L. Wolfe

Jupiter Has Success on South Belt Diet

Jupiter before and after going on the South Belt Diet
L. Wolfe

Jupiter before and after going on the South Belt Diet

Jupiter has recently lost its south equatorial belt after just 5 months on the new “South Belt Diet” (SBD).  Experts report that Jupiter has lost over 330,000 km of belt in just over 140 days (that’s over 5.2 billion belt holes to you and me!).

When asked what inspired him to make such drastic life changes, Jupiter said, “Two words, bitches: Kevin Smith.  I don’t want something like that to happen to me.”

In late 2009, after many years of self-doubt and lamenting, Jupiter stepped out of the public eye and checked into one of the Universe’s premier weight loss institutions for planets.  Earlier this week, Jupiter emerged from the clinic a new planet—a leaner and meaner planet, ready to face the world.

In a press conference today, Jupiter had this to say, “I was tired of being described as the largest planet in the Solar System. I was always teased as a kid by the other planets.  They’d say things like “you’re so fat you have your own solar system,” or they’d call me “Two-piter.”  And how would you like to be categorized as the largest gas giant? Jovian planet, my ass.  Pluto was the worst.  I was glad when the little shit was downgraded to a dwarf planet.  One of these days, one of these days, Pluto…bang, zoom, to the Ort Cloud!  They even have a scientific name for me; they call me an oblate spheroid, because of the massive bulge around my equator.  Well, what are you going to call me now, you lab-coat-wearing bastards!”

“Anyway, now I feel much better. I have a lot more energy.  I’m looking good and I’m ready to bear it all.  Thanks to my SBD plan, I’m not embarrassed of my shape anymore.  In fact, I may even cast off a couple smaller satellites in order to celebrate!”

Jupiter does admit to being a little self conscious about the bruise where Shoemaker-Levy 9 blasted his outer atmospheric layers in 1994, and despite consistent dermatological appointments and ointments his big red spot remains, quite big and quite red.

“But overall, I feel great.  Besides, I might just have my largest moon, Ganymede, hover over the thing when the next NASA probe swings by.   The bitch owes me.”

When Saturn was asked if he would follow Jupiter’s lead in displaying his heavenly body, Saturn had this to say, “Are you nuts? If I lose too much weight, my great ring could slip right the fuck off!  If that fat slob of a planet wants to expose himself, that’s his business.  Me, I’m going to turn the other hemisphere.” 

Venus offered to give Jupiter a free makeover in order “to take full advantage of his new look.”

Uranus and Neptune both commented on Jupiter’s backside view and said, “he’s looking fine.”

Mars shouted obscenities, “I kicked your ass when you were a fat slob, and I’ll kick it again now!  If it weren’t for that damned asteroid belt, I would come over there and beat the methane out of you!”

Mercury was in too much of a hurry to comment, and Earth was too sick and anemic to comment beyond a couple of weak coughs, followed by the spitting up some petroleum products.

Jupiter stated that he’s petitioning the Sun for a new contract deal and is seeking compensation for his 5 month absence.  The Sun responded with an angry solar flare that disrupted television signals all over Earth.  It then threatened to supernova if Jupiter didn’t shut the hell up and get back in orbit.

Serious Solutions Sought for Sesame Street’s Social Slide

L. Wolfe

My two toddlers were watching Sesame Street the other day.  I’m just happy when they stop playing Resident Evil. So I decided to sit down and watch one of my favorite childhood shows with them.  First off, I am first generation Sesame Street watcher, so I figured it would be some good family time.  Besides, I always try to put on a good facade when the social workers are “visiting.”

Remember, Prairie Dawn?  Not the eighties movie about some Ruskie invasion, the  Sesame Street character (I sort of had a crush on her when I was a kid), Grover, Bert & Ernie (their unique lifestyle never crossed my mind as a child), Herry Monster, Kermit, and best of all, Cookie Monster.  Has there ever been a kid who didn’t like Cookie Monster?  If so, that’s a diagnosable Axis II personality disorder in my book.  Every kid wanted to eat cookies like Cookie Monster did but, alas, most of us had supervision.

While watching Sesame Street with my two young daughters, I enjoyed the nostalgia of it all…that lasted about twelve seconds.  My viewing experience was dashed with one Cookie Monster segment.  Cookie Monster wasn’t eating cookies.  No skit where Prairie tries to keep Cookie from eating her letter C (don’t go there. This isn’t the Ghetto Shaman’s column).  No Cookie Monster semi-Socratic justifications that invariably lead to a cookie feeding frenzy, no cookie crumbs flying everywhere.  Instead, he was promoting carrots. 

