Spirituality & Enlightenment

Spirituality & Enlightenment

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

You claim in your latest book, I am the Buddha and so is My Hooker that you are a genuine bodhisattva and the actual reincarnation of the Dalai Lama.   First off, the Dalai Lama isn’t dead yet and, second, as far as I can tell you have absolutely nothing in common with Gautama Buddha. 


Twin Falls, ID

Dear Stan,

Much like the Buddha, I too abandoned all of my social obligations. And, much like the Buddha, I too, well, that’s pretty much it. But I’m sure I am on the right track.  After all, does not the journey of a thousand miles begin at the Pay-n-Take six pack shop?   Besides, ultimately I’m more of a Bootysattva.

The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ghetto Shaman,

The Bible tells us God was Isaiah, God was Jesus, God was King Solomon, God was Jonah and the whale. God is present in each and every corner of this vast Universe, but nowhere, sir, do I see God present in you! You are a fraud and a crank!

Michael Barren

Fergus Falls, MN

Dear Michael,

Actually the Crank is the guy with the old gorilla at the top of his column.  I’m the guy with the half-eaten chicken bones around my neck, an honest mistake.

The Ghetto Shaman

P.S.  It would take huffing three kitchens worth of cleaning products before I could understand how God could be both Jonah and the whale.  I will consider that a challenge, sir.  And I will let you know.

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I heard you speak last Thursday at that symposium behind the 24 hour coin-op laundry place.  I even took one of your pamphlets, Everybody Have Fun Tonight, Everbody Feng Shui Tonight. And, well, here’s my question:  are masters and shaman reincarnated time and time again, like the bodhisattvas, or is it a one shot deal?  Your lecture was almost contradictory on this point and then, after you threw up, you were kind of hard to understand. 

Roland Parker

Newberry, PA

Dear Roland,

With me it’s never a one shot deal (just ask Pokey or Zano).  Look, the vomit is part of my communion after the great spirits. You’ve heard of speaking in tongues?  I call it speaking in chunks.  As for your question, indeed, a master can manifest into many bodies over many life times.  For example, last weekend I managed to manifest myself into three separate bodies.  Though, the last one I must admit was a tad on the ‘happy Buddha’ side, if you follow. 

The Ghetto Shaman

Your Insistence, Fair Reader, that I’m Glum and Hopeless Makes Me Want to Shoot My Face Off

Mick Zano

We are getting some feedback here at Discord Central and, though it pains me to admit it, not all of it is good.  People are starting to comment on my sinicism.

To my critics I say, “how could I be synical if I can’t even spell the word?”

Despite the mountain of facts to the contrary, more and more readers feel I am pessimistic, dark, and, according to at least one Crank, prone to bouts of verbal diarrhea (which doesn’t even make sense in this venue).  Today, here and now, I hope to dispel these unfounded rumors.  Think of this post as a short-term, blog-cleansing diet.  I have taken and solved many of the challenges we humans face in the early 21st century, and, more importantly, I’ve placed these solutions into an easily digestible table format.  Click on the Read More button and, well, read more…

The Bad News The Good News
Increased pollution and smog threaten our health and our very existence
Smog protects us from the sun’s increased radiation and combats global warming by actually cooling the Earth, like a big skuzzy beach umbrella.
Mercury in those ‘green friendly’ light bulbs is further destroying China’s environment and killing their workers
But they come in cool squiggly shapes! And, if that’s not enough, they make us feel good inside, until the bulb breaks, of course, and the mercury reaches our brains.
Obama may not have been born in the United States
After George W. Bush, is outsourcing really such a bad thing?
Overpopulation is a mounting threat for humanity.  There are more people alive on Earth now than have ever existed throughout history
The Earth is only 6,000 years old, so it’s really not that big a deal 
Universal Healthcare will probably suck, big time. 
Our current healthcare system sucks, big time. Why should employed people be the only ones to have shitty healthcare?
Over fishing is wiping out our ocean’s ecosystems
Mercury content is way too high to safely eat fish anyway
Species are disappearing faster than during any other mass extinction in our earth’s history.
Screw you dinosaur killing comet/asteroid thingie!  We’renumber one!
Our whole economy is owned by China
Our whole economy is owned by China
According to a recent CNN article only one percent of the Earth’s water is drinkable
The percentage becomes much, much higher after the brewing process!
This is the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression
I still own Reggie Jackson’s 1969 rookie year baseball card (mint condition)
Soylent Green, it’s people!
It’s actually not that bad with some fava beans and a dry chianti
The Pacific Garbage Patch floating between CA and Hawaii is now estimated to be twice the size of Texas
Someday the mutant hordes can use it as the foundation for New Los Angeles
It could happen tomorrow!
Tomorrow is Monday (at least when I wrote this shit)

Pessimistic, mwah?

