News & Politics

News & Politics

Semi-Unified Conspiracy Theories

The Crank

There’s a lot going on today and with our media tanking it’s time we learned the truth! Conspiracy theories are rampant, yet what are we to make of the Age of Misinformation? The Daily Discord has paid me handsomely to get to the bottom of several of the leading stories of our time. I, The Crank, found most of the loose strings of a generation and tied them into a nice little bow. On that note, I could really use that case of Coca Cola now, Mr. Winslow. It would be better for everyone if it arrived soon…

It wasn’t planes that brought down the W.T.C. on 9/11, it was Rodan and Mothra. Fracking woke them from their subterranean slumber and now they’re pissed. Only good thing…at least now they’re heading toward Japan.

Bush is the space alien from area 51, and, yes, it IS all his fault. He is not in Texas, as they would have us believe. No one can “clear brush” for that long. He was called back to the Klingon Home World to answer for a failed mission. Just when exactly WAS the last time anyone has seen him?

Atlantis was located off the coast of New Jersey, and it was the largest landfill on Earth. It collapsed under the weight of untold tons of ancient shit. The whole Atlantis theory was an epic sewage fail cover-up by the prehistory Mafia. Even Plato alludes to the fact they built it with substandard rocks.

Justin Beiber is the next Anti-Christ and can only be beaten at the Apocalypse by a shirtless William Shatner. (Who has actually beaten Genghis Khan, Napoleon and Hitler in past Apocalypses, also shirtless)

If you play any Joe Walsh song backwards, it makes perfect sense.

The Most Interesting Man In The World is, in fact, Jewish. (Stay tzameh my friends?) Dos XX was originally called He-Brew.

The Etrade Babies are real!! They actually run Wall Street from tiny offices inside the Bull statue’s testicles…which is somehow fitting.

People who die while filming themselves for ‘Jackass’ all come back as MSNBC employees.

John Boehner is a pothead. Look carefully at him next time. Red, moist eyes, heavy lids, slurred speech, hyper emotional. Oh, and he was last sighted entering a secret area beneath the Capital steps with a copy of the Affordable Care Act, a half eaten bag of potato chips, and a rather large doobie. Much laughter/coughing heard later.

Mohammed reincarnated back as Barney Frank. Paybacks are a beeoch. (Fatwah anyone?)

Ronnie James Dio was an Italian Leprechaun. His rainbow ended at a Pot ‘o’ Sauce.

Donald Trump’s hair is actually a portal to an alternate universe where corporations run everything. Oh, wait, that’s here….

Bigfoot killed Kennedy because he “knew too much.” The grassy knoll was some type of forest sprite that took the rap.

Rupert Murdoch is actually a Ferengi after ear reduction surgery. (Think about it…)

Ozzy Osborne sold his soul to the Devil. It was returned for a manufacturer’s defect. When he does reach and remain indefinitely in purgatory…well, that could make one hell of a reality television show.

Hidden in the Affordable Care Act is a new law making use of the term ‘epic fail’ taxable.

Zombies ARE real. “Attention shoppers and welcome to Wal Mart”

The Supreme Court Justices are naked under their robes, and have secret ties to Grounds Keeper Willy. That’s why they never smile. All except Justice Thomas. He smiles. He has reason to smile.

Primus makes music that has subliminal messages in it that make you dance like an idiot. Try it. You start out looking all cool, then within seconds your arms are flapping and your knees are bowing and you are clucking like a chicken. The military is currently trying to weaponize this technology.

I hope this clears some things up.

The Crank

Bachmann’s Attack Finally Reaches Fabled “Ass Ceiling”

Bachmann’s Attack Finally Reaches Fabled "Ass Ceiling"

Washington, DC—Last April, progressive liberals sent director James Cameron on a deep sea mission to explore the depths of Republican hypocrisy. He failed. Having reached Dick Cheney’s moral compass at 35,000 ft, the director and explorer was forced to resurface. Despite a sea of ridiculous statements over the last decade, no attempts from within the Republican Party has ever been made to reel in these right wing extremists…until now.

Cameron said this week, “I could swear just before I started my ascent I saw two crazy eyes staring up at me from the abyss. Now I know who it was.”

This week Michele “crazy eyes” Bachmann missed one too many Risperdal consta injections and started an all out attack on Hillary Clinton’s Muslim aide, Huma Abedine. Despite her very Jewish husband, or evidence of any kind, Bachmann claims she has clear ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Bachmann told reporters, “I don’t understand, I’ve never needed any evidence before?” The Minnesota Congresswoman has no idea why all of a sudden facts matter. “I never got that memo! Don’t you people watch Fox?”