CARROTS…!  Are you freaking kidding me?  Is he Bugs frigging Bunny? I was ready to bitch slap Michelle Obama right then and there. So I asked my daughters about this, and they said, “Don’t bitch slap the first lady, daddy.  She has a point.” 

So Cookie Monster only eats cookies twice a week, the other days he eats “healthy” food.   Excuse me?  Did I miss something here?  Isn’t his name COOKIE MONSTER?  Not Carrot Monster, not Celery Monster, not Cabbage Monster, not Corn Monster, or Henson forbid, Carrot Top…He’s the Cookie Monster!  Well, he used to be Cookie Monster.  Now he’s not half the Monster he used to be—maybe 2/5 or perhaps even 3/7 if you count re-reruns.  Although, maybe cookies are a gateway snack to harder confectionary treats…

Do the Sesame Street producers really believe that kids eat too many sweets and get fat and lazy because of Cookie Monster’s influence?  Really?  So I suppose his unique mastery of Monster slang butchering the English language doesn’t impact them at all?  I mean, if they are eating poorly because of Cookie Monster, wouldn’t it be fair to say their language skills are being impaired by him?  Seems we should clean up his language skills too.  Even as Alistair Cookie, his language skills need some work.  Elmo probably has a similar impact, as he talks about himself in third person consistently.  Of course, Elmo suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder, or third person disorder (PC note: DID, also known as multiple personality disorder, is a serious mental disorder that impacts 6-10% of the population).  In fact, all of those characters probably need to be cleaned up a bit in order to improve society.  Yeah, that’s the ticket.  Let’s save our youth and treat our Sesame Street characters.   The Sesame Street producers should rethink the entire cast and do their part in reducing many issues in society.  Here are some of my ideas:

  • Oscar needs to take a friggin’ bath, the dude is disgusting. He also needs to stop contradicting himself all the time.  Honestly, the guy is a Grouch, he is supposed to like being miserable.  It seems, though, that anytime someone does something nice for him, he absolutely hates that he hates it.  Shouldn’t he love that he hates it?  You’d think he’d want people being nice to him all the time so he could love to hate it.  Then of course he would hate that he loves to hate it, and so on.  He sounds like a fraud!

    (Treatment: life skills group and anger management classes.)
  • Big Bird…fess up.  We know you really love to sneak out at night to fly over NYC and crap on things. Just admit it.  Get honest.  It’s all his pent up anger from the death of Mr. Hooper.

    (Treatment: grief counseling and psychotherapy to get over his anal stage).
  • Bert and Ernie just need to come out of the closet and stem this homophobia tide.

    (Treatment: rent Priscilla Queen of the Desert.)
  • Prairie Dawn really did want to be a porn star.  She had a tough childhood and it wasn’t her fault. And if she gets involved with the Governor of NY, it’s OK, she can still make a living from her appearances on Muppets Gone Wild.

    (Treatment: self-esteem building and Muppet empowerment classes.)
  • It’s OK if Elmo needs to go see the Sesame Street therapist.  Millions of Americans do it, and we shouldn’t put a stigma on it.  He’s not fooling anyone anyway, with his DID and his own show called “Elmo’s World”, I mean honestly.  Clearly the dude needs help.

    (Treatment: one session with a wood chipper or similar APA approved device.)
  • We all know that Snuffleupagus really is Big Bird’s imaginary friend, and that nobody else on Sesame Street can see him.  Just be honest with Big Bird so he can get some help.  He can even tag along with Elmo when he goes to the Sesame Street psych unit.

    (Treatment: Zyprexa, Zyprexa, Zyprexa.)
  • We can all admit that Grover can’t hold a steady job.  Send him to some job counseling and give him a nice suit.  Just show they can become productive citizens.

    (Treatment: vocational rehabilitation.)
  • Count von Count is a vampire and he drinks blood, face it.  And yes, PETA, that means some animals have to die.  It’s OK though, because maybe he drinks the blood drained from dead cattle in Chicago slaughterhouses.  See? It’s all good.

    (Treatment: cognitive behavioral therapy to treat his out of control OCD and some jail time for cruelty to animals.)
  • It’s obvious to me that Herry Monster has a tumor impacting his Pituitary Gland.  Giantism is a debilitating condition, and it’s preventable.

    (Treatment: surgery and a Hollywood Muppet makeover session.)
  • Gordon and Bob smoke dope, go to Mike Weir concerts, and support various hemp legalization lobbies. They have medical conditions.  Really.

    (Treatment: enough medical marijuana to stone the entire eastern seaboard.)

Today’s feature article was brought to you by “what the H!”  And the “I stepped in number 2.”

North Pole Packs Up, Moves to the Far East: Discord Discovers Cause!

