tyrant?

Wadyia—Bordering on the country of Freedonia, Wadiya sits at the heart of the tribal region of outer Fictitiousitan. In an unprecedented slap to American exceptionalism, Wadiya’s dictator, General Aladeen, attended the Oscars and made a mockery of a noble American tradition.

Aladeen, known to many as the Tyrant of the Vine Street Lounge, has a list of atrocities as long as the Discord’s Ghetto Shaman. Why did the Obama Administration and the Academy appease this cruel and inhuman dictator? Despite his gross humanitarian violations, they awarded him, not one, but two tickets to the Oscars as well as a parking pass.

Here is what the dictator said on his website after the Academy caved to his demands: “Evil and all those who make Satan their protector have been driven into the Pacific Sea.”

He later clarified at an after-hours party that he meant the Pacific briny deep. Aladeen lives in the middle of the desert and has banned all Zionist maps and the internet long ago.

Aladeen told the Discord today, “I do not want this Twitter or this Book of Faces to allow my enemies to chat, or Meetup, or organize these flash of mobs. Wadiyans are a proud peoples, but they are lousy dancers with next to no fashion sense.”

Radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, is outraged. “The fact he waltzed into the Oscars and caused a scene bordering on assault is an affront to justice. He was initially banned for a reason. We should be stuffing sanctions so far up his Islamofascist ass he’s shitting Koran’s for a week.”

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Pierce Winslow

The following is a public service announcement:

The Ghetto Shaman column has been cancelled this week due to unforeseen circumstances involving the police, Mad Dog 20/20, and some high grade nutmeg. The Shaman would still like to plug his latest books: Channel Your Aggression into Fast Cash! and the critically exclaimed The Shaman’s Gift and other STDs.

Stay tuned next week for the triumphant return of the Ghetto Shaman…or not.

Pierce Xavier Winslow

If I Had 325 Million Dollars: Song Sold Separately

If I Had 325 Million Dollars: Song Sold Separately

What would YOU do with a million dollars? It’s an oft asked question, right up there with “Are you a cop? Y’know you have to tell me if you are, right?” or “Dude, how much for those 99 cent potato chips?” If you asked me what I would do with a cool million before today, my answer would have been “a Branch-Davidian style compound, where I had multiple wives and would subject my followers to all-night prog-rock jam-sessions, featuring me on all instruments.” After all, I’m a one-man band and I don’t like sharing credit. But today the idea hit me, “What could I buy with 325 million?” and the answer became all too apparent…a planet.

First I thought…Earth:

My first choice was quickly shot down, however, due to overpopulation and the fact that that Daily Discord was created there. Besides, the Ghetto Shaman has already subjected most of the female population to his New Age Cuties (NAC). Plus all the logistics, with multiple land-owners, countries, dictators, copyright laws, etc.


My next choice would be Mars, until I quickly learned that men are from there. Since I’m not your “average Joe”, conversation quickly turns to thin, watery gruel at best. Here’s what usually passes for conversation between me and another male.


“Boy, sure is cold out, huh?”

“What is UP with that Tebow guy?”

Awkward silence….crickets (cue tumbleweed).

You get the picture. So if men are from Mars, fuck that.

The Moon:

Too many satellite pictures. When I get crater front property, I like to be naked. Besides, still way too close to the in-laws.


I immediately ruled out the closest planet to the sun, because…er, it’s the closest planet to the sun. Unless I am planning to make the first human casserole colony (HCC), it sounded like a bad idea. Of course, I haven’t ruled out making this the penal colony for my actual planet.


I’m told women reside there, en masse’. While visions of green “Star Trek” styled space babes in silver thigh-high boots & matching mini-skirts & nine vaginas dazzled my thoughts, I quickly realized I can barely get a word in when there’s three Earth women in the room, let alone an ENTIRE PLANET populated with them. Then I envisioned roughly six billion menstrual cycles and how they could be coordinated like the plot-outline from Ocean’s 11. It’s tough enough having one woman mad at you cause you dropped your dirty underwear three feet away from…”THE GODDAMN HAMPER, ERTEL! YOU COULDN’T WALK IT ANOTHER 3 FEET?! WHAT THE HELL’S WRONG WITH YOU? I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE MARRIED THAT NICE JEWISH DOCTOR WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE! …SO, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT TEBOW GUY!”

OK, let’s multiply that scene by six billion….AHHHHHH!! –

No thanks….Venus is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there. Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m going to fling my underwear in the general direction of the hamper.


Didn’t make the cut, ‘cause it’s too big. It just screams too flashy. Donald Trump probably already has some deal worked out involving solid gold moons and The Red Spot Casino.


