News & Politics

News & Politics

Al Gore , Men In Green, and the HARP that will Destroy Earth!

Al Gore , Men In Green, and the HARP that will Destroy Earth!
Alex Bone

Collapsing Shack, AZ—This is some serious breaking news:  now that this distracting election is over, it’s time to push aside useless labels like Tea Bagger, Bleeding Heart Liberal, Limp-Wristed Cow-Kissing Independent, or Humanitarian Sheep-Humping Dingleberry. None of these things matter in the face of the 100 Angry Men and their lacky, nay, their leader, nay, their Supreme Allied Commander…Al Gore. 

Sometimes the Discord actually breaks news instead of merely breaking news into ‘tiny shards of sensationalism’.  Google won’t verify anything I’m about to say, because they’re in on the conspiracy. Google has been manipulated by these angry men, also known as the mysterious Men In Green (MIG).  Only a small underground knows the truth. Through a mixture of ill luck, Odysseusian exhaustion, and booze, I found myself a participant in a plot that will surely shake the very core of human existence.

The other night one of these Men In Green ended up at The Green Room, my favorite bar.  I don’t know what they were looking for there, but what they found was some awesome drink specials and yours truly—a combination that would prove their undoing. I will tell you what I know.  If I disappear, they got to me…or, I got drunk.  I’m sure it’ll be one of the two. These MIGs have no country, but move throughout the world like shadows and, no, they don’t get felt up at airports; lucky bastards.

I got two of these MIG dudes drunk back at The Green Room and while they were in the can I accessed one of their laptops.  Apparently, these men control the wealth of the world and their word can change nations or economies overnight, to say nothing of extending all happy hours indefinitely!   So why was I buying all the beer?  Geesh, in retrospect, it’s a shame I spent most of the time logging into their Facebook pages to have all their friends befriend Jack Primus and The Daily Discord.  Hindsight is always 20/20, or in my case, a beer goggly 30/40.

I learned a lot perusing their files; suddenly everything made sense.  Do you really think we elected Bush twice?  It’s the game beneath the game.  Gore never wanted the presidency and then maneuvered Bush into a second term.  This was all part of the plan.  This group even allowed Fox lies to keep the ’04 election close enough so we wouldn’t suspect any foul play.   These Men In Green currently hate everyone except commies. These guys love commies. As they swerved away into the night their bumper sticker read: Pinko is the New Green.

I just heard something outside the window?  I hope it’s just the Ghetto Shaman trying to get me to buy him some more Robitussin.  Otherwise, they’re onto me.  I just hope I have enough time to send this off, finish this twelve-pack, and eat those last few slices of pizza from last night. Damn, that was a good spicy Hawaiian…

I almost forgot to put on my aluminum foil hat!  There, that should block their transmission for the few more minutes I’ll need.  They aren’t settling for just sucking the world’s resources dry, like some Bond villain.  These fiends believe the world is overpopulated so they mean to cull  the herd! That’s where Al Gore comes in.  He is their leader in the guise of an affable fool.  Their most treasured secret is this: Al Gore’s world shattering H.A.R.P.! You think Al Gore is against Global Warming, hah!  That’s nothing but another clever ruse. According to these Men In Green, Al Gore has a dreadful harp-like machine and when he plays this Human Apocalyptic Reprogramming Per-whatsas (H.A.R.P.)…well, lean in closer.  It actually causes global warming!

Why are they trying to kill us? That’s the creepy part. The truth is this: they like fluffy little animals better.  They think humans are all wicked and unredeemable.  Sure, it’s true, but it’s still not a nice thing to say.
I heard something again. I had better attach and send this document to Pierce Winslow before they set off another electro-magnetic pulse.  Shit…get another slice of pizza or warn mankind?  Damn you saucy pineappley yumminess!