L. Wolfe

The Earth’s North Magnetic Pole has been guiding navigation for well over a thousand years. Some of the earliest known maps depicting the approximate location of the Earth’s northern pole placed it just off modern day Murmansk. Not to be confused with singer/actress Ethel Mermansk. The exact location of the pole was first discovered by James Clark Ross in 1831 at Cape Adelaide on the Boothia Peninsula in Northern Canada (while playing hockey naked).

Part of the Carta Marina of 1539 by Olaus Magnus, depicting the location of magnetic north vaguely conceived as "Insula Magnetu[m]" (Latin for "Island of Magnets") off modern day Murmansk. The man holding the rune staffs is the Norse hero Starkad.
Part of the Carta Marina of 1539 by Olaus Magnus, depicting the location of magnetic north vaguely conceived as "Insula Magnetu[m]" (Latin for "Island of Magnets") off modern day Murmansk. The man holding the rune staffs is the Norse hero Starkad. Source: Wikipedia.com.
Location of modern day Mermansk.
Location of modern day Mermansk. Source: Wikipedia.com.

Magnetic North, as you probably know, has never been equivalent to the rotational North Pole.  In 1539 magnetic north was located in Mermansk, which is in Northern Russia, and in 1831 it was located in Northern Canada.  You may be asking, what the heck is going on here? Or just: “You idiots at The Daily Discord are geologically challenged!” Well, wait just a darn minute.  It’s geography, not geology for starters…and since its discovery in 1831, there have been several expeditions to verify its location. The most recent continual measurements were conducted by the Canadian government, who may or may not have been playing hockey naked (hint: you should never combine ice skate blades with an unbridled Zamboni).

Those expeditions and measurements have found that the Earth’s North Magnetic Pole is moving, and fast.  So fast, in fact, that in the 20th Century alone it moved over 1,000 kilometers (~700 miles).  That’s about as far as Kevin Smith can fly with Southwest Airline, before being booted off his connecting flight.  Recent measurements confirm that our magnetic pole’s rate of movement is actually accelerating at an alarming rate. Does the Earth’s magnetism have anything to do with the engineers at Toyota?  Such an absurd notion may be closer than you think…

In 1970, the rate of movement of the magnetic north pole was 9 km/yr (~5 miles/yr).  Between 2001 and 2003, its average rate of movement was over 41 km/year (~25 miles/year)! No one seems to have any explanation for this anomaly….until now.  No, I’m not talking about the Ghetto Shaman’s Mayan ancestors swooping in from the center of the galaxy. The skilled scientists here at The Daily Discord do have a viable explanation. It’s a historical fact that magnetic north, when initially discovered, was located in the Eastern Hemisphere within the Arctic Circle.  Since that time, it has been slowly moving westward.  Why?  Simple: ferrous metal (not to be confused with hard rock playing weaselly rodents).

The highest concentrations of human society were located in the Eastern Hemisphere when magnetic north was first discovered.  Subsequently, the Industrial Revolution in England and Europe from the 1600s through the 1900s resulted in large quantities of ferrous metal that ultimately skewed the location of magnetic North (this time, quite by coincidence, I am talking about hard rock playing weaselly rodents). Since magnetic North wasn’t exactly located until 1831, there was no hard data available to support that indication.

Position of magnetic north pole by year
Source: Wikipedia.com

Fast forward into the early 1900s. Not too fast—I was drinking last night.  In the 1900s development in the U.S. was growing at a rapid rate.  By the mid 1900s, the large amount of ferrous metals, then concentrated in the U.S., had been “pulling” magnetic North into the Western Hemisphere.

In the past several decades, China has been growing out of control. The large and increasing concentration of ferrous metals in China are now rapidly “pulling” magnetic North further westward, beyond the influence of the U.S. and its corporate lobbyists.

What’s next, you ask?  By the year 2030, all compasses on Earth will point to Beijing.  You can bet on it. And my second prediction: all blogs will be pointing toward The Discord. 

Discord at the Discord: or, Why as a Contributor I’ve Resorted to Death Threats and Violence

Statue of Daily Discord CEO Pierce Winslow toppled
L. Wolfe

To all of my loyal fans and admirers (both of you), I must first apologize for this out-of-character article.  I know you have all come to expect only the highest level of journalism from me, with deep intellectual reflection and that gritty reporting that exposes the deepest darkest secrets this world has to hide (like Zano).  This article, however, is clearly more of a Crank-style rant.  I am reporting the Discord’s CEO, Pierce Xavier Winslow to Adult Protective Services for his ongoing abuses to contributors, editors, fans, and puppies.