With all those rings, it smells too much like a commitment. Besides it’s almost as flashy as Jupiter with even more of that infernal cosmic bling.


Pass. I think it’s named after the Roman God of seaweed, or somethin’.

The Sun:

Admittedly this is not a planet, per se, but this one is a no-go as well. If I bought the Sun I’d feel way too much like a Bond Villain. Although, a shark tank in my office that drops people from the shark tank directly into the sun would be pretty cool…well, hot.


I’ve tried that line on many women already. “Hey, babe, I OWN Uranus!”…sadly to no avail. For this line they often call me an asshole, while completely missing the irony.

So, the obvious answer to me, since I’m a sucker for a good underdog story anyway, is…


Since its downgrade to a “dwarf planet”, it seems like the obvious choice. It’s out of the way, small enough I can maneuver about on foot. And, statistically speaking, a 7-11 is bound to be nearby. Solar System real estate agents probably describe it as “cozy” and since its recent downgrade, I can probably get it up for a steal.

Oh, and most importantly, I can stock it with Space Midgets. I’ve already done the math.

$325 million well-spent.

Oh, and for those docking with my planet, please report to the Branch-Davidian style compound, where I have multiple wives and I’m currently subjecting my followers to all-night prog-rock jam-sessions, featuring me on all the instruments.

Damn, if I’d just remembered to save one measly million for a night with Demi Moore.

Waffle House Flummoxed by Lack of Valentine’s Business

Waffle House Flummoxed by Lack of Valentine’s Business

Rolla, MO—Restaurant Manager, Bob Dickson, was shocked and saddened when no one showed at his Waffle House for their special Valentine’s menu.

“We put candles on every table,” said Dickson. “We even got those mini fish bowl glass thingies from the Dollar Store for ‘em.” Upon further questioning, Dickson admitted their heart-shaped waffles looked “more like asses” and they never did switch the closed sign to open for the entire first shift.

The feedback from their regulars followed a clear pattern. It seems a lot of men suggested the Waffle House on February 14th but the women were less than enthusiastic.

Mason explained, “The gals all responded with a similar ‘Are you f^&*ing kidding me?!’ theme. But we’re still looking at it like the glass is half full. The guys liked the idea, so we’re halfway there. You know, like that Bon Jovi song.”

When asked what song? Mason furrowed his brow. “I don’t know, but I do know the Waffle Shop is not giving up. We could cater to gay male couples. We should corner the market on that demographic for sure.”

When asked if a large gay community existed in Rolla, Mason replied, “Sure, we’re open to that kind of thing…well, in a ‘run-their-faggot-asses-out-of-town’ kind of way.”

Religion V. Spirituality: Hint, Religion Loses 

Mick Zano

Oh, it’s on. The torturing-for-Jesus version of spirituality (TJVS) is officially taking on Obamarama. The ultra-religious fear the future, while atheists and liberals are content to occupy it. Half our country can’t fathom a new American chapter and the other half can’t bloody wait: Occupy vs. Tea Party, Left vs. Right, Roe vs. Wade…Monsters vs. Aliens.

From the spiritual perspective I feel it comes down to the Perennial Philosophy (which is likely meaningless to most of you) vs. our so-called Christian values.

The Conservative base, chock full of fundamentalists, believes their very way of life is under attack. In contrast, my beliefs would never impose anything on them, but their beliefs….hmmm. Frankly, mainstream religions should be drowned in said stream. They are giving spirituality a bad name. Kidding, they’ve had a bad name for eons. One of the main tenants of the Perennial Philosophy is this:

“Fix yourself and the world will change.”

Very similar to what Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Isn’t that nice? It also says we are all one…and we are all connected, New York telephone. Sorry, a flashback. After all, people will believe what they’re going to believe and do what they’re going to do. I’m a believer, kind of a daydream believer, I couldn’t leave her if I tried. Sorry, Monkees’ flashback (it’s better than those ABBA ones, trust me).

Coming from the exact opposite perspective, Christians/Catholics and by default Republicans, want to fix you while leaving themselves completely devoid of any and all moral reason whatsoever. Kidding…it’s not limited to just the moral variety.