So we have nothing to look forward to, other than these 100 Angry Men stealing as much money as they can and then destroying the world.  They’ll leave our planet a Road Warrior wasteland while they move into their mansions in Antarctica, party with Gwar, and laugh as the rest of the world becomes a lifeless desert.  Worse yet, they don’t seem to buy any rounds of alcohol despite almost C. Montgomery Burns levels of wealth!

I’d like to quote the Lord Humungus, “What a puny plan!” but I hear they are already booking flights to the South Pole.  They left Al Gore in the center of a hidden Tobacco patch, plucking away on his malign H.A.R.P. from Hell.  I emailed the above picture from their laptop to myself and then onward to The Daily Discord.  Do you think they’ll check their sent mail?  Damn.  I think they’re in the house now.

Still don’t believe me?  Well, I don’t give a pluck what you think. You’ll be playing a different tune when the oceans roll over the cities and the forests turn to dust. Don’t come running to me when that doomsday H.A.R.P plays its final stanza as our fingers grasp through the burning sands in the hopes of unearthing some old sandwiches or the warm beer of a dead world.

And always remember, It Could Happen to Harpo!

Airport Offers “Happy Ending” Security Screenings

Airport Offers "Happy Ending" Security Screenings

Chicago’s Midway Airport—Lines are not the only things getting longer at our local airports these days.  Although many travelers are frustrated and angered over new security procedures, one Midwestern airport has discovered some folks seem to really be enjoying the invasive new screening process.

“We decided with crisis comes cop-portunity,” said Security Chief, Jay Milken, of Aurora, Ill.  “Get it?  Some people really perk up at the security line and we thought, wow, here’s something we can take advantage of, so to speak.”

After confirming their suspicions with their new x-ray “boner identification” machines, Mr. Milken and his team swung into action.  Within a few days Midway Airport offered a range of extended screenings for cash.  Travelers who chose the “happy ending” security + screening got to choose the gender of their screener and the “extended/bonus” safety check. Security personnel also offered offered x-ray images of some of the other passengers to heighten arousal.  For an extra fee, flyers can also request the pocket pool extravaganza, or, for the more adventurous still, there’s always the extended cavity search.

“Fly the really friendly skies while improving airport security. Oh, and don’t forget to have your bags checked by one of our trained professionals, ladies, or how about one of our mammogram security checks?  Fly safe and fight breast cancer all while boarding your flight. It’s win, win, win!” said Milken.

In Defense of Our 44th President

Mick Zano

Now that everyone is piling on Obama like a Cambodian stampede, it’s time to come to the aid of my old pal, Mr. Mediocre.  Currently, Bush’s approval rating is 44% and Obama’s is 39%.  Huh?  Granted, Obama’s struggling, but Bush’s approval rating should only be calculable using quantum fractals, pygmy fractions, or perhaps some other non-Euclidian geometry only found down in Whoville on Psilocybin Wednesdays.  Speaking of which, Shaman man…what are ya doing Wednesday?

My prediction on inauguration day was this: Obama would do poorly on the economic front and well on foreign policy.  He has done a little better on the economic front than anticipated.  What!?!  Sorry Foxeteers, those of us who saw this coming thought our economy would be pushing up more Daisy than the Duke boys right about now.  Last I checked, we’re not in a depression, so kudos, oh Anointed One.

As for foreign policy, I have always put his achievements into the context of a country drastically declining in influence, resources, and options.  I never felt we, as a country, would regroup after Bush—not without strong non-partisan approval and implementation of Psilocybin Wednesdays.  If and when we re-emerge from the inflation to come, we will have a very different role on the world stage.  Not to mention intermittent flying unicorns.

Can you imagine a Republican president ruling in this environment?  How will they govern without their two favorite tools, bullying and threatening?  Let me make another prediction:  they will continue as if nothing has changed for at least a year, then, when faced with the overwhelming fact that no one is listening anymore, they will deny this for another six months or so.  When the stark reality of America’s shrinking role, influence, and power finally sinks in, they will renew their hatred for Barney Frank and Barak Obama.  At least they’re predictable.