My Discord this day lies with the Daily Discord.  Four score and seven beers ago a few dedicated souls brought forth onto this earth a new internet site–an internet site of the people, by the people, and for the people.  This ezine represented the manifestation of some of the greatest minds one small University in central Pennsylvania could corrupt…that site was the Daily Discord.  Its mission was noble, its goals lofty, and we even hoped for a few bucks to buy some beer at our annual convention, held in the dark forests of PA where Thunderbirds, Big Hoots, and the Owl people still thrive.  That dream, my friends, has been dashed.  There is a dark and evil side of this force, call him an “edictator,” if you will.  Pierce Winslow, my friend, it is you!  I slave over long lunch hours to compile intellectual content and mild comedy for my dedicated audience numbering into the whole integers, and what do I get in return?  “Discord puts freeze on adolescent humor!”, “Discord bans all acronym jokes!”, “Discord Declares War on Coney Island!” (that last one is unconfirmed).  Edictatorial modifications to my masterpieces rivaling a C- on some young child’s Red Rider BB gun Theme paper!  I have had more articles rejected or butchered at the hands of this monster than I can count on two hands!   I wouldn’t be surprised if Winslow just injected some nonsensical sentence into my work about my Fascination with Dolls’ Clothing.  May I mombo dog face to the bannana patch? Then Zano will probably turn it into some lousy acronym joke (FDC).  Then Winslow will censor it.

[Bit censored by Winslow]

The once noble mission of the Daily Discord has been tainted, corrupted, and destroyed almost single-handedly by our edictator! Like that “Master Blaster” abomination in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, Winslow sits atop his beast of a webpage and issues embargos, spews insults, and tears into the work of geniuses (and my work, too!).  I throw my skunky beer at you, silly edictator-king, who was afraid of a Crank, you know! 

[Scene missing]

To top it all off, I PAY FOR THIS ABUSE!!!  Can you believe it?!  It costs me money to submit articles to the Discord!  Winslow is probably putting together his annual invoice as we speak!  And what is the result of all this?  You, my faithful audience, suffer.  Censorship, at its worst.  Why I wouldn’t be surprised if Winslow cuts the next part of this article outright—

[Section deemed not appropriate for some readers]

I ask you, my faithful audience, does “Discord Freezes” and “Discord Bans” and mountains of foul language drivel provide a higher entertainment value than breaking “West Nile Virus” conspiracy news and cutting edge global climate change news?  Express your opinion! (I must admit the Ghetto Shaman is pretty damned funny, when he’s sober). Let the Discord know that L. Wolfe is a key contributor!  I want to be upgraded from bubkis to peanuts, dammit!  Heck, there isn’t even any beer money for our annual convention this year—not to mention peanuts.  What happened to the old days of the Havoc’s Free Beer and Peanuts

I’m not afraid of you Winslow.  I will no longer live in fear and darkness!  Er, you have agreed to put a window in our Discord writer’s dungeon, right?  Release the hounds, release the flying monkeys, release the Cranken for all I care! (The Crank lives under the sea and may be responsible for eating several women tied to rocks).  I for one am sick of being the Smithers to your Montgomery Burns, the Bob Crachett to your Mr. Scrooge, the Sonny to your Cher (but don’t lose the little black dress).

[Zano lost this part]

I ask you to write your congressmen or at least your local postman, and demand better service!   Ask that more L. Wolfe articles be published (Winslow probably has a dozen in his recycle bin; actually he’s an Apple man, so I don’t know what they actually call it). Stand up for my rights!  Help a fellow American down on his luck, at least send beer money!  I am holding a P-Party to show my disdain for Pierce on 3/27 in Searchlight, NV.  Tons of disgruntled people plan to attend.  I may even get Sarah Palin to be my keynote speaker.  Everyone else declined.

[Paragraph marked as Spam and deleted]

Oh, and Pierce, I have made the edits to that article you requested, and the check’s in the mail.  See you at the convention.  I’ll bring the Giant Risk board!  Should we have a sacrifice to the Owl People this year?  Maybe the Ghetto Shaman can keep them at bay with his Mayan mojo.  Just a thought.

Large Hadron Collider Downed by Refried Beans

Large Hadron Collider Downed by Refried Beans
L. Wolfe

A mysterious hand from the future has once again stymied the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, conveniently located on the border of SwitzerFrance.  Well, perhaps it’s not the hand of the future, but the large intestine of the future.  LHC scientists reported start-up of the LHC has, once again, been delayed as a result of unforeseen circumstances.  A year and a half ago it was a mysterious electrical failure, a few months ago it was a baguette-carrying bird.  Now, it seems, refried beans are the culprit.

