Comprehensive Immigration Reform For Demies
by Pokey McDooris •
As our nation’s orthodox consciousness becomes corroded by Progressivism, words lose their meaning. Most Republicans are also falling into this senselessness. One perfect example is immigration reform. Democrats tell us that our immigration is “broken,” and therefore we need “comprehensive immigration reform.” On the surface, there’s some truth in that. Look Zano, I don’t disagree with your view of the state of our politics, my concern is in our ability to meaningfully engage on issues of concern. You are to “meaningful political discourse” as The Ghetto Shaman is to spiritual enlightenment. Bloghisattva?
Dear Zano: You Make An Over-Caffeinated Squirrel With ADHD Seem Attentive
by Pokey McDooris •
I must say, Zano, ninety percent of what you write has nothing to do with my articles and the other ten percent seems to involve midget porn. Back in the day, when we’d watch the McLaughlin Group, I don’t remember that being such a prominent issue in world affairs. We need to find a way to agree on the basics! On this rag, you always seem like you’re debating some fundamentalist caricature of myself. You did recently make one very important point. You identified the third reason for Trump’s appeal as the dissatisfaction of both Republicans and Democrats. At least we can agree on that. I have my own list of key problems our country faces and, no surprise, it differs from yours.
It’s The Constitution, Zano, Not Your Articles Of Degeneration
by Pokey McDooris •
You have nerve ridiculing the Republican primary process, Zano. You want to sound like you’re backing Bernie Sanders until he might actually win and then you start back peddling faster than Lance Armstrong in a sharknado. “But I danno if Sanders is electable in the general election.” Boo hoo. This is code for Closeted Hillary Supporter (CHS). Last year, I thought the election would come down to a stale contest between ‘Clinton v Bush.’ The Republicans have at least rejected a return to the past, yet Hillary Clinton remains the Dem darling. How is that progressive? Speaking of Progressive, my dream ticket is Flo and that guy from those Sonic commercials. Now they could really bring back America…with Freedom fries.
Why is The Donald Trump-Towering Over All His Opponents?
by Pokey McDooris •
If you know so much, Mr. Zano, then why is Trump remaining so popular? It seems all of your little cartoons haven’t made a dent in old Orange Helmet. I have not been a fan of Trump. In fact, I have not spoken a word in support of his run for the Presidency. I see Trump as simply a more efficient version of President Barack Obama and, if our president were any more efficient, he’d be a dictator. Amen, for those ‘liberal’ portions of incompetence and inefficiency.
Zano Is Undermining Traditional Family Values: Especially On Weekends
by Pokey McDooris •
Zano is trying to label me as a Republican Fundamentalist. I am neither. However I do hold to the fundamental principles found in the Constitution and the Catholic faith. I can’t say that I disagree with Zano’s last post because, as usual, the scant specifics he offers come in the form of ‘knock knock’ jokes. If wit truly is “educated insolence” than let’s educate Zano, so someday his wit reaches some level of relevance. Many Americans have learned to doubt the facts the ‘experts’ espouse, because so often their facts have fallen short. One such Obama Administration fact is this, “The average family would annually save 2,500 under Obamacare.” See Zano, that’s a specific? It’s a specific claim that has proven to be false.
Open Up and Say “Ahhhhhh”
by Pokey McDooris •
Since both the Republican and the Democrats are owned by the economic enemies of this Republic, why do I choose to support the Republicans over the Democrats? The truth is that the Democrats are further along in their infiltration and indoctrination and thus have a more perverted effect on the younger generations who truly are the future of this nation. Zano’s Discord Nation need not apply.
Argumentative Deficiencies and the Zano Doctrine
by Pokey McDooris •
All right, Zano, it’s time for me to present a quarterly assessment all your logical fallacies and argumentative deficiencies. This should give you another ideal opportunity to avoid, distract, and otherwise dance around the principled points and positions—namely mine—in the guise of something that remotely resembles humor. You’re funny, Zano, but not “Ha, Ha” funny.
From Common Core to Common CAIR
by Pokey McDooris •
The Civil Wrong Movement
by Pokey McDooris •