Fact: Obama is not handling the Israel-Palestine conflict well.  But let’s not forget, no one ever has.  At this juncture, Israel is the biggest barrier to the process.  That’s not anti-Semitism, it’s a fact.  As for Afghanistan, in a recent C-Span moment, the former President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf, pointed to two key strategic blunders that exacerbated the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan.  The first occurred under Reagan, when, after fighting a proxy war alongside Pakistan against Russia, the U.S. abandoned Pakistan and sought only to improve ties with India.  The second blunder occurred in 2002, after the U.S. had won a military battle in Afghanistan, but, instead of seeking a political a solution, chose instead to go bomb Iraq.

“Then (2002) the U.S. could have brokered a political deal from a position of strength, now the U.S. is attempting to broker a deal from a position of weakness.”

—Pervez Musharraf

Wow, sounds like Mick Zano.  So what were we doing for a gazillion dollars a day over there for nearly a decade?  Hmmmm.  Oh, and for some juxtaposition (which is our bonus word today, kids), we are cutting organ transplants for the poor in my state.  Gotta love Republicans. Let’s invade Iran!  We can supply our troops by having old people reuse their catheters.  That should help.  Borrow $ for Warren Buffet’s tax breaks?  Sorry, that’s a must.

Indeed, that was a very long and expensive stalemate, Mr. Decision Points.  Where was your Mission Abolished banner for that one?   Fact: we have fought Al-Qaeda more effectively in both border countries under Obama’s reign.  And I’m betting we will reach a political agreement with the Taliban soon.

C-Span recently assembled a “what the ‘F’ are we going to do about Iran” panel.  This group of specialists believes a military option with Iran is off the table.   They unanimously agreed that any military option cannot just be empty words.  We need to be able to back threats up with troops, and our current military situation is such that, beyond air strikes on the nuclear facilities themselves, a ground invasion is logistically impossible right now.  The Republicans have decimated this option and left our cupboards bare.   But Tiny Tim didn’t need that liver anyway.   Well, he did, but it’s just tough love. The panel also seemed to agree that multi-lateral sanctions, imposed by the U.S. and China under direction of the Obama administration, are having an impact.  You won’t hear that one on Fox News.

Fareed Zakaria had some Iranian ambassador on CNN this Sunday.  Let me translate, “If I don’t lie through my teeth and praise my midget overlord, he will do things with my testicles so humorously diabolical they could only exist in the realms of a Mel Brook movie.”  Something definitely has to be done about this regime.  Even the mild mannered Fareed was taken aback by this guy.  This putz didn’t know bupkis! But his inability to stay several light years from the truth at all times does make him strong with the Schwartz.

With next to no options, Obama has done relatively well, considering.  Is everything resolved?  Are things still bleak?  Certainly,  right on cue.  But he is playing the hand he was dealt rather well. (Hint 1: he has a pair of 4s.  Hint 2: the world can see his hand.)

The point of high irony here is that the same actions that avoided the Bush depression really cost Obama dearly.  Now, when the depression comes, they will call it the Obama Depression.  This has been my fear all along.  The depression was inevitable; I just hoped the terminally wrong would figure a few things out on the way down.  Not likely, though. Fox is a state of mind as impenetrable as any Fortress of Ineptitude.  I gave Kerry a 30% chance of pulling this country out of this mess and I gave Obama a 15%.  The Z-Party has only a 10% chance, but as Leslie Nielson tells us, there’s only about a 5% chance of that.  Once again I’ll defer to Andrew Sullivan to sum up the Obama administration, because I need to get to Whoville before Cappy Hour ends.

“Preventing a second Great Depression, which was a real possibility (and not just the jobless recovery we’re in, but a full-scale collapse), rescuing the banks without nationalizing them, saving the auto-companies with precision and technocratic skill (I didn’t think it would work at all, and it did), re-setting relations with the rest of the world, bringing a new sanity and balance to Middle East policy, taking out 400 al Qaeda operatives, using the myth of the surge to get the hell out of Iraq (for the most part), upping the ante to get a deal with the Taliban and enacting a centrist, moderate law that for the first time in history ensures that anyone can get health insurance in this country … really, in perspective, pretty damn remarkable.”