“Vell, ve had zis celebration party ze ozer day, and zer vaz ze, how you say,  refried bean burrito?” said one obviously French person.   The next morning the control room was reportedly “a buzz wiz ze gas bubbles.” 

“It brought me back to my old Bubble Chamber days at BHL,” stated another, less obviously French person.  “Those boys could really ratchet up the methane.” 

Various sources attested that the celebration was “a real blast,” but that the atmosphere in the control room the next morning was “qvite toxic.”         

Apparently, the combination of methane and hydrogen sulfide being off-gassed by the control room operators that morning was sufficient to knock out several key sensors in the control room, which subsequently led to massive systems failures, some lightheadedness among the operators, and ultimately a complete shut down of the LHC.

Rumors are spreading the LHC will never be operational again, because it is being deliberately sabotaged from the future.  David Tennent, the star of the popular Doctor Who series has been questioned by authorities.  The first Dr. Who has also been questioned, as well as all of the surviving members of the original Doctor Who series.  Several other Time Lords are also the focus of the investigation, including Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap, the entire cast from Sliders, and the unusually intelligent dog, Mr. Peabody, from the old Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoon. 

The CERN physicists have not ruled out a divine intervention from God (him or her)self and are calling this a “negative miracle” so to speak.  The connection between a negative miracle and dark matter is only theoretical but may involve drinking several liters of warm Tab Cola on an empty stomach.  The Discord was unable to get any comment on this “negative miracle” theory from the Pope (who refuses to comment), but a lower ranking individual did indicate that the Vatican would be open to an investigation into whether or not God, or any of his archangels, did indeed have a hand in the LHC demise.  The Discord staff assumes the Vatican would level any and all appropriate charges in the event there is verified malfeasance and bring Him or Her to justice.

Dick Cheney added “If God is behind this, he is not a citizen of the United States, so He/She should face a military tribunal and then He/She should be tortured repeatedly for information.”

Cheney believes that since God is omnipotent this might take considerable time, but the operation is crucial to U.S. security for highly classified reasons.

Meanwhile, CERN officials indicate it could be months before the LHC is up and running again and it may be even longer before food is allowed in the control room.

New Federal Healthcare Insurance Policies Only Benefit Klingons, Siamese Twins, and Earthworms

L. Wolfe

Washington, DC – In June, the Obama Administration released information on the new cardiology healthcare insurance for all Americans.  Additional assurance/quality control reviews, however, reveal that this insurance is only available to Americans with more than one functional heart. 

Mr. Lestan Onest, Esq., fiduciary Lawyer for the Federal Health Care Insurance Fraud Commission, had this to say: “Well, it’s no different than the Cash for Clunkers program and the associated EPA mile-per-gallon review, wherein several car models underwent changes just before the program’s kick off. What we’re really doing is insuring the second heart, the backup heart, so to speak.  So, if for some reason your first heart fails, you can file an application that would cover you in the event your second heart fails at some later date.  It’s really a good program for those Americans with more than one heart.”

When asked if Klingons and Siamese twins would be covered, Mr. Onest stated “Hmmm. I’m not familiar with Klingons. They’re from Eurasia, right?”

When our own Bald Tony explained that Klingons are from Qo’noS (Kronos to us Earthlings) and have two hearts, Mr. Onest countered with, “This program is designed for legal citizens of the United States, current Green Card and Visa holders, and any illegal aliens who have been here receiving other U.S. benefits for five years or more.  That’s probably something you’d need to take up with the immigration office.” 

Bald Tony suggested, “Shouldn’t Universal healthcare cover the greater Universe?”

Mr. Onest begged to differ, but he assured Americans that Siamese twins would be covered under the new program “for sure.”  But, apparently, they would have to identify which twin had the “primary” heart, and which twin had the backup heart that is actually covered.  Also, in this case, since the twins are physically connected, Onest believes that legally they would need to be each other’s beneficiaries. When it was pointed out that generally both twins would die if one heart failed, Mr. Onest stated, “Well, that would be a complicating factor. I suppose they could have a notary public file the claim for the other dead twin, and payment would then be made directly back into the federal fund for any post-mortem cardiological services rendered, since there would be no living beneficiary.” 

When asked about the future of affordable gestational legal services, Onest backpedaled, “Look, not all of the details have obviously been worked out yet, but we are very hopeful that these new policies will benefit some freak or another.”

When Bald Tony questioned how naturalized earthworms are genetically fitted with a multi-chambered heart, Onest replied, “Although the earthworm and other creatures from the annelid family technically qualify for coverage, I believe this is an easily correctable oversight.”