Let’s take the seemingly mundane example of cable television. You can, if you have some basic understanding of your remote control, block out the channels you don’t want coming into your home (or, in my case, have your child figure it out). There are parental settings designed to keep out all of Satan’s Work…like MSNBC. So if Christian types wanted to fix themselves, they could block the shit and be done with it. But that’s not what they want, as usual. They want to legislate morality (aka, they don’t want you watching that show). So they have tried, in my area, to ban certain channels. Of course, they’ve already TiVo’d every episodes and have categorized all the unwholesome parts, watching them over and over again so they’re ready for Bill O’Reilly’s next segment (Mr. Reaction-Formation himself). But keeping you from watching this filth is their life’s mission…you know, a fool’s errand. This repression apparently leads them to a variety of truck stop related sex toy, scuba equipment incidents (insert acronym here—or insert your favorite Congressman/Senator here—or insert your favorite sex toy….never mind).

Let’s be clear, I am knocking organized religion and, namely, the fundamental thought entwined therein (hint: if you’ve screwed the proverbial pooch for thousands of years, pardon the proverb, perhaps an inventory is in order).

In related news, I would never vote for Herr Fundamentalist himself, Rick Santorum. Another example was George Born-Again Bush—a man who probably shouldn’t have been born once, let alone twice. Sorry, that was mean. War criminals deserver our admiration and respect.

Let’s take the superlative fundamentalist of our time, Osama Bin Laden. When the Seals broke in he was found with three women, pot, and a stack of porno mags…or, as I call it, weekends. Could you imagine if Bin Laden had just worked on himself? …you know, smoked in those cannabinoid messengers and contemplated his navel in a nice poppy field somewhere. If he’d only cleared his own thoughts of hatred, or, better yet, what if you did? I can hear that Sam Cooke song playing now.

Ethnic cleansing all over the Mid East is a direct result of the nastier aspects of fundamental thought. Thankfully, Real America doesn’t suffer from as deep an affliction. But it’s also the same phenomenon behind the inevitable and disturbing rise of the Muslim Brotherhood. Sorry, but oppressing these people will only breed more resentment and violence in the long run. These people, jackasses though they may appear, need to move up the consciousness spiral like everyone else. Obama needs to walk a fine line between fostering mutual respect, while orchestrating drone attacks. Yikes.

At the end of the day, Catholics, certainly the fundamental brand, tend to avoid their own issues in favor of pestering the living shit out of everyone else. Bin Laden was no exception; he would gladly go all Sharia Law on your ass for the same shit that he pulled regularly, like his pud.

Did you see that clergy filled episode on Hannity last week? I am so graced to have witnessed this sanctimonious pile of crap. It was a disgrace even by normal Hannity “standards.” Like Fox, the Christian base condemns everyone who doesn’t buy into their sad sad view of spirit.

To add onto that theme, the perennial philosophy will fly you to the moon without either. But unlike fundamentalism, science and spirituality don’t have to be at odds. Check out Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence or my favorite work on this subject is Ken Wilber’s Marriage of Sense and Soul.

Meanwhile, one priest on Hannity said he would be willing “to die” to stop legal healthcare choices for women. Yeah. I’m glad he has such strong unconstitutional beliefs, now how about trying to use those for the powers of good? Ye without gin throw the first olive (Leshiticus 4:12). The reference might be wrong. Sorry, I think I read it on Tebow’s eye black.

Look, do yourselves a favor and listen to what Jesus actually said, not your twisted version of him. Wait! Republican politicians do hang around with lots of prostitutes; I can’t argue with that one. But what about all the other stuff? Is Jesus encouraging you to elect greedy hypocrites? Really? Did he say on his Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are the C. Montgomery Burnses?” You clearly support tycoon psychopaths. In fact, you have in every piece of legislation in the last decade—which, in your minds, is still some strange coincidence. Sorry, but Jesus would turn the tables on you morons, literally, scripturally and otherwise.

Worry about yourselves. Don’t do me any favors! You’re not here to save anyone but yourself…aka, you’re failing miserably. Just look at Bill Donahue over on Fox News. He’s defending spirituality through a delicate blend of bile and anger. Who would want to follow your spiritual teachings, sir? Oh yeah, the angry and the misinformed. Never mind, I guess you have the right venue.

Who would want to follow your spiritual teachings, sir?

Do you see any difference between these two individuals? I quote from one guy all the time and the other fella looks like Archie Bunker with a Depends, full. I defy you to find an image of Bill Donahue where he is not scowling. Would the stable looking guy ever be invited on Fox News? Hell no. Do they even want to talk to him? Hell no. Is becoming a Foxeteer a diagnosable psychological disorder? Coming soon to a DSM near you.

Fox and Fryers defend their beliefs by sending their most rigid, most fundamental members into the trenches to fight the good fight. And what incentive do they have to even educate anymore? One of my Congressman in Aridbama, while axing college scholarships, declared, “Haven’t those scholarship types done enough damage?”