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I recently read your book, Shamanic Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, and one passage has me perplexed:

I read the signs in the sacred fire; I entered the green reptile’s web; I prayed to the Walmart midgets in the forgotten passage; I danced amongst the bones of the Seven Rainbows; and I still made it passed the Dark Mountain for the final retrieval.

P.S.  Oh, and who are the Cross-dressing Guatemalans? 


Jack Lavin

Beaver Dam, WI

Dear Jack,

Thank you for you patronage, one who dams his beavers.  The meaning of my work could not be clearer:

I read the signs in the sacred fire (I smoked some pot with Pokey); I entered the green reptile’s web (I had to pay a cover at the Bullfrog Brewery); I prayed to the Walmart midgets in the forgotten passage (I vomited in the alley); I danced amongst the bones of the Seven Rainbows (there was a Dead cover band over at the gay bar); and I still made it passed the Dark Mountain for the final retrieval (I made it to Carl’s Pub for last-call by sneaking around that bouncer who hates me).

The Cross-dressing Guatemalans usually frequent the, aforementioned, gay bar.

The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

Hello, I am an attractive twenty six year old Yoga instructor.  I am striving for complete inner and outer harmony.  Striving seems to have led me into a blind alley for the moment.  Can you help me?

Pam Nystrom

Johnstown, PA

Dear Pam,

I believe I can.  Bend over, I’ll strive. 

The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I must admit to being a New Age newbie.  What the heck is Chi?  And what exactly is a super cosmic chakra cleansing invocation?   I hear these crazy things bandied about in the course of my studies, but I must admit to being completely lost sometimes. 

Bobby Tonelli

Kennebunkport, ME

Dear Bobby,

(or may I call you Bobert?)

You must harness your Chi. You must cultivate your Chi.  At the risk of sounding like Dr. Seuss, Chi is the key, you see! You must make the Chi your pet, a Chia Pet, if you will.  As for the super cosmic chakra cleansing invocation, I use prune juice, a warrior’s drink.

The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

Your attempt at a “sequel” to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s The Art of Happiness is truly appalling.  The Fart of Crappiness is an affront to all Buddhists. Actually, it’s an affront to all people!  You have missed each and every major point of Buddhist mysticism. If I ever run into you in a dark alley it will be a true test for me to ‘harm none.’

Gary Kissel

Monroe, LA

Dear Gary,

Indeed, at the heart of all Zen lies a staggering contradiction.   I am such a contradiction.  No I’m not.  See?   Hope this helps. 

The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Mr. Shaman,

My life has been a series of hardships.  I fight pain every day. I’m a burden to my kids…what is the meaning of life?  Where can I find some relief?  If I don’t get some direction I’m just going to take all my medications and be done with it!

Jack Guernsey

Garfield, NJ

Dear Jack,

You have reached the desk of the Ghetto Shaman.  I am out drinking, humping, or having profound spiritual insights with younger women (involving leather). Your email is important to me.  Next week if someone happens to ask the same question, I will be happy to answer it.

The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Ask The Ghetto Shaman

Dear Ghetto Shaman,

I have studied the mystical path for over ten years and I am still riddled with anxiety.  I am worried people are going to find out my fondness for women’s clothing.  I try so hard to meditate, but yoga and tai chi just can’t separate me from my fears.  I have fears about the recent economic downturn, fears about my girlfriend finding out my secret, fear of, well, everything.  I need a Shaman.  I need your guidance.

Jack Mendelsen

Kenosha, WI

Dear Jack,

You are afraid of people discovering your fondness for women’s clothing, one Jack Mendelsen of Kenosha, Wisconsin?  I am sure your secret is safe (moron).  Look, self-transformation often involves a pair of fishnets and stilettos.  It does for me, anyway. As for fear…Just Stop!  Fear is the enemy.  Anxiety is crippling our society.  You must move beyond your fears.  The level of fear in the United States today scares the living shit out of me!  Hmmm, Living Shit the Mystical Pooh…maybe a book idea in there somewhere.

The Ghetto Shaman