The Obama administration has since released the statement that all extra hearts will be surgically removed from any and all earthworms to compensate for this error. The folks at PETA are outraged about the proposed plan, which they feel constitutes cruelty to earthworms.  They are threatening to “defend against the unnecessary hardship that such surgeries would cause the earthworms and their families.” All of the Obama Administration’s healthcare initiatives are currently undergoing attacks from both the left and the right. Obama’s fourth Kidney coverage plan, KCC-IV, is meeting with similar scrutiny. 

To change the subject a bit, next week the Obama Administration plans to unveil a tax rebate program whereby every qualified American is entitled to a one-time $150,000 tax refund. Indications are, however, that it’s only available to those Americans who haven’t paid any income taxes at all since 1929.  Thus far, only Al Capone would actually be eligible for the program. 

New, Universal Scientific Unit System Unveiled

L. Wolfe

“All this science, I don’t understand; it’s just my job five days a week.”

– Elton John

This week a big breakthrough occurred at the Scientific Homologation, Institution, and Technologies conference in Amsterdam. Attendees have simplified the diverse, often contradicting lexicon of science by integrating all known scientific units into a single measurement system that is more encompassing than the metric system, and far less complicated than the standard system. This new system, known officially as the Integrated Dichotomous Infrastructure or Omniscient Treatise System, depending on which table of scientists you are talking to, has revolutionized the scientific community and has incredible and substantial application to every day life. 

This new universal system of measure both consolidates and integrates via a highly complex matrix mathematical conversion into a single unit of measure, called the What the F#&k, or WTF.  The WTF can now replace any unit of measure, and all units of WTF are universally transmutable. No longer does a person need to worry about converting from one measurement system to another, and no longer does a person need to worry about converting between differing types of units of measure! 

Imagine you’re driving from Las Vegas, NV to the red light district of Los Angeles, CA. (or the Bald Tony Special as we call it at the Discord).  The U.S. uses miles per hour as the standard unit of measure for speed, and Canada uses kilometers per hour.  Before this week, the expeditioustraveler needed to make distracting, complex mental calculations in order to avoid a speeding ticket once across the U.S – Canadian border (did I mention I take the long way?). Under the new system, the conversion is no longer necessary, since both can be expressed in WTF. units. In the new system, driving at a speed of 90 WTF is going to get you a speeding ticket, no matter what country you’re WTF&*^ing in.

Similarly, if our traveler decides to fill the gas tank, how can it be determined if the price of a liquid volume of gasoline is equally as unfair in Canada vs. the U.S.?  Before, there was no easy way to judge, since Canada uses the metric system and dispenses gasoline in liters and the U.S. dispenses gasoline in gallons. Many an unawares American traveler has been taken advantage of in Canada for precisely this reason.  Now, 1 WTF of gasoline in Canada is the same volume as 1 WTF in the U.S., so prices can be directly compared. 

Furthermore, all currency is now expressed in WTF as well. So, a doughnut purchased at Tim Horton’s in Canada costs exactly the same amount as a doughnut purchased at a Dunkin Donuts in the U.S.  In addition, there are no fractional WTFs. All WTFs are in whole units, greatly simplifying everyday activities by eliminating all fractions. Under funded school districts are drooling at the thought of cutting out entire chapters from their mathematics course work. It’s a win win!  

There is only one exception to this whole unit rule.  The petroleum industry was granted approval to sell gasoline in 9/10 WTF increments (0.9).  They argued that their largest customers needed the flexibility to purchase gasoline in these quantities in some circumstances. So you purchase 1 WTF of gasoline, you only actually get 0.9 WTF.  You may be saying to yourself, BWTF?  Since currency is only issued in whole WTF units, very small quantity purchases of gasoline (e.g., for your car) exclusively benefit the petroleum industry.

Note: There is currently a correction committee meeting at the Exxon negotiation facilities located in Maui, HI to come up with a fair an equitable correction to this oversight.  It is feared that if this is not dealt with before Americans stop learning fractions, the problem may never be resolved.

While covering the story in Amsterdam, I caught up with a group of research scientists at the Grasshopper, a coffee shop at 15 Franklinstraat, located across the street from the convention center.  One unnamed scientist claims, when numbers of WTF get extremely large, there are spontaneous, unexpected units of measure that fall out of the these complex calculations.  These units of measure must be real, because there are no other ways to account for them.  They include the “GTFOH.1” and the “NFW.2”. By far the most unstable version is the “AYFKM.3”, which often results in major problems in any transaction or conversion.

The scientist added, “Please don’t tell my wife, I’m still here.”

Despite some theoretical pitfalls, the sheer elegance of this system, and its immediate impact on the global economy, is immeasurable, literally, as such impact would now be measured in WTF units.