—Andrew Sullivan, October 14, 2010

Or, as the Crank calls him…the worst president in U.S. history.  Hah!  I will say it again, so some day it will sink in:  Obama’s 1.65 trillion was a Hail Mary pass of Bill-blical proportions–a move that so far has worked.  I predicted the double dip recession within two years, it’s over that now.  His deficit was NOT the cause of the problem.  The only people who believe that can unhook the electrodes and climb out of the friggin tub any time now. Renounce Fox today and join the Z-Party! Now accepting applications.

As for my predictions and my posts, they’re all posted on the site.  Use our search page and search by author and read a couple.  If you think I erred somewhere, hit the contact button.  I, unlike a certain someone of Shamanic persuasion, will respond to your comments. If you can find something the Crank predicted accurately…well, good luck with that.

Of course, there’s a couple of things I have been wrong about…I still believe, Sanjaya!  But, for the most part, the chicken entrails the Ghetto Shaman uses as a prediction method has served me well.  Thanks, old friend. And, as for the Foxeteers and the rest of the increasing number of unconscious beings roaming the western world, Carl Jung said it best:

“Inescapable of learning from the past, incapable of understanding contemporary events, and incapable of drawing conclusions about the future.”

—C.G. Jung

Hey, let’s start another war and let the world’s greatest healthcare system ignore even more sick Americans.  No, no. I got it…let’s just cut spending on things we really can’t or won’t ever really cut!  Oooh, how about, we keep the Bush tax cuts despite all economic reason, because so many credible people on Fox think this couldn’t possibly fail a second time. No, no, wait…

Giant Ghetto Shaman Head Unearthed in Clifton!

Giant Ghetto Shaman Head Unearthed in Clifton!

Clifton, NJ—Dr. Sterling Hogbein, of the Hogbein Institute and Pro Shop, has startled the archeological community again with his excavation of a giant statue of The Daily Discord’s columnist, the Ghetto Shaman.  Dr. Hogbein has spent much of his career seeking an ancient race situated between the Hackensack and the Passaic River in a land known as Middle-Jersey.

Dr. Hogbein believes this civilization existed in Jersey an astounding forty-thousand years ago.  He also believes the Ghetto Shaman receives nightly transmissions from the Toltec gods and may well be an avatar, returning again and again when the world is in most need of public drunkenness.

“We weren’t sure this was actually the same Shaman until we reached the Basal Paleolithic level (c. 39,000 B.C.),” said Dr. Hogbein.  “There we discovered a necklace comprised of partially consumed chicken wings, possibly of the early Domino’s or Papa John’s variety.  We became certain at the pre-Specialty Brew level, where numerous empty cans of malt liquor products were found.”

The Ghetto Shaman has responded to the professor’s theories thusly, “The only nightly transmission I receive involves a professional woman named Isis.”

Discord Apology Episode II: Attack of the Groans

Pierce Winslow

Philadephia, PA—It’s that time of the news cycle again.  We have limited our retractions this time to those episodes causing great personal damage or loss of life (otherwise we could be here all day).

Our journal submission Study Finds Sending Water to Flood Victims Ironic did not stay afloat under the peer review process.  Besides, there’s nothing funny about dysentery or cholera—even when worked effectively into a pun.

In our feature, Top 10 Reasons You Should Never Pull the Last Airbender’s Finger, three of the reasons were deemed “a bit of a stretch.”   But, we do stand by our original premise that it is still not advisable.

At the end of the day, The Discord staff admits our feature Global Drought May Spread does not represent journalism at its finest.

Finally, we would also like to apologize to the U.S. Army for endangering our troops in the field during our ill-fated Egg a Radical Muslim Cleric Day.  We are willing to stand by our offer to pay for all of the dry cleaning bills (for any legitimate claim), provided the Imams in question stop calling for our beheading.