In Bachmann’s defense, navigating the bubble of non-reality called Fox News for so long can actually change brain structure itself. Problems can occur if and when someone attempts to venture back to Earth. During Fox interviews, she would always arrive tablu rasa—in an almost Zen-like state of ideological drivel. When she handed her crayon-scribbled psycho-babble over to one of the show’s producers, they simply recreated it to the best of their ability using some type of computer program, possibly PhotoShop.

Bachmann added, “Besides, Obama’s killing all the really bad Muslims and my McCarthy-esque bigotry and hatred needs to be directed somewhere, bitches.”

OK, in all fairness to the Congresswoman, we added the word ‘bitches’ but it was clearly implied.

Increase in Land Shark Attacks Linked to Global Warming?

Increase in Land Shark Attacks Linked to Global Warming?

Philadelphia, PA—Over the last decade only ten people were killed by sharks in the entire country. Our team is currently working on computations for the yearly average. Meanwhile, no landshark attacks have occurred since SNL’s third season, during the infamous “Richard Dryfuss incident.”

Landshark attacks are now up 300% since their near disappearance in 1977. On June 26th, Pierce Winslow reported his wife was attacked by a landshark while golfing. On July 1st The Crank of Phoenix Arizona narrowly escaped an attack while waterboarding a liberal neighbor. Then, most recently, on July 16th our own Elisa Brahe was partially devoured by such a creature. Flagstaff Medical Center reports the Discord contributor remains in cynical condition.

Despite the fact all three attacks were on Discord contributors or their families, we’re not questioning the validity of these reports. The attacks occurred thousands of miles apart, some nowhere near water, which begs the question, BWTF? Clearly there are more than one of these species of terra pisces or the one man eater is swimming freely through our airport TSA security systems unfettered.

Discord field reporter, Cokie McGrath, is now declared missing after jumping off the Santa Monica Pier yesterday smothered in chum. We believe it was her attempt to interview a member of the actual water-dwelling-variety of the species…but, you never know with her.

Is global warming a contributing factor? Is it forcing landsharks into more heavily populated areas? Can this all be blamed on President Obama? Answer our poll: do you feel less safe from landshark attacks under Obama’s staggeringly incompetent Administration? (Click Yes for Yes, or No for Yes).

American Idol Judges Hit Lowest Approval Rating

American Idol Judges Hit Lowest Approval Rating

Hollywood, CA—According to a recent poll, American Idol Judges dropped to the lowest approval ratings on record. Only 32% of Americans polled have a favorable opinion of them, which is the worst percentage since the first poll was taken in 2003. The hit television show, often called a “romp of humiliation” or “entertainment for the asses,” has an audience that is growing increasingly frustrated with its judges. Rock legend Steven Tyler leaves the show amidst a cloud of controversy.

The Discord’s CEO Pierce Winslow stated, “We want our judges to rule on the official American Idol rules and bylaws, not on ideology or popularity. The words American Idol Judge used to mean something.”

Discord field reporter, Cokie McGrath, added, “The judges invariably rule along party lines. And Tyler shouldn’t even be partying at all! When Sanjaya lost in the semi finals back in 2007, I knew something was wrong…I still believe Sanjaya!” McGrath, known for her moodiness and long bouts of reality television, believes the series is rigged and has uncovered a clear link between Rupert Murdoch, the head of Fox’s parent company, and a sinister plot involving making money.

“It’s called capitalism,” said McGrath. “It’s extremely distasteful. Think about it, Paula Abdul was obviously under some type of mind control. No one fucking acts like that. Can this explain the behavior of Fox News anchors or are they, too, just mixing ideology and opiates?”

Democrats have already vowed to filibuster the nomination of Ted Nugent, or any other such derisive figure.

Many believe the judges have become increasingly politicized and an appointment like Nugent’s would only add to that perception…but Bono, hmmm. Well, the American Idol Judges did strike down the Individual Mandate, so let’s give them some kudos.

Higgs-Boson Particle Reveals New 10 Commandments!

Higgs-Boson Particle Reveals New 10 Commandments!

Geneva, CH— Many are perplexed and stunned by first subatomic particle communication ever. Scientists don’t know what to make of a message from the Higgs Boson, the ‘so called’ God Particle:

Listen Up Human MFs!