I’ll take it a step further, the very existence of Fox News depends on an uneducated audience. Some proof over on Slate Magazine here. They’re afraid they’ll educate themselves out of power.

“But the arguments on behalf of moral truth need to be made in ways that are winsome, in a manner that is meant to persuade. What this means, in part, is the person making the arguments needs to radiate some measure of grace and tolerance rather than condemnation and zeal.”

Pete Wehner

Do what you want on your own time but, when it comes to politics, leave your poop in the pews, peeps. You’re stinking up the joint and I mean that in the most respectful way. Sorry, but no one is going to be horribly impressed with the Catholic Church over the last decade, let alone the last thousand years. It’s a sick thing. Is it “all evil” as Christoper Hitchen’s asserts? Of course not. I have personally worked with church groups doing great things for their communities. But is the Catholic Church the picture of health? If the Catholic Church were a Rolling Stone, it would be Keith Richards. Wild wild verses….couldn’t drag me to pray… Sorry. Just be thankful I didn’t go with the I Can’t Get No Crucifixion.

I don’t want the Catholic Church or Repulicana to die, I just want it to evolve into something meaningful. Oh, that’s right, you don’t believe in evolution… well, can you at least shut the hell up and do something more helpful for society…like watch Glee?

So Father Fundamentalist, let’s review your score card: the secular atheists aren’t impressed with you, most liberals aren’t impressed with you, and a growing number of actual spiritual seekers aren’t impressed with you. As for your Republican supporters, they haven’t been right about anything since the Reagan Administration. Oh wait, I’m being told they were wrong then too. So why don’t you all heal yourselves and your own institutions before you tell anyone else how to live? Although, I do realize it will cut into your felony time…er, family time. 

If you were really resonating with anyone, your factions and congregations would use fewer contraceptives than other groups, yet clearly polls suggest the opposite. So, since you’re losing at convincing people to follow your teachings anyway, why don’t you focus on yourselves? Clean up your organizations, convict the pedophiles in your ranks, maybe find a nice craft like woodworking. I hear Jesus liked that.

Last week, Mike Huckabee said to a priestly type over on Fox News, “I never thought I would say this, but today we are all Catholics.” So that’s what unites you? A temporary treaty so you can attack a woman’s individual choice on healthcare options? You can’t find any other common ground as American conservative God-fearing heartland types? Are you that deranged? Oh, right, you’re on Fox…it’s a prerequisite.

You want an accurate account of the history of religion? Rent Monty Python’s Life of Brian and take notes, or, as I call it, follow the Sacred Gourd!!!

This same Obama compromise on contraception has been agreed to by a variety of priestly sorts in the past, including Mike Huckabee when he was Governor. I thought agreeing with our President during war time was patriotic?

Juan weighs in on the contraception controversy:

“President Obama is to be applauded for at least trying to find a compromise that doesn’t dragoon Catholic institutions into betraying that conscience. In the end, of course, civil law must uphold equitable treatment of all women, and a satisfactory compromise may not be possible. We will be the better for having the debate, and attempting to find a modus vivendi.”

—Juan Cole

Juan goes on to list a slew of things were our catholic republicans completely ignore Biblical teachings here.

The truth is this: a devout atheist, Christopher Hitchens, actually came up with a far more user-friendly and all-encompassing version of the 10 Commandments:

  1. Do not condemn people on the basis of their ethnicity or their color.
  2. Do not ever even think of using people as private property.
  3. Despise those who use violence or the threat of it in sexual relations.
  4. Hide your face and weep if you dare to harm a child.
  5. Do not condemn people for their inborn nature. (“Why would God create so many homosexuals, only to torture and destroy them?”)
  6. Be aware that you, too, are an animal, and dependent on the web of nature. Try to think and act accordingly.
  7. Do not imagine you can avoid judgment if you rob people [by lying to them] rather than with a knife.
  8. Turn off that fucking cell phone (you have no idea how unimportant your phone call is to us).
  9. Denounce all jihadists and crusaders for what they are: psychopathic criminals with ugly delusions and terrible sexual repression.
  10. Reject any faith if their commandments contradict any of the above.

Christopher Hitchens

I only have one comment on these: # 8 is clearly divinely inspired. I plan to dedicate the rest of my life studying the Hitchens’ Codes—codes embedded in these sacred texts—proving I need to go back on my medication.

Sorry, but these make much more sense than the Lord’s. If this doesn’t make you want to egg Ned Flanders’ house, I don’t know what will. The genuine 10 Commandment has about the same cultural relevance as Urkel reruns. Not even the first season I’m talking the last season here…

The fact remains: religion, organized religion, has done waaaaaaaaaaaaay more to divide people than unite them. This is not an opinion; this is a fact. I actual dabble far less in opinion than a typical Foxeteer may think. Like J. Krisnamurti tells us, “What divides people is tradition and beliefs which condition the mind in a certain way.”