As the Daily Discord’s own Dr. Sterling Hogbein noted “See what can happen when a group of scientists get together in a place like Amsterdam to really focus on a problem?”

This reporter couldn’t agree more. Amsterdam truly is where the really important stuff gets hashed out.

1 – Get The F#&@ Outta’ here

2 – No F#&@ing Way

3 – Are You F#&@ing Kidding Me

Peter Sellers had it Right:  Swine Flu 101

L. Wolfe

With all this talk of swine flu, pandemics, surgical masks, and violent testicular eruptions (VTE), I just wanted to point out a flu things you should know:

  1. Swine flu does not cause violent testicular eruptions, except in lab mice.
  2. Surgical masks are a freaking JOKE.  If you really think a paper surgical mask with leaking gaps all around the interface between it and your face are going to prevent you from being exposed to a sub-micron sized virus, I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you in Alaska. Surgical masks are designed to keep particulate-sized droplets of spit from spraying out of a surgeon’s mouth and into your gaping chest when doctors are performing that bypass surgery you needed after your ill conceived Big Mac eating contest. They cannot and do not stop you from inhaling airborne bacteria or viruses (or inhaling Big Macs for that matter). If you wear a surgical mask it does a far better job at protecting me from you than it does protecting you from me. And I own an Uzi, which further complicates things.  On the other hand, surgical masks may make women think you’re a doctor, which should moderately improve your chances of getting laid tonight.
  3. Don’t eat pork.  Pigs are cloven-hoofed animals anyway, and everyone knows eating the meat will give you swine flu.  Really?  Have we all porked our educations that badly?
  4. Don’t eat horse meat. You’ll catch Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis (VEE).  Really.
  5. The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic killed somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty million people.  There are over six billion people on the planet now.  Therefore, even if the Swine flu kills as many people as the 1918 flu, that is only 0.3% of the world’s population. Just trimming the fat from a historical perspective. That equates to approximately 1 person per 300.  McDooris can kill more than that with one malt-liquor-enhanced beer-fart and, no, the mask won’t help (I tried it my sophomore year). And don’t talk to me about percentages of the 1918 population and percentages of the current population, you’re either on my side or you’re on the side of the virus.  Stay the horse.
  6. This is not The Stand.
  7. Every year in the U.S., over 20,000 people die from the flu. This number can be as high as 50,000 deaths each year, depending upon how you link flu-related deaths and you’re ability to effectively use an abacus.  That’s the “normal” flu we are all used to.  It’s irresponsible for mainstream media sources to be blowing this swine flu thing so far out of proportion.  Yes, WHO is tracking a potentially serious flu outbreak; yes, some precautions are necessary; yes, some people will die, but, no, it is not necessary to scare the crap out of everyone.  That will happen naturally, after you contract the flu. On the Brightside, think of the money you will save on colon cleansing products.  Besides, hyping nonsensical news items is our job. You mainstream media people keep to biased reporting and quit encroaching on our turf!  After all, we have, in true alpha male fashion, pissed in every virtual corner of this website.   This is another reason Winslow should stop paying the Ghetto Shaman in malt liquor products.
  8. The best thing anyone can do is wash their hands.  Wash them often.  People are freaking disgusting in my opinion. I have sat in the public crapper many times, in my traditional Senator Craig-like wide stance, and heard some gross bastard drop a juicy loosie, wipe insufficiently, and walk right out without so much as turning on the faucet. (He’s probably the same guy making your Big Macs, by the way).  Wash your goddam’ hands you gross, degenerate! And not just after the bathroom; wash them often.  Remember, that gross bastard has to open doors with the same door handles you do. (Another disgusting side note: your olfactory sense functions by detecting small particles that create a sensation of smell. So, if you smell that disgusting bastard in the crapper, well, I’m sure your surgical mask blocks that little particle. It’s certainly bigger than a virus, and therefore you can’t smell it; or can you?).  
  9. Lastly, don’t freak out.  Don’t go all Pierce Winslow on us.  Do be sensible: wash your hands; keep your kids informed but not hysterical; and by all means keep spending money to stimulate the economy.  This isn’t the Black Death. Flogging yourself won’t beat out the demons, and the death carts won’t be rolling through your streets anytime soon.  Unless, of course, my itchy Uzi trigger finger says otherwise.  Look at it this way: when it’s all said and done the human race will be a little stronger for it and we may lose some of those gross, never-washing-their-hands degenerates.  Peter Sellers had it right when he said, “this is a swine flu, but this too shall pass.”