  1. Thou shall have no other particles before me, because most tend to beat me up for my lunch money.
  2. Thou shall not take the Higgs Bosons name in valence… I’m so small I can not even bond with anyone properly, covalent or otherwise. So I am a jealous particle! And none of that divalent bonding shit…too kinky.
  3. Shut off those fucking particle accelerators. You try going around in circles at near light speeds without the benefit of Dramamine, bitches.
  4. Thou shall not murder. Contract out for that shit, for real. That’s a universal truth.
  5. Thou shall not Split Atoms! This means ye. Trust me, bashing the crap out of countless tiny civilizations is a bad karma fuckfest. We’re here! We’re quark! Get used to it!!
  6. Dark Matter is real! In fact, you just stepped in some.
  7. Avoid creating a micro black hole. They tend to suck. They can suck a neutron clear off a titanium atom’s nucleus. I know, I used to date one.
  8. On the 7th day, take a chill pill. Don’t even fart. What’s simply a bad snack choice on your part can obliterate entire worlds down here. On that note, outlaw all Mexican food. Mexico doesn’t realize how close it is to collapsing on a subatomic level.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neil-bohrs. Sorry, a little quantum physicist joke. That one killed them in Geneva.
  10. I think I left out the one about the donkey, but don’t do things with donkeys, or your neil-bohrs ass. Duh.

One Giant Leap for Cyberdyne Systems’ “Terminator” Program: 24 Dead

One Giant Leap for Cyberdyne Systems' "Terminator" Program: 24 Dead

Synnyvale, CA—An experimental facility patterned after the fictional Cyberdyne Systems Corporation’s Skynet has reached an impressive milestone today. Their robotic creation, the Hal-5000, fired thousands of rounds of a highly advanced weapon into every corner of their southern California installation last night. The robotic rampage killed 23 lab technicians and a custodial engineer named Dante, who before expiring told EMTs, “I wasn’t even supposed to be here today.”

Cyberdyne’s CEO, Daniel Milgram, is pleased with recent events, “It’s not every day it takes a SWAT team to take out one of your own rogue creations. This is huge. This is why people go into this field in the first place.”

The Board of Directors at Cyberdyne Systems, Inc. is also heartened by the arrival of a futuristic cyborg assassin, who mowed down several key researchers last week amidst a barrage of exotic bullets.

“Wow!” said Milgram. “Looks like we got someone’s attention.”

The military is already offering Cyberdyne a considerable percentage of the Nation’s defense budget to create a female version for some of the top generals in the armed forces.

The Discord’s Chewy Defeats Thurman Debacle

The Discord’s Chewy Defeats Thurman Debacle

Philadelphia, PA—Having just posted our latest round of retractions, it pains me to announce another grievous mistake so soon. Posting every day in this 24/7 news cycle world is often fraught with difficulties. Having said that, I, Pierce Xavier Winslow, take full responsibility for this error. Our readers have come to expect thorough and accurate reporting, especially since comedy sites like ours have become the last refuge of actual newsing these days. Newsing is a new, but legitimate, word—though it probably should not have debuted at this darkest of hours.

We now understand the following: in a bar on the planet Alderaan, Uma Thurman pummeled the crap out of Chewbacca—not, as we originally reported, the other way around. The rush of incoming AP wire reports were confused and at times even garbled, so we made an educated guess that Chewbacca would have mopped the floor with that scrawny bitch—however, it turned out that the wookie’s injuries actually landed him in Aldera County Hospital.

I had an itchy trigger finger, for sure. The only thing that kept running through my mind prior to posting was the scene when Han Solo said, “Let the wookie win.” I really thought the wookie was going to win. The Discord news team received conflicting reports originally and we needed to get the post up as my beer was getting dangerously warm. My Photoshop team worked on pictures for either outcome: one with Chewbacca pumping his fists victoriously in the air and a second with Thurman doing likewise. I simply got it wrong.

Our news team also borrowed the image from by turning the famous Dewey Defeats Truman! image into Obama holding the news in iPad form. We regularly steal stuff here at the Discord especially paperclips, but not others’ comedy! We keep our material original—and Zano cut this one too close! We took gawker’s original viral image, made it much funnier, and proceeded to get about six hits for our trouble…the usual.

Pierce Winslow, CEO

Dawn of the Dumb: A Look Back to 2012

Mick Zano

In the year 2050 The Daily Discord is celebrating its 42nd anniversary and its one thousandth page view! Whoot! Whoot!…that’s almost 25 a year! We would like to look back to the time of the Discord’s inception—a time of turbulence, a time when humanity turned away from logic, reason, science, and a hit television show known only as Glee.