Discord Derides Daily Show for Rally Folly

Discord Derides Daily Show for Rally Folly

Philadelphia, PA—The Daily Discord is pursuing legal action against The Daily Show for hosting a rally on the same day, same time, and at the same place with similarly designed rally posters.

“Our D.C. rally got no publicity!” said Discord CEO, Pierce Winslow. “The Ghetto Shaman’s speech and subsequent arrest were simply a footnote, a distraction, a freak show!”

To add insult to perjury, Stewart is denying any wrongdoing and told Rachel Maddow in a recent interview, “There’s no real honor in satire.”

Winslow feels this is an obvious slight directed at the Discord.

“Excuse me?” said Winslow. “Haven’t you read our coverage on Egg a Radical Muslim Cleric Day? We changed journalism to something wholly other that day…like gournalism. And, as for your other comments during that interview, we are a fake fake News organization, which is completely different.”

Here is a Pierce Winslow excerpt from the actual lawsuit letter:

“I believe The Daily Discord is the victim of illegal and discriminatory rally practices. I have fully investigated my rights in this matter—and by ‘I’, I mean I have people for that, and by ‘fully investigated’, I mean I have conducted several non-porn related Google searches (NPRGS).”

Find the entire letter here.

“Bottom line, we spared no expense on those rally banners,” added Winslow, “…well, some expense on Zano’s, obviously.”

The Bard of Wasilla Tweets!

The Bard of Wasilla Tweets!

Wasilla, AK—Some claim the lady doth protest too much, but is the Tea Bag Queen making a run for literacy? MILF Theatre, in conjunction with Portrait of a Blinking, presents Sign on My Facebook and Tell Me You’ll Vote for Me.

Set your tweets on Elizabethan as Palin conjures some literary magic.  Sarah has clearly done some amazing things with wordage, verbiage, and phonics-age. Act now and receive all of the Bard of Wasilla’s witticisms during this limited time offer. 

You’ll get such classic social site moments as: To tweet or not to tweet, you betch ya’ and Tax cuts are such sweet borrow. And, of course: To suffer the slings and arrows of refudiated progressives.  And, who could forget?  A course! A course! My kingdom for some eduma—a course!

But wait!  If you act now, you’ll get Et tu Brut by Faberge, as well as all 27 butchered words from, Lord what fools these liberal bloggers be.  And what offer would be complete without A plague on both your houses (and, by both, I mean Liberals and Progressives).  If you order right now, you’ll also receive the entire personal collection of Levi thou art a little shit tweets, for no extra charge.

All the world’s a stooge, folks, and we are merely Palins!  Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have busts thrusting and heaving with perky nipples!

Dark Rider Sightings Shock Shirefolk

Dark Rider Sightings Shock Shirefolk

Bag End, HBT—A number of men in black were seen riding through Bree and parts of the Shire late last night.  Eyewitnesses claim they were searching for a hobbit known as Bilbo Baggins.   Locals report, Baggins has remained a recluse ever since the Harvard Lampoon referred to him as Dildo Bugger in a popular spoof.  Some believe the riders were searching for a piece of jewelry, or perhaps other things to pawn.

A local wizard named Gandalf the Grey told reporters, “A shadow moves in the east, there are whispers of a nameless fear, and the Green Dragon has a steep cover charge tonight.” 

Gandalf later expounded upon his earlier statements, “The fires of Mount Doom are ablaze, there are worse things than goblins in the darker places of the world, and there are, indeed, strange things afoot at the Circle-K.” 

Here to make sense of that, and more, is our own Mad Dog mystic, the Ghetto Shaman, “Dildo Bugger, heh, heh.  That’s fucking great!”

In other local news, farmer Maggot is reporting crops have been taken from his field again.  He is blaming the dark riders for the mischief.  Roseypalm Glandheaver of Bugger-downs has reported her dog missing.  The faithful companion was last seen pissing on an Ent.