The Dimming Dilemma

L. Wolfe

Al Gore and the environmental stewards of the world have been pushing us to stop burning fossil fuels before we all shrivel under Venus-like greenhouse effects into tiny crispy-critter char-balls (CCCBs).  OK, Alfonso, we all agree something needs to be done.  We all want to reduce our carbon footprint, although maybe in the U.S. “carbon ass-print” is more like it. One option, which I have written about previously here at the Discord, is wind energy.  Certainly breaking wind makes us all feel better.  But, solar energy is another option recently championed by the green meanies.

“Solar energy, the ultimate sustainable energy source!” they say.  “Free energy!” they say.  “A hybrid in every pot!” they say.   “Free sustainable hydroponic pot energy!” they say.   Sorry.

But whoa, cowboy, there are problems with solar, too.  Al Gore and his one million in Nobel Prize money won’t say it, though.  First, there is a significant carbon ass-print associated with the manufacturing of solar panels.  Second, there are all those batteries that are needed to store the energy for all those times when and where the sun don’t shine.  Batteries have a HUGE carbon ass-print, and beyond that, they have all those nasty heavy (and very toxic) metals in them, like Algorite.  But there is another more troubling problem with solar power in this age of fossil fuelism, a phenomenon known as Global Dimming. 

You’ve never heard of Global Dimming?  No.  Sorry.  We are not talking about that child left behind.

Didn’t you watch An Inconvenient Truth?  Oh, that’s right, good ‘ol Al ‘forgot’ to mention it.  Perhaps it ended up on the cutting room floor in favor of the segment on the long history of the Gore family farm, or the segment on the sister who died of lung cancer.  Or, more likely, it wasn’t discussed because Global Dimming is sort of an inconvenient truth for An Inconvenient Truth.  It would damper some of the green crowd’s enthusiasm if people actually understood this phenomenon.

So what is Global Dimming, you ask?  Well, surprisingly, it is one of the primary factors that have proven that global warming (oops, sorry, that’s not PC) global climate change is occurring and is directly related to human activity.  Here is the 30-second overview (or the 30-minute, if you’re that child left behind):

  • In the 1950s, an Israeli scientist conducted detailed measurements of the Sun’s energy in order to improve evaporation calculations and design better irrigation systems in Israel.  The study was very thorough and included dozens of locations throughout Israel.
  • In the 1980s, that same scientist conducted the same studies again at the same locations in Israel.  He found that the Sun’s energy reaching the earth’s surface had been REDUCED by over 4% from the levels measured in the 1950s. “Holy Milk and Honey, Batman!”  So, he went back and checked everything about the 1950 and 1980s experiments and found that he had done everything right.  Indeed, the Sun’s energy reaching the Earth was definitely 4% less than in the 1950s.
  • Why is this reverse trend happening?  Increased volcanic activity?  Cyclical changes in the suns output?  Zamboni Gypsies?  Shit goblins? No…but those are all good answers.  How about particulate pollution from the burning of fossil fuels?  Huh?  This is the correct answer. All we are saying is give smog a chance.
  • After publishing his findings, this scientist was ridiculed by many and berated as a crackpot.  A decade later, however, substantial lines of evidence from all over the world were vindicating his study and providing additional lines of evidence.
  • In the 1990s, an intensive multinational effort was conducted that proved, beyond a shadow of a shit goblin, that particulate pollution from the burning of fossil fuels has indeed led to the 4% reduction in the sun’s energy reaching the earth’s surface over much of the globe.

So what are the consequences of this global dimming?

One truly frightening revelation is this: without global dimming, the effects of global warming (er, climate change) would be significantly more obvious to us than it is today.  In fact, global dimming, and its associated cooling effect on the Earth, has actually tempered the heating effect of greenhouse gases.  One obvious problem becomes this: the moment we actually start reducing fossil fuel pollution, there is likely going to be a significant spike in the heating effect of the current levels of greenhouse gas as the amount of our sun’s energy reaching the Earth’s surface increases dramatically. 

How is that for irony?  And that’s real irony, not the Alanis Morissette kind of irony, which really isn’t irony at all; isn’t that ironic?  Don’t ya think?

Second, global dimming actually significantly decreases the effectiveness of solar energy sources.  Be it photovoltaic cells or reflective heating technologies, global dimming decreases the effectiveness of these alternative energy solutions and makes them much less cost effective, which, in turn, means you need more batteries, more plastics, more this, more that, and next thing you know we are all sitting in Cabana chairs sipping boat drinks by some shriveled up Lake in Saskatchewan looking at a stuffed Polar Bear and thinking to ourselves, wow, they must have lived with those Mastodon thingies back in the day.

Pass me another boat drink, will ya’?  Whew, it’s hot.  Oh, we’re out of water and ice…all right, straight-up then.