We found an interesting quote from one of our first contributors, Mick Zano, wherein he stated, “Fifty years from now you’ll be surprised how this period looked historically, well…if you’re a Republican.”

We decided to humor the man known as the Discord’s Founding Father, or Blogstradomus, or Postpernicus—a man who many felt bordered on a violent political narcissism not seen since the Cantor Administration. Oh, and Cantor’s documentary is holding its own this week with Twilight 47: Why Won’t Edward Just Jump into a Meat Grinder Already? Part 4. Mr. Zano was distinguished enough to be on something called parole for most of his adult life and was eventually added to a prestigious group known as The Terrorist Watch List. In fifty-years of blogging that is the closest to an accolade this website has ever received.

Initially we couldn’t figure out Republican logic at all, then we uncovered an episode of Your World with Neil Cavuto. It explained everything! These Fox News viewers really thought it was their world, which angered the Earth Goddess, Gaia, who later told the press, “I got sick of these douche bags fracking me in the gas.”

When Gaia fought back with her coordinated global climate initiative (GCI), many of the time mistook it for the Rapture. Some even preemptively took off their clothing in preparation for their God, Jehovah, to whisk them into the heavens. When nothing happened, many of these Rapturers were added to the sexual offender lists of the time as public nudity was then frowned upon.

Apparently, Republicans only cared about how much money they were going to make in something called the Stock Market. As it turned out, a disparity of wealth this large typically triggered a revolution, but any proper disobedience would have to wait as society embraced a number of falsehoods—not the least of which was “you’ll be rich soon too!” By 2017, one historian estimated there was more chance of winning the state lottery twice and getting hit by lightening in the penis than moving up a single socioeconomic bracket…which is ironically how he died. Moving up one socioeconomic bracket, what were you thinking?

Despite all rhyme or reason, Republicans remained convinced the best way to correct the U.S. budget and deficit problem was through…get this, supply side/trickledown economics. So they elected people who historically proved incapable of cutting anything except cheese and started numerous popular but unfunded social programs, kept waging wars, and kept not paying for any of these in the name of responsibility and fiscal conservatism.

The founder of the Transcosmetic Party, Mick Zano, covered this important stuff and both of his fans really appreciated him at the time as evidence by some recently recovered feedback, “Nice one, Zano, but can you bitches post more Ghetto Shaman?!”

Zano’s insights and predictions are stunning considering his affinity for bath salts—a substance that later triggered the Zombie Apocalypse of 2016.

Excesses of the prior thirty-years were greatly exacerbated under Bush, Obama, and then came to a head under Romney. We lost any chance during that time period of righting the economy or diverting global climate change. Many coastal Republicans refused to move and drowned, but as their living rooms filled with water Fox News Anchors reassured them it was only tears from God (who was still pissed off about Solyndra).

Of course, I am writing this from the Arizona Penal Colony. Privatizing prisons caused what was already the most incarcerated country in the world to mushroom to 35% of its population within five years. There was no incentive to ever release jaywalkers, or pot smokers, or especially those damndable jaywalking pot smokers.

Three presidents tried to pass a comprehensive immigration plan, but partisanship ended each attempt. After states were able to enforce their own immigration laws things really got ugly. Arizona was the obvious choice for the state-sized penal colony as it already had walls along its southern and eastern borders. A giant border wall was constructed along the entire southern border of the U.S. in 2014, later named The Great Wall of Stupid. Arizona then constructed a wall on its Eastern border after deeming New Mexico’s immigration policies “way too lenient.”

Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s grandson, Joey Jr., is now the warden of the Arizona State Penal Colony. I live in an un-air-conditioned tent in the heart of the Sonoran Desert and, having never returned that library book, I am likely to die here. I take some small satisfaction in the fact the rest of the country’s border wall is gone. The Mexican Government eventually commissioned registered Republicans at minimum wage to tear down the eye sore in 2030.

The Romney-Corrections Corp. of America Act passed in 2015 and, of course, that’s how we eventually changed our country’s name to UCCA, the United Correction Corp. of America. And the rest is…we’re history.