“I can’t imagine what could have happened to him,” said Glandheaver. 

Post O’Donnell’s Defeat November 2nd Declared National Masturbation Day

Post O’Donnell’s Defeat November 2<sup>nd</sup> Declared National Masturbation Day” /></td>
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Philadelphia, PA—The Daily Discord has announced their intention to name November, 2nd “National Masturbation Day”!  A large masturbatory event is being planned at the Wank-off Astoria next week and many of the Discordians are planning to attend, bird in hand.  It’s being marketed as a peter-pulling, meat-beating ex-strokeoff-ganza!

“Why would Christine O’Donnell and her ilk support teabagging, but not pud-pulling, in the first place?” asked the Discord’s Ghetto “Shucking-bubba” Shaman. “We came very close to losing a practice very dear to me, but, spankfully, we all went into our individual pulling stations this week and tossed off a vote for freedom.”

When asked if the Discord is a staunch supporter of masturbation, CEO Pierce Winslow, said, “Certainly not.  But, like it or not, it’s a hard piece of reality.” He then cited the controversial court decision, Roe v Wank:  “Ultimately, I want such practices to be kept safe, legal, and rare.”  Winslow warns if we outlaw the practice, “it will simply go underwear…er, underground.  Sorry, that was a Freudian slip-n-slide.”

Celebrate your masturbate, people! And remember, folks, you don’t have to be a member to play with your member.  The first one hundred patrons ride the Super Glide all day, free!  Don’t forget to stop by our Viagra, salsa, and lotion bar, and don’t miss our special guest speaker Paul Reubens! We’re expecting John Boehner to boycott, however John Boner will almost certainly be in attendance.

Void where inhibited.

Apparently Only Five People Interested in Restoring Sanity in Arizona

Apparently Only Five People Interested in Restoring Sanity in Arizona
Mick Zano

Flagstaff, AZ—Deciding against heading to D.C. for my own rally, which is every blogger’s prerogative, I instead attended the Rally to Restore Sanity in my area.  This was a difficult decision for me but, since Winslow wouldn’t let me into the rent-a-car, I opted to stay around town and…damn you Ghetto Shaman!

At 11:00 AM on 10/30 as the D.C. Mall filled up with ralliers, for some rally or another, a woman named Donna held a sign outside of City Hall that read “Vote Damn It!”  OK, it just said ‘vote’, but the damn it was implied.

She said, “I would have preferred Hillary over Obama, but considered McCain until he chose Palin as his running mate.”

Donna, a true AZ independent, seemed interested in a viable third party, but didn’t seem horribly enthralled with the Tea Peeps.  Then I spoke with a gentleman named Doug, who said he’s “disturbed by all the 2nd Amendment rhetoric and threats; all because they don’t like the results of a democratic process.” And he was “upset with all the hatred and intimidation these days.”

I chose that moment to expose my holster, “Shut up, douche bag!” I said, before breaking his rally sign over my knee.

OK, maybe not.  But what were these seemingly sane people hiding? Hmmmm. My interview with Doug was interrupted, because someone started yelling obscenities at the ralliers (only seconds after the above picture was snapped). 

At the time this unpleasantness erupted, there were only three signs out: Vote Now, Your Choice Counts, and Rally to Restore Sanity.  So this “patriot” was either not interested in voting, not interested in sanity, or perhaps becomes enraged by the sight of American flags.  I know what you’re thinking, but The Crank was in The Valley that day (come for the festival a-ya?).

Here’s Doug and a fellow rallier talking down a person offended by any talk of sanity
Here’s Doug and a fellow rallier talking down a person offended by any talk of sanity

We are a divided nation.  But I’m not saying all Tea Party members are morons—sure some of them are steeped in stupid, but the concerning thing is, the majority of their candidates certainly are morons.  That was yet another key point missed by my blogversaries.  And not all Tea Party darlings are bone heads either; there’s Joe Miller over in Alaska who can complete a whole sentence on command, and there’s Chris Christie over in Jersey who certainly has his fair share of hootspa.  I hate hootspa. 