Today, Mitt Romney is under attack because his belief-myth is less plausible than their belief-myth. In some ways Mormonism does seem about one intergalactic leader shy of a full scripture. They believe, for example, liquor is for outside the body (bathing rituals and such), but not for ingesting. They have something against coffee as well—this, despite the Biblical verse “blessed are the mochas.”

Okay, okay, in some ways I do get their anger. I get it on some level. Let me step away from my rant for a moment. They think abortion is murder and unjustifiable in almost every context and, as Father Maher tells us, “Life begins at erection.” As fellow Discordian, Pokey McDooris said to me recently, “Stay away from my sister. She’s married. You’re a pig, Zano! A pig!” Oh wait, no…the other thing he said, “There’s a thinning of sin in our society today. It’s just too easy to sin.”

I do get that point. But what Catholic types claim is ‘forcing them’ really translates to ‘not offering women’s healthcare options.’ Aren’t Individual freedoms important too? In fact, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled it was unconstitutional to NOT offer such healthcare choices. But only the parts of the Constitution that help the Right sell their bullshit seems to matter these days.

If you really want to impact behaviors of 21st century folks, we need an educational system that resonates from a higher perspective and a spiritual path that people can be proud of. Currently we are 0 for 2. In its current form, organized religion only inspires me to lose my lunch. Gospelrexia Versevosa? Sorry.

Tragically, there’s a clear link between Christian fundamentalist thinking and this absurd search for someone smart enough to be stupid enough to champion the GOP’s causes. People are very angry that organized religion and nationalism are getting such a bad name these days. So here’s some friendly advice: I would encourage you to choose people with brains to discuss your positions. That would go a long way to helping your cause with the un-addle minded among us. Oh, and clean up the conservative brand…or just keep defunding education (one or the other).

Nationalism should not = low IQ

Conservatism should not = always wrong (which is impossible, so how are they managing it?)

Religions should not = rigidity and stupidity

Today, the above trio-grande signifies separation, segregation, and oppression. There is a next step for each of them, of course. To go beyond nationalism is to move from an ethnocentric to a more world centric level of consciousness. And, I believe, one of the keys to existence involves moving from fundamental thought to a more integral spirituality.

Science, which is obviously a breath of fresh air over organized religion, still has its own demons to exorcize. If they would only understand the seat of consciousness is not hiding somewhere within the inner structures of the brain. This Where’s Waldo? approach to reality isn’t working. If they could just come to terms with this point so much of their own data would start to make sense to them. The brain is a filter that actually keeps us focused on a small part of the universal spectrum. String Theory can hypothesis many dimensions, yet someone who travels to one amidst a shamanic journey is always a loon.

It’s coming. More people are meditating. The field of psychology is now overrun with mindfulness studies as they are proving as effective, if not more so, than their coveted cognitive behavioral therapy. Eventually enough scientists will study the brains of meditators and say, “shit, I have to get my brain functioning like that.”

Vedic (ancient Indian) philosophy is forever tying more and more in with modern physics. The materialist view of reality should have died with the advent of quantum physics, but it didn’t. Scientists frankly ignore any science that threatens their mechanistic world view. There is such a profound delay in understanding, even with breakthrough after scientific breakthrough. Any study that just doesn’t fit into their narrow view of the cosmos is ignored, outright. The works of Rupert Sheldrake and Dean Radin come to mind. Here’s one point where I clearly differ from Ken Wilber and Pokey McDooris: I think we’re heading for a tipping point where they will not be able to so easily ignore this new paradigm.

As I was finishing up this post, I came across physicist Brian Cox explaining why everything in the Universe is connected. Check it. Yep, the gap between the perennial philosophy and physics is narrowing. It’s time to ditch the superstition and the stupidity, peeps, or move the hell to Syria with your fundamental cousins.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to do something more beneficial to society…watch Glee.

“To put an end to outward war, you must begin to put an end to war in yourself.”


“Everything I did in that sweat lodge with those young attractive women was in the interests of their spiritual development, officer.”

—The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

The Mayans were truly amazing people, but what is cosmogenesis and the galactic code?

Joan Drummond

Albany, NY

Dear Joan,

Cosmowhowhatsas?  The Battlestar Galacticode is on Friday nights on the Sci-Fi Channel.  I believe it’s about Cylons, not Mayans. 

The Ghetto Shaman