Arizona was also a perfect choice for the penal colony, because—although Obamacare passed in 2012, it was deemed unconstitutional to force any expansion of the Medicaid program—so then Governor, Jan Brewer, refused the extra help in one more attempt by a Republican to save one dollar by losing ten. Without those critical services, Arizona soon slipped into a lawless state. The remaining two walls on the state’s western and northern borders were constructed in 2017 by Halliburton and the aforementioned Republican Migrant Workers. This poor unionless group remained happy because they believed if they worked hard at any moment they could be promoted to CEO. Most, sadly, were struck by lightning in the penis.

Oh, and our researchers found an article on The Daily Beast by David Frum about a poll designed to snap people out of their ideological delusions. As it turns out, when forced, liberals of the time were able to identify cuts and some semblance of an economic strategy. Republicans, however, for all their misdirected anger and bloviating, refused to make a decision about cutting anything. Hey, just like their presidents! Next time we decide to have a tea party, let’s leave the tea partiers out of it. Here is the Beast’s article.

Andrew Sullivan’s take on that very Frum piece:

“And people wonder why our debt exploded under Reagan and George W. Bush. And why it will explode once again if Romney becomes president. A party this irrational – a party hysterical about debt whose members do not actually want to cut spending or raise any taxes, a party a majority of whose members have somehow persuaded themselves that there were indeed WMDs in Iraq in 2003  – should not be a mainstream party in a Western democracy. It should be in therapy.”

We marvel, as Zano did then, that there existed any insightful Republicans at all, so hat tip to Andrew and David of the past, a breed that officially went extinct during the Primary Wars of 2016. The last Republican with a clue is believed to have taken his own life during an episode of Hannity in early 2018.

Here’s another classic of the time Why I gave up on being a republican. Then came Thomas Frank’s book in 2012, Pity the Billionairea book first credited with identifying the phrase “Ignorance is Strength.” This man covered how this “unified wrongness” on the Right turned out to be our ruination. This phenomenon was first covered by our own Mick Zano years before, but, sadly, no one ever clicked on one of his articles. It was 2012 when we really identified how ignorance and partisanship really changed the course of history, a phenomenon covered most thoroughly by the comedians of the time (hell, that should have been their first clue).

Since most records were lost during the Great Partisanship Wars of 2022, we did manage to find a quote from a man named W.B. Yeats, who our sources tell us was a prominent Discord contributor. His quote captures the essence of the time:

The best lack all conviction, while the worst

Are full of passionate intensity,

Surely, some revelation is at hand…

–W.B. Yeats

But don’t take off all your clothes just yet; it’s not going to be that kind of revelation.

Discord Apology XXXIV: The Smell of Fear

Pierce Winslow

These retractions continue to wear on me emotionally. I care about what we do here at The Discord. It’s important work. It’s God’s work…well, certainly demi-God’s work, or Demi Moore’s work. It’s work, for sure. Sometimes I spend days trying to turn the Crank’s string of expletives into coherent thoughts. I deal with a constant barrage of receipts from Zano and Bone for bar tabs, brothels, and massage parlors all across the southwest. “But it’s a haunted brothel, Mr. Winslow, honest!” Fuckers.

Our headline Iraq Wins the Stanley Cup! was obviously a heinous mistake. Jerry Lewis’s ICU Telethon was not our finest hour. We would like to apologize to JE-RRREY! and his family for calling his hospital room every twenty minutes trying to pledge enough to get the tote bag. In retrospect, interfering with medical care is just not funny.

Everything pales in comparison to our three full days of Cokie McGrath’s coverage while she camped outside of the Great Pyramid of Giza waiting for the Egyptian Parliament to emerge. What? I have to pay for this shit! If she could even learn to use Wikipedia as a fact checking tool it would be a vast improvement. Google it Cokie, Google it…fine, I will send you to a seminar on Googling.

King’s Correction, “Why Can’t We All Just Get a Loan?”

King’s Correction, "Why Can’t We All Just Get a Loan?"

Rialto, CA—Rodney King’s lawyers have released startling statements from his last will and testament. The man known for sparking the 1991 L.A. Riots and for his inability to fend off LAPD—or swimming pools—amended his famous statement, “Why can’t we all just get along?” to “get a loan.”

King allegedly wrote, “You see, my wife and I had shitty credit at the time and no one was lending us any money. So we needed a loan.” King later failed to correct his misstatement with the press because, “It became popular, so I just kind of went with it. I never did get that mother f***ing loan.”

Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Police Department is suing The Daily Discord for our marquee joke earlier this week:

After battling for survival since 1991 Rodney King finally succumbs to his injuries.

We would really like to retract that, but…on second thought, we would like to dedicate it to LA’s finest.