But it’s important we stop pigeonholing ourselves into one camp or another.  I can make fun of Sean Hannity, because he’s consistently pathetic, but I can also quickly lose faith in Keith Olbermann (someone I admired during the Bush years).  My article Today’s Worst Liberal in the World came out in 2008.  In fact, I was critical of Keith before it was popular to do so.  Whereas I figured out some media madness in a few weeks, my friends across the blogosphere never questioned Eight YEARS OF BUSH FOXAGANDA.  This is why they only resonate with those completely immersed in the neococoon, or vodka.

Having such a large faction of society completely devoid of any independent thought is a mortifying.  It scares me more than pragmatism (Fox translation = socialism).  It scares me more than whatever the hell Glenn Beck is scared about (no Prozac script?).  I think it’s the story of our time, which is why I’ve been harping on the subject (to the chagrin of both of my readers).

Bachmann and Angle are as scary on the right as Reid and Pelosi are on the left.  Difference?  Most liberals get that.  Yet Republicans have almost no ability to identify the dangers on their own side of the aisle. In fact, they tend to promote them.  Does that mean they’re morons themselves?  Not necessarily; it could be dementia. 

Fact 1: I do know intelligent people who watch and enjoy Fox News. 

Fact 2: That’s a shame.

I heard a conversation the other day at a coffee shop.

The guy at the table next to me said, “My brother’s from Nevada and he’s like, ‘God, Reid is such an asshole, but then the Tea Party people put up Angle to run against him?  What the F&^%!’”

That quote rather succinctly sums up why I have some faith in liberals and next to none in today’s conservatives.  They’re picker is not only broken, it has been shoved so far up the U.S. psyche’s ass that our country’s zeitgeist is walking a little funny these days. 

Angle, Bachman, Palin, O’Donnell?  Really?  Ethnocentric, nationalistic, fundamental thought is fine—aka, wherever the hell you’re at in the grand meme of things, knock yourself out—but for God’s sake, do it well (hint: you’re not). 

This has been my point all along.  I don’t know how many times I have to say it, but there are valid positions within the Republican Party and there are valid positions within the Tea Party.  Bottom line, we are healthier with a better brand of donkey and a better brand of elephant.

At the rally today, the four people I interviewed were reasonable, intelligent, and informed.  The one guy from the right was yelling obscenities, because advocating for normal brain wave patterns is apparently unacceptable to him.  Hmmm.  Liberals are all over the map with their positions.  Foxeteers are in lockstep or, in some cases, ‘goose step’, fashion.  But I kid the fascists.

Listening and thinking are clearly not vogue.  Politicians have devolved to little more than legitimized crooks, or, as I like to call them, Discord staffers.   This is why I want to stand with some type of Tea Party movement, but in order to do so today I would have to don my Groucho mustache/glasses combo out of sheer embarrassment.  And, as most people who know me would attest, I don’t embarrass easily.  Sure, they’re not all morons, but how can we tell when the person stating their case is, in fact, a moron?  Oh, wait, no M word…er, analytically challenged?

My five minutes at City Hall Saturday reminded me why I would rather be at a Stewart/Colbert rally than a Tea Party or a Beck Rally any day.  The Crank feels most people are moderate.  I say, they seem anything but these days.  What gets my goat is those the most outraged have an outrageous voting record and a tenuous grip on reality (on a good day).

I have entire posts focusing on—not the dismantling of conservatism—but the legitimizing of it. Republicans seem incapable of self reflection, or anything resembling improvement. I also want something better than Air America or MSNBC on the liberal side.  Again, the main difference?  If you lose objectivity on the left, you dive (MSNBC or AA), you lose objectivity on the right, you thrive (Fox News).  As usual, Andrew summed the rally up nicely…the Ghetto Shaman rally, of course:

“It wasn’t ethnically very diverse, but there were many more boomers than I expected. It was very good humored, and one sensed that the entire crowd loathed Fox, felt queasy about MSNBC, couldn’t bring themselves to watch CNN and caught NPR in the commute…oh, and The Ghetto Shaman rocked!”

—Andrew Sullivan

OK, I added the Ghetto Shaman part, but it was implied.   The tanked media was a major theme of the Stewart rally.  Once again our comedians are more insightful than our politicians.  Heck, a news outlet for my meme doesn’t even exist yet.  When will there be an integral news station?!  Well, I could just keep watching Fareed Zakaria all day on TiVo, but that’s hardly the same. 

What I fear is that if we have too many at a ethnocentric/fundamental level, we have very little chance of avoiding a global conflict with Islam.  Too many liberal pluralists, on the other hand, and we’re likely to have Sharia Law in the west.  But if a few more integral folk show up in congress, who knows, maybe we could really fuck things up!

And now, as promised, a Special Comment:

(hint: it’s really not all that special and if you have something better to do right now, like go for a root canal or watch C-Span 2, you might want to do that.)

My original thought was to go line by line with Crank’s last post, pointing out what I meant and how the Foxeteers switch to something completely different (hint: usually involving socialism).  But the Daily Discord is already cutting way too much into my drinking time, so no. 

But the Crank is right about this part: dumb, dumber, dumbest comments are hardy integral.  And, in the interest of good sportsmanship, I’m even willing to drop the M and even the D word from my vocabulary. If, but only if, my fellow Discordians actually read what I say before immediately translating them into Foxisms—nine out of ten of which do not apply to my posts or my position. 

I will take the bite out of my schtick, but, as far as the truly personal attacks, I think that’s another example of the Crank calling the Zano hack.

Meanwhile, Pernick on a recent Facebook exchange called me “clueless” for thinking Bush added more to the deficit than Obama.

And, not to be outdone, the Crank said, “Well, no (Obama had more deficits).  You once said to me that Fox lies, and that you can make up stories, but ya can’t make up facts.”

Two posts ago, here’s me on deficits: “Sorry, but Obama doesn’t count. Capitalism ended in 2008,” and in this week’s post I added, “The last $1.65 trillion Obama spent was a reaction to the collapse. It staved off a depression.”

A few posts back, I showed a graph of all the deficits of the last 8 presidents, minus Obama, and I explained why his deficits didn’t count, because it was all over by then (and still is).  This is borrowed time with borrowed money. The way you guys make it sound, Obama just waltzed in during a little lull in our economy and started seizing automobile manufacturers. Huh?  Do you think Obama blew $1.65 trillion on hats?

Again, just for fun:  Operation Monopoly Money doesn’t count; it was post econolyptic. 

Summary of the economic debate late ‘08:

“Naaah, let’s not do the whole depression thing.”

“Sounds good, George. I’ll print the loot.”

Summary of the economic debate early ‘09:

“Naaah, let’s not do the whole depression thing.”

“Sounds good, Barak. I’ll print the loot.”

Obama’s part in this was going to go down similarly no matter who was in power.  Oh, oh, wait.  Actually, if a true Tea Partier was in at that time, the global economy would have collapsed.  They are, of course, right in principle about fiscal conservatism, but if they had tried that shit at the onset of The Great Recession, it would have been soup line city.  Facts are terrible things.

The deficits that broke America’s back happened during those fiscally conservative Bush years.  And, to some degree, the whole Spendulus thing worked far better than I could have imagined.  I still think we’re heading for a double dip recession, but the crux of our differing opinion is this: I know how to appropriately divvy up the blame, again 60(R), 40 (D), which is about the best case scenario for Republicans.  History will likely be harsher. That’s why I was yelling as loudly as I did circa 2004-2008, when you were all just a twinkle in your founding father’s tea bag.  I saw the big tree and I saw the glazed look in our Commander in Chief’s eyes as he stayed the course. I predicted the collapse almost to the month…so yeah, I’m crazy…crazy like a Fox!

–Homer Simpson at a